Keiko Miyazaki
No. 1358
"What Is Your Fetish?"
Artist: Keiko Miyazaki
Title: What Is Your Fetish?
Duration: 00:06:41
Year: 2018
Genre: Documentary video / Art video
Production: K.M.

This video was shown in the Center of contemporary art, gallery Račka in Celje 2018 as a part of documentational material of the artwork. It is an interview documentary video. The interviewees are coming from different backgrounds and different generations, ages and genders. They are from Slovenia, Japan, and England. They are describing their sexual fetishes and fantasies. Their intimate stories are very personal and secretive. In the end the artist shows how fetish reviles a lot of personal background informations and how fetish influenced our experiences in the childhood. The interviewees speak in their mother language with Slovene subtitle. (Source: Keiko Miyazaki)

 SCCA-Ljubljana, Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tratnik, Keiko Miyazaki - Video evening with DIVA Station: Andreja Džakušič, SIVA and IvAnKe SCCA-Ljubljana, Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tratnik, Keiko Miyazaki - Video evening with DIVA Station: Andreja Džakušič, SIVA and IvAnKe SCCA-Ljubljana, Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tratnik, Keiko Miyazaki - Video evening with DIVA Station: Andreja Džakušič, SIVA and IvAnKe
SCCA-Ljubljana, Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tratnik, Keiko Miyazaki - Video evening with DIVA Station: Andreja Džakušič, SIVA and IvAnKe (57:47)
Production: SCCA–Ljubljana, Galerija Photon, 2021
Video Evening with DIVA Station are live events organized by SCCA-Ljubljana and Photon Gallery with screenings and talks by artists included in the DIVA Station archive. In the time of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic we prepared an adapted dig...
 Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Stealing Land Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Stealing Land Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Stealing Land
Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Stealing Land (07:15)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
The performance Stealing Land Dr Xenia performs on the land of the former Rakuš mill in Celje, a textbook example of capital appetites for plots in good locations, which evict ideas of non-profit spaces for culture intended for common and public go...
 Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - The House of Cards Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - The House of Cards Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - The House of Cards
Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - The House of Cards (06:45)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
In the performance The House of Cards, Dr Xenia does not travel north or west by train, but in a south-easterly direction. On the route that led to Kumrovec in the previous country, but ends at the last station in front of the Croatian border in the new c...
 Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Man, Don't Get Angry Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Man, Don't Get Angry Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Man, Don't Get Angry
Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Man, Don't Get Angry (19:34)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
Man, Don't Get Angry is first and foremost a feminist response to the familiar image of (dressed) Marcel Duchamp and (naked) Eva Babitz's chess game from 1963. It is also a reference to the performance Mojca ärgere dich nicht, which was performed by Pe...
 Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Fart Roulette Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Fart Roulette Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Fart Roulette
Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Fart Roulette (06:39)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
The performance Fart Roulette is actually a picnic on the grass, which can be reminiscent of Manet's famous painting, although this time, everyone present is dressed. The title refers to Russian roulette, and the authors shoot farts instead of bullets. Th...
 Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Rights for Our Fights Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Rights for Our Fights Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Rights for Our Fights
Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Rights for Our Fights (11:12)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
The fifth in a series of performances - its title is also the title of the exhibition - is the only one where Dr Xenia performs live with audience participation. This performance is also defined by the space, the four corners of the Alakatraz Gallery form...
 Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh,  SIVA,  IvAn - Archive Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh,  SIVA,  IvAn - Archive Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh,  SIVA,  IvAn - Archive
Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh, SIVA, IvAn - Archive (22:45)
Production: Siva, Ivanke, Ivan, Anko, 2021
The video is an archival overview of recordings and photographs of joint public actions and performances by artists Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik and artist Simon Macuh in the period from 2010 to 2021 in the framework of their var...
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Keiko Miyazaki - A Hole (00:01:58)
Production: K.M. & SCCA-Ljubljana, 2018
This video is about the Japanese concept of MA in conversation. Ma roughly means "gap", "space", "pause" or "the space between two structural parts." In our daily life we are experiencing MA either positively or in a negative way. MA is in the purposeful...
YEARS 2 decades present
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