Gruden, Aleksandra Saška
No. 1136
Artist: Gruden, Aleksandra Saška
Title: Self-portrait
Duration: 00:01:54
Year: 2001
Genre: Art video

The video shows the artist wearing a see through mask, which partially covers and deforms her face. A slow rotating camera and the disruption created by the movement add a grotesque and secretive atmosphere to the recording. The black-and-white video is occasionally covered by the disruptions in colour spots, which bring a premonition of a crossing into another reality.
(Source: A. S. Gruden)

Aleksandra Saška Gruden - Come to me....Aleksandra Saška Gruden - Come to me....Aleksandra Saška Gruden - Come to me....
Aleksandra Saška Gruden - Come to me.... (04:02)
Production: Aleksandra Saška Gruden, MOM, Narodni dom, 2020
The video work was made from the eponymous spacial art project, in which the author focuses on messages sent by users of dating sites to selected sympathies. Attention is focused on written texts, which in short sentences, sometimes several semantic texts,...
Aleksandra Saška Gruden - If I tell I'll dieAleksandra Saška Gruden - If I tell I'll dieAleksandra Saška Gruden - If I tell I'll die
Aleksandra Saška Gruden - If I tell I'll die (00:08:44)
Production: 2014
Video work is a part of a multimedia project with the same name, cunducted in Celje in 2014. In both its segments the project deals with shame. The video, which accompanied a performance at the happening shows a woman facing a wall and talking about thing...
Aleksandra Saška Gruden - BijemAleksandra Saška Gruden - BijemAleksandra Saška Gruden - Bijem
Aleksandra Saška Gruden - Bijem (00:03:55)
Production: 2005
Na videu je posnet goli trebuh, v sredini se vidi popek preko katerega počasi v krožnih gibih polzita roki. Masiranje trebuha povzroča, da se koža guba in razteguje in ustvarja enakomerno gibanje tkiva pod dlanema. Kratek video je izsek enournega posn...
Aleksandra Saška Gruden - Dialectical relationshipAleksandra Saška Gruden - Dialectical relationshipAleksandra Saška Gruden - Dialectical relationship
Aleksandra Saška Gruden - Dialectical relationship (00:12:39)
Video work is a part of a multimedia deploy conducted in 2013 in Centralna postaja in Maribor. As a part of an exhibition the video problematizes the representation of womanliness. Video – partially edited, recorded in real time and space, follows the...
YEARS 4 decades present
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