Video polje je reducirano na krog. Reducirano zato ker je še vedno prisotna črna površina, ki tvori razliko do pravokotnika. Krožna oblika in snemanje s ptičje persepktive ustvarjajo klaustrofobično vzdušje in akterjem ukradejo volumen. Volumen tako beremo bolj preko senc, kot preko perspektive. Subjekti prihajajo in odhajajo iz krožnega polja, plesalcu pa je krog tudi celotno polje delovanja. Avtorica se sprašuje o stopnji avtonomije, ki jo ima posameznik v družbi.
The movement of a dancer has a tension to make circles in a space; this intension is representing the public systems (political, cultural, economical?) that have an impact on our life, with or without our approval.
The TONDO represents a micro system of intimate space, a system that exists among others. Personal intimate and public structures that; I see it as closed systems where you fit in or not. The movement of a dancer is representing intimate story that is trying to fit in, but then you see that the figure is constantly breaking the perfect shape and makes there ones, the figure represents the autonomy of a living being with frustrations that we develop in the process of growing.
The main shape can be seen as ocular or as a general shape of life path, that I understand it as a repetition in general. As an Artist I thing that we have the same path to follow, but we have a larger autonomy. We constantly revaluation the system, we are tensing the borders, we respond under the autonomy of ART in institution of gallery. But this field is closed in the same way as others systems. If we take an action that is produced in the name of art, out of the field of institution it can be a conflict situation in public space. I am testing the borders in public space, where I confront coincidence walkers with a performance and I documented how they response and do they get involved knowing that they will be filmed or photographed.
The participation in these video (?revaluation?), is representing the power of a relationships in our society, sometimes we can control it and sometimes we are controlled. On the end stands a question who is the winner. Is the way we chose to walk ours, or is controlled by the system of our political, economical or cultural structures. Are we really free in our decisions?
The second part of a video goes backwards with the music, so it is a revaluation of a life that had stopped. What could we do better, do we except the past or we are sorry for things we did. Is the power of being on the end still so strong to end our life with a smile? What means to be significant and to whom, has our life as an artist an impact in the society?
These are the questions that I am trying to open through the video, ?Revaluation?. (Source: Maja Slavec)
Maja Slavec - Woman Beauty Power Less (00:04:40)Production:
2008A well-dressed woman is carrying with her a black box which has inside the sound of the countdown before the explosion of a bomb. She is walking with a resolute gait on the main street of Ljubljana during the rush-hour as a Suicide-bomber. With this actio...