Peter Cerovšek, Neža Grum, Matevž Jerman; Luksuz produkcija
No. 1426
"We have all been here since forever"
Artist: Peter Cerovšek, Neža Grum, Matevž Jerman; Luksuz produkcija
Title: We have all been here since forever
Duration: 12:18
Year: 2016
Genre: Experimental video / Art Film / Art video
Production: Luksuz produkcija


"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." H.P. Lovecraft (Source: Luksuz produkcija)

Matevž Jerman, Peter Cerovšek - Ljubljana je Berlin (SBO)Matevž Jerman, Peter Cerovšek - Ljubljana je Berlin (SBO)Matevž Jerman, Peter Cerovšek - Ljubljana je Berlin (SBO)
Matevž Jerman, Peter Cerovšek - Ljubljana je Berlin (SBO) (03:18)
Production: SBO, 2021
By quoting well-known scenes from music videos, the video Ljubljana je Berlin (Ljubljana is Berlin) pays homage to the rich history of Slovenian music bands and the diverse visual and technological aesthetics of their videos from the beginning of the genr...
Peter Cerovšek - Fundaments (trailer)Peter Cerovšek - Fundaments (trailer)Peter Cerovšek - Fundaments (trailer)
Peter Cerovšek - Fundaments (trailer) (1:41)
Production: EnaBanda, 2018
The director of the film follows the construction of a luxury hotel through his kitchen window. Fragments of the dissolution of his relationship unintentionally sneak into the recorded material and shake the very foundations of the film. (Source: EnaBanda) &...
Peter Cerovšek - TrailsPeter Cerovšek - TrailsPeter Cerovšek - Trails
Peter Cerovšek - Trails (07:00)
Production: 2015
Eksperimentalni kratki film je sestavljen iz niza kratkih sekvenc, posnetih s telefonom in kamero. Posnetki pogledov skozi okno ob potovanju z vlakom, avtobusom in gondolo se izmenjujejo z izpisovanjem besedila na temni podlagi – vsebino kratkih tel...
Peter Cerovšek,  Luksuz produkcija - The RunnerPeter Cerovšek,  Luksuz produkcija - The RunnerPeter Cerovšek,  Luksuz produkcija - The Runner
Peter Cerovšek, Luksuz produkcija - The Runner (5:39)
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2015
The first breath is a decision. Each subsequent breath is a struggle for a goal that remains unseen. A struggle for life. He is a former long distance runner. He reveals his suffering, pain, and effort, all of which are crucial elements of each and every...
Peter Cerovšek,  Luksuz produkcija - Kralj falaflaPeter Cerovšek,  Luksuz produkcija - Kralj falaflaPeter Cerovšek,  Luksuz produkcija - Kralj falafla
Peter Cerovšek, Luksuz produkcija - Kralj falafla (05:25)
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2013
Abid Shaar came from Palestine to Slovenia more than twenty years ago. He opened a Falafel restaurant in the center of Ljubljana. His daughter, born in Slovenia, works in the restaurant. (Source: Luksuz produkcija)
 SCCA-Ljubljana, Matevž Jerman - Back2Back: Matevž Jerman – Rendezvous with the Past SCCA-Ljubljana, Matevž Jerman - Back2Back: Matevž Jerman – Rendezvous with the Past SCCA-Ljubljana, Matevž Jerman - Back2Back: Matevž Jerman – Rendezvous with the Past
SCCA-Ljubljana, Matevž Jerman - Back2Back: Matevž Jerman – Rendezvous with the Past (01:34:21)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2022
The online event consists of an introductory talk between the head of the DIVA Station Peter Cerovšek and Matevž Jerman folowed by the curated program Rendezvous with the Past:- Jasna Hribernik, Carte Postale, 1997- Bratko Bibič, In the Family Ga...
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Matevž Jerman - Remains - Confessions to the Ghosts (40:08)
Production: Gustav film, 2019
Niko Novak’s songs inhabit and carve out the physical and interpersonal landscapes and distances discarded by another film – with sound, melody, expressiveness and voice weaved into dark, balladic rock. Something highly amorphous, intangible,...
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Matevž Jerman - Rain (Bombyx Lori) (04:18)
Production: Temporama, 2019
Matevž Jerman - BBY (MRFY)
Matevž Jerman - BBY (MRFY) (04:21)
Production: Warehouse Collective, 2019
Matevž Jerman - Colours (NOAIR)Matevž Jerman - Colours (NOAIR)Matevž Jerman - Colours (NOAIR)
Matevž Jerman - Colours (NOAIR) (04:28)
Production: Warehouse Collective, 2018
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