Damijan Kracina - Thylacinus Cynocephalus (00:01:09)
Production: 2000
The video reconstructs the movements of the Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus), which became extinct in 1936. A year before the video was created, the Australian Museum in Sydney began developing methods for preserving the genetic material of the animal in order to clone it in the 21st century, when appropriate technological procedures become available. Kracina watched the final footage of the Tasmanian tiger on TV and filmed it. He coloured the black-and-white shots and simulated the animal’s...
DIVA Minute video
10 results in works
Amir Muratović - Napeto v kabinetu (00:01:00)
Production: 2007
Video rekonstruira proces nastajanja umetniškega dela Irene Romih za razstavo v Kabinetu, ki je med letoma 2005 in 2008 gostoval v degradiranem dvoriščnem prostoru Galerije Škuc na Starem trgu 21 v Ljubljani. Kabinet je razvilo Društvo za domače raziskave za potrebe svojega delovanja kot premični razstavni prostor, ki je občasno gostil tudi druge umetnike. Umetnica Irena Romih je portretirana v različnih zankah, njeno telo pa je tako "vpeto" v prostor, ki ga določajo skulpture.
Production: 2007
Video rekonstruira proces nastajanja umetniškega dela Irene Romih za razstavo v Kabinetu, ki je med letoma 2005 in 2008 gostoval v degradiranem dvoriščnem prostoru Galerije Škuc na Starem trgu 21 v Ljubljani. Kabinet je razvilo Društvo za domače raziskave za potrebe svojega delovanja kot premični razstavni prostor, ki je občasno gostil tudi druge umetnike. Umetnica Irena Romih je portretirana v različnih zankah, njeno telo pa je tako "vpeto" v prostor, ki ga določajo skulpture.
Sašo Podgoršek - The Model (00:04:58, 00:05:14)
Production: Nord Cross Production, Mute Film, TV Slovenija, 1994
Music video for the song The Model, cover of legendary Kraftwerk, by the Slovenian band Demolition Group.
Production: Nord Cross Production, Mute Film, TV Slovenija, 1994
Music video for the song The Model, cover of legendary Kraftwerk, by the Slovenian band Demolition Group.
Marko A. Kovačič - Živel 1. maj - Praznik dela / May Day Forever (00:01:20)
Production: 2000
Short one-minute video showing clippings from newspaper articles about the celebration of May 1th, followed by sections and close-ups of certain motifs and communist symbols.
Production: 2000
Short one-minute video showing clippings from newspaper articles about the celebration of May 1th, followed by sections and close-ups of certain motifs and communist symbols.
Marko A. Kovačič - Katastropolis (00:01:04)
Production: M. A. Kovačič, 1997
A one-minute flyover of the city of Katastropolis, built by the artist as a maquette - the basic setting for the video Forth into the Past. It is composed of artworks, artefacts, and found objects from different materials, techniques, spaces and times.
Production: M. A. Kovačič, 1997
A one-minute flyover of the city of Katastropolis, built by the artist as a maquette - the basic setting for the video Forth into the Past. It is composed of artworks, artefacts, and found objects from different materials, techniques, spaces and times.
Robertina Šebjanič - Bubble I (0:01:00)
Production: 2007
Video work is a display of unknown stylized objects, by which the author establishes a sensual and intimate atmosphere. Unidentified, unusual, soft, moving matter reminds of a living creature, an organ or a completely irrational, inorganic object unable to identify. Video is accompanied by an ambient sound.
Production: 2007
Video work is a display of unknown stylized objects, by which the author establishes a sensual and intimate atmosphere. Unidentified, unusual, soft, moving matter reminds of a living creature, an organ or a completely irrational, inorganic object unable to identify. Video is accompanied by an ambient sound.
Tanja Lažetić - The Wrong Place (00:00:52)
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2006
Avtorica na svoji poti z vlakom iz Ljubljane v Firence na brezimni železniški postaji zabeleži hipni prizor interakcije mladega para. Njun pogovor, ki ga gledalec ne sliši, nakazuje veliko mero pozitivne energije med osrediščenima protagonistoma. Nato avtorica s hitrim razsrediščenjem v kader zajame širši prostor glasnega in neosebnega javnega prostora, v katerem se prizor odvija.
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2006
Avtorica na svoji poti z vlakom iz Ljubljane v Firence na brezimni železniški postaji zabeleži hipni prizor interakcije mladega para. Njun pogovor, ki ga gledalec ne sliši, nakazuje veliko mero pozitivne energije med osrediščenima protagonistoma. Nato avtorica s hitrim razsrediščenjem v kader zajame širši prostor glasnega in neosebnega javnega prostora, v katerem se prizor odvija.
Ana Čigon - Nezlomljiva / Unbreakable (0:01:08)
Production: Ana Čigon, 2008
Video documents braking of the branches on trees; it gets harder and harder to break the branches and in the end the author gets to a branch that doesn't give in. Video consists of nine short scenes ending with freeze frames, eight of them forming a frame with the last - ninth shot placed in the middle. Video is shot with a hand held camera making only close-up shots.
Production: Ana Čigon, 2008
Video documents braking of the branches on trees; it gets harder and harder to break the branches and in the end the author gets to a branch that doesn't give in. Video consists of nine short scenes ending with freeze frames, eight of them forming a frame with the last - ninth shot placed in the middle. Video is shot with a hand held camera making only close-up shots.
Vesna Bukovec - Personal Advice (00:00:59)
Production: V.B., 2010
Personal advice first seems like a secret being revealed by a soft voice, telling us to take its advice. This advice is a completely absurd series of words, which as we soon find out is taken out of astrological forecasts. Visual representation of the video is completely impersonal. The screen is divided into two levels of text also read by an android voice saying: »This is not the best time for an activity plan which calls for art diplomacy and caution as you tend to be extremely simple direct and po...
Production: V.B., 2010
Personal advice first seems like a secret being revealed by a soft voice, telling us to take its advice. This advice is a completely absurd series of words, which as we soon find out is taken out of astrological forecasts. Visual representation of the video is completely impersonal. The screen is divided into two levels of text also read by an android voice saying: »This is not the best time for an activity plan which calls for art diplomacy and caution as you tend to be extremely simple direct and po...
Zoran Srdić Janežič - Drawing (00:01:01)
Animacija nastaja z vzporednim dodajanjem in brisanjem različnih oblik. Na začetku gre za dokaj klasično animirano risbo, kjer se z ogljem realizirajo napetosti v prostoru in igra svetlobe in sence. Postopoma pa kamera postaja vse bol motna in na koncu so površine vse manj raspoznavne. Tako imamo dvojni ritem, prvi ki je realiziran s umetnikovo risbo, in drugi, ki ga določa manipulacija z ostrino posnetka.
Animacija nastaja z vzporednim dodajanjem in brisanjem različnih oblik. Na začetku gre za dokaj klasično animirano risbo, kjer se z ogljem realizirajo napetosti v prostoru in igra svetlobe in sence. Postopoma pa kamera postaja vse bol motna in na koncu so površine vse manj raspoznavne. Tako imamo dvojni ritem, prvi ki je realiziran s umetnikovo risbo, in drugi, ki ga določa manipulacija z ostrino posnetka.