Vesna Bukovec
No. 1202
"When I wake up, I am going to create something beautiful"
Artist: Vesna Bukovec
Title: When I wake up, I am going to create something beautiful
Duration: 00:04:00
Year: 2011
Genre: Art video
Production: Vesna Bukovec


The video poetically explores creative self-censorship and the issues encountered when searching for new ideas. Flickering night shots of blossoming plants in the forest symbolise flashing and passing of thoughts, concepts and images that arise the moment before we fall asleep. (Source: Vesna Bukovec)

Vesna Bukovec - Kaj je nevarnost?Vesna Bukovec - Kaj je nevarnost?Vesna Bukovec - Kaj je nevarnost?
Vesna Bukovec - Kaj je nevarnost? (02:00)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
Kako govoriti o nevarnosti v neslavnem letu 2020? Kratek vizualni dnevnik različnih nevarnosti od pandemije koronavirusa do izkoriščanja, nasilja, podnebnih sprememb in lažnih novic.Video je nastal na povabilo FemLink-Art, za mednarodni video ko...
Vesna Bukovec - What is danger?Vesna Bukovec - What is danger?Vesna Bukovec - What is danger?
Vesna Bukovec - What is danger? (02:00)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
How to speak about danger in the infamous year 2020 ? A short and intensive visual diary of the many dangers ranging from coronavirus pandemic to exploitation, violence, climate change and fake news.The video was made by invitation to participate in the F...
Vesna Bukovec - And yet I do bother (exhibition)Vesna Bukovec - And yet I do bother (exhibition)Vesna Bukovec - And yet I do bother (exhibition)
Vesna Bukovec - And yet I do bother (exhibition) (11:25)
Production: Vesna Bukovec, Galerija GONG, 2020
The video was created as an adapted form of a solo exhibition In vendar me briga / And yet I do bother at the GONG Gallery in Nova Gorica in December 2020, when cultural institutions were closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Works included the exhibition...
Vesna Bukovec - Briga me ... / I can't be bothered ...Vesna Bukovec - Briga me ... / I can't be bothered ...Vesna Bukovec - Briga me ... / I can't be bothered ...
Vesna Bukovec - Briga me ... / I can't be bothered ... (03:09)
Production: Vesna Bukovec, 2018
The video presents a series of 19 scanned drawings, originally drawn in ink, one after the other on a long roll of paper. In addition to the common title Briga me... / I can't be bothered..., the individual drawings have their own title, which appears bef...
Vesna Bukovec - Zlorabljeni pojmiVesna Bukovec - Zlorabljeni pojmiVesna Bukovec - Zlorabljeni pojmi
Vesna Bukovec - Zlorabljeni pojmi (00:02:00)
Production: Vesna Bukovec, 2016
The video was part of solo exhibition Exploanation at Alkatraz Gallery in 2016. The exhibition addressed rising intolerance and hate speech aimed at refugees and migrants. Videoanimation consists of a series of words abused by nationalistic, populist and...
Vesna Bukovec - CircularVesna Bukovec - CircularVesna Bukovec - Circular
Vesna Bukovec - Circular (00:03:40)
Production: Vesna Bukovec, 2016
Video Okrožnica / Circular is a simple animation of spinning circle. A preloader is familiar to all computer and Internet users. The aim of the spinning circle animation is to inform the user that certain process is taking place in the background even th...
Vesna Bukovec - The UnbearableVesna Bukovec - The UnbearableVesna Bukovec - The Unbearable
Vesna Bukovec - The Unbearable (00:04:05)
Production: Vesna Bukovec, 2014
This world is not a nice place. The video is a personal list of all the things unbearable to me and worth protesting against. Video animation consists of white text on black background with the sound of Slovene uprising protests 2012/2013. (Source: Vesna Bu...
Vesna Bukovec - Ko se zbudim, bom naredila nekaj lepegaVesna Bukovec - Ko se zbudim, bom naredila nekaj lepegaVesna Bukovec - Ko se zbudim, bom naredila nekaj lepega
Vesna Bukovec - Ko se zbudim, bom naredila nekaj lepega (00:04:00)
Production: Vesna Bukovec, 2011
The video is a poetic statement of self-censorship and difficulties encountered in the search for new ideas.
Vesna Bukovec - Moje sanje, lepo stanovanje / The Happiest Apartment in the WorldVesna Bukovec - Moje sanje, lepo stanovanje / The Happiest Apartment in the WorldVesna Bukovec - Moje sanje, lepo stanovanje / The Happiest Apartment in the World
Vesna Bukovec - Moje sanje, lepo stanovanje / The Happiest Apartment in the World (00:04:08)
Production: V.B., 2010
A dream of a woman is shown in long static shots, which are fast-forwarded and thus emphasize the repetitive movements of browsing through home decorating magazines. The fast forwarded shots don't have a humorous effect but a rather neurotic one. The imag...
Vesna Bukovec - Personal AdviceVesna Bukovec - Personal AdviceVesna Bukovec - Personal Advice
Vesna Bukovec - Personal Advice (00:00:59)
Production: V.B., 2010
Personal advice first seems like a secret being revealed by a soft voice, telling us to take its advice. This advice is a completely absurd series of words, which as we soon find out is taken out of astrological forecasts. Visual representation of the vid...
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