Čigon, Ana
No. 1124
"Dear Ladies, Thank You (Kapelica Gallery)"
Artist: Čigon, Ana
Title: Dear Ladies, Thank You (Kapelica Gallery)
Subtitle: Digital performance
Duration: 00:05:06
Year: 2011
Genre: Documentary video / Performance
Production: Galerija Kapelica


DEAR LADIES, THANK YOU - Ljubljana (second version) Performance presented in Kapelica Gallery 2011 Idea, performance and technology: Ana Čigon Additional technical support and programming: Vasja Progar

The performance Dear Ladies, Thank You critically addresses the issues of (in)visibility of women artists in the art world. Instead of addressing my critique directly to the public sphere, and instead of analysing statistical facts about the presence of women artists' works in contemporary art institutions, or the presence of women artists in art history books, art critique text, etc., I have taken myself - my memory/knowledge as a criterion and object of analysis. The reason for analysing the personal memory/knowledge was the comprehension of the subjectivity as the construction of public, political, and social sphere. My thesis was that the examination of one's memory, her/his knowledge, and behaviour, could reveal deeper structures and underlying ideology of the society the particular subject is part of. The performance Dear Ladies, Thank You was made in various formally and conceptually different variations. The variation in Kapelica Gallery in Ljubljana was the second one. The beginning of this performance started long before the actual event when I wrote down on a piece of paper as many artists' names as I could think of. By doing this 'memory test' I came up with 126 male artists' names and 34 female artists' names. After learning that such a small percentage of the artists I remembered/knew, were women, I decided to make a statement about this problem by learning the same amount of female artist names by heart (as I knew of male artists) and make a representation of this act in a performance. I chose to act on the imbalanced state in the art world by radically shaping and balancing my own memory. For the performance in Kapelica Gallery, I learned 126 names of women artists in a predefined order. When looking for new female artists to learn I tried to look for artists who once were known or should now be known because of their achievements. Besides their names, I also learned basic facts about their work and biography. The names of 126 male artists were written on the gallery floor before the beginning of the performance. During the performance, I spoke out the names of the 126 female artists I learned, and at the same time wrote their names down on the floor, filling this way the empty gaps between other (male) artists. The performance also involved using a head-mounted wireless camera that constantly filmed my face, a projection that showed the image of my face true the perforation of the artist's names, and dynamic lightning of the space that reacted to the speed and quantity of my writing. The technology was used to convey the idea about the issue of forgetfulness of art history and art theory. (Source: Ana Čigon)

Ana Čigon - Rebellious EssenceAna Čigon - Rebellious EssenceAna Čigon - Rebellious Essence
Ana Čigon - Rebellious Essence (00:04:59)
Production: A.Č., 2017
A cat walks into the Office of the Ministry for Cat Affairs and requests for a passport. All goes pretty well until the female and male cat clerks demand to know the cat's sex. (Source: Ana Čigon) 
Ana Čigon - Ana at the StationAna Čigon - Ana at the StationAna Čigon - Ana at the Station
Ana Čigon - Ana at the Station (00:05:30)
Production: 2016
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Ana Čigon, Saša Spačal, Ida Hiršenfelder - Flow (trailer) (00:55:35 (trailer, 00:02:57))
Production: RAMPA Laboratorij, koprodukcija RTV Slovenija, 2016
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Ana Čigon - Remembering the OthersAna Čigon - Remembering the OthersAna Čigon - Remembering the Others
Ana Čigon - Remembering the Others (00:45:54)
Production: Ana Čigon, Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina - Kosovo, Mestna galerija Ljubljana, 2015
Remembering the Others is a documentary about the meaning and power of public monuments. In the film students, artists, theoreticians and activists from Prishtina, Kosovo talk about the meaning of monuments. Which people have the privilege to be represent...
Ana Čigon - OHOHOAna Čigon - OHOHOAna Čigon - OHOHO
Ana Čigon - OHOHO (00:01:30)
Production: Ana Čigon, 2015
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Ana Čigon - Ask for the MoonAna Čigon - Ask for the MoonAna Čigon - Ask for the Moon
Ana Čigon - Ask for the Moon (00:01:15)
Production: A.Č., 2015
The video is a short feminist comment on astronomical obstacles blocking the way towards gender equality. (Source: Ana Čigon)
Ana Čigon - Heroinat / HeroinesAna Čigon - Heroinat / HeroinesAna Čigon - Heroinat / Heroines
Ana Čigon - Heroinat / Heroines (00:15:00)
Production: Ana Čigon, Stacion Center for Contemporary Arts, Mestna galerija Ljubljana , 2015
Heroinat / Heroines is a short documentary film on the erection of a problematic monument, which was uncovered in 2015 in Prishtina. It was dedicated to the women that contributed in the war of 1998-99 in Kosovo and all the women that were victims of sexu...
Ana Čigon - FranckaAna Čigon - FranckaAna Čigon - Francka
Ana Čigon - Francka (00:01:13)
Production: Ana Čigon, 2015
The idea for animation was created at the feminist assembly Feminism to the Streets, which was held in Ljubljana in 2014. On that occasion, the participants exclaimed various slogans, among them also 'Franckas Today Are Running Faster'. Francka...
Ana Čigon - MachoAna Čigon - MachoAna Čigon - Macho
Ana Čigon - Macho (00:03:00)
Production: Ana Čigon, 2015
An animation of what is happening in the macho world, if someone walks through it, who is not a macho. In the animation, a cat is walking through Ljubljana and is admiring the monuments in the city. The monuments are cat cartoon versions of real monument...
Ana Čigon - Dear Ladies, Thank You – Red DawnsAna Čigon - Dear Ladies, Thank You – Red DawnsAna Čigon - Dear Ladies, Thank You – Red Dawns
Ana Čigon - Dear Ladies, Thank You – Red Dawns (00:12:30)
Production: KUD Mreža, 2013
Dear Ladies, Thank You is an evolving performance that has been presented in several variations. The common thread that connects all versions is the discourse of the under-representation of women in art history, art theory, art institutions, and in the br...
YEARS 2 decades present
Ana Čigon Teja Reba Leja Jurišić Saša Spačal Barbara  Kapelj Osredkar Ida Hiršenfelder Cristiana Arena Brina Torkar
Saša Spačal - Myconnect
Saša Spačal - Myconnect (00:14:27)
Saša Spačal, Muzej sodo..., 2016
Saša Spačal - 7K: new life form
Saša Spačal - 7K: new life form (00:10:13)
Saša Spačal, Muzej sodo..., 2016
Saša Spačal - Liminoid
Saša Spačal - Liminoid (00:08:08)
Saša Spačal, Muzej sodo..., 2016
Saša Spačal - Syncness
Saša Spačal - Syncness (00:11:11)
Saša Spačal, Muzej sodo..., 2016
Saša Spačal - Mycophone_unison
Saša Spačal - Mycophone_unison (00:14:27)
Saša Spačal, Muzej sodo..., 2016
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