Nika Špan - Polucija v umetnosti / Pollution in Art (00:17:46)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2008
Video documents a lecture conducted as part of a continuous project No Nails, No Pedestals. The author designed the lecture in which she thematises pollution in art as an interactive audio-visual happening.
DIVA Lecture
8 results in works
Borut Savski - A Dancer (00:17:23)
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2005
A recording of the performance that took place in the Kapelica Gallery. Borut Savski has created a machine that operates independently and in this way creates his own artistic practice. The author's question concerns mainly the principles of subjectivation. The dancer proposes a completely new subjectivation of artistic activity through motion and sound, and no longer through word and language.
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2005
A recording of the performance that took place in the Kapelica Gallery. Borut Savski has created a machine that operates independently and in this way creates his own artistic practice. The author's question concerns mainly the principles of subjectivation. The dancer proposes a completely new subjectivation of artistic activity through motion and sound, and no longer through word and language.
Dejan Habicht - 12 Boring Poems (01:21:19)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2013
The 12 Boring Poems are visual materials, stacked into shorter narrative structures. They issued successively in electronic form, from January to December 2007. They were available free of charge one by one on the last week of the month on e-mail addresses registered to the P74 Gallery's e-list. At the exhibition Line Stroke the Letter (Vžigalica Gallery, Ljubljana, 5.9.-28.10.2013), the author presented how 'bright' the visual poems are today.
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2013
The 12 Boring Poems are visual materials, stacked into shorter narrative structures. They issued successively in electronic form, from January to December 2007. They were available free of charge one by one on the last week of the month on e-mail addresses registered to the P74 Gallery's e-list. At the exhibition Line Stroke the Letter (Vžigalica Gallery, Ljubljana, 5.9.-28.10.2013), the author presented how 'bright' the visual poems are today.
Sanela Jahić - Produktivna razmerja med človekom in strojem (00:54:49)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2015
Razstava in predstavitev instalacije intermedijske umetnice Sanele Jahić z naslovom Tempo Tempo, v katerem avtorica raziskuje razmerje med človekom in strojem v odnosu do delovne produktivnosti in časa. Instalacija je bila prvič razstavljena v okviru nominacij za nagrado skupine OHO v Galeriji P74 maja lani. Tempo Tempo sestavlja dvokanalni video in kinetični objekt - metronom, ki sproža električno iskro. Sanela Jahić obravnava družbo in posameznika v njej kot tehnološka orodja. V tem delu g...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2015
Razstava in predstavitev instalacije intermedijske umetnice Sanele Jahić z naslovom Tempo Tempo, v katerem avtorica raziskuje razmerje med človekom in strojem v odnosu do delovne produktivnosti in časa. Instalacija je bila prvič razstavljena v okviru nominacij za nagrado skupine OHO v Galeriji P74 maja lani. Tempo Tempo sestavlja dvokanalni video in kinetični objekt - metronom, ki sproža električno iskro. Sanela Jahić obravnava družbo in posameznika v njej kot tehnološka orodja. V tem delu g...
Christopher Krause - Faces and Structures
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2018
The essay was the basis for the performative lecture by Christopher Krause accompanied by the screening of selected video works (April 25, 2018, SCCA Project Room, Ljubljana). C. K. was then completing his postgraduate studies in theatrology at the Institute for Applied Theatrological Studies in Gießen, Germany. At SCCA-Ljubljana, he conducted a one-month study practice in April - he focused on researching the video and the new media archive of DIVA Station. As an object of his research, he chose the image...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2018
The essay was the basis for the performative lecture by Christopher Krause accompanied by the screening of selected video works (April 25, 2018, SCCA Project Room, Ljubljana). C. K. was then completing his postgraduate studies in theatrology at the Institute for Applied Theatrological Studies in Gießen, Germany. At SCCA-Ljubljana, he conducted a one-month study practice in April - he focused on researching the video and the new media archive of DIVA Station. As an object of his research, he chose the image...
SCCA-Ljubljana, Marko A. Kovačič - The Lost Horizon: Programme III (lecture and talk) (23:04)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Slovenska kinoteka, 2023
Introductory lecture The films of Marko A. Kovačič as a discovery of the seduction of the real by dr. Melita Zajc at the third screening of The Lost Horizon programme and a conversation between Igor Prassel and Marko A. Kovačič after the screening (28 February 2023). The Lost Horizon. Screening of Marko A. Kovačič’s film/video opus from 1983–2021 at the Slovenian Cinematheque (December 2022 - March 2023). Comprehensive display of AV works - short films and video works by Marko A. Kovačič....
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Slovenska kinoteka, 2023
Introductory lecture The films of Marko A. Kovačič as a discovery of the seduction of the real by dr. Melita Zajc at the third screening of The Lost Horizon programme and a conversation between Igor Prassel and Marko A. Kovačič after the screening (28 February 2023). The Lost Horizon. Screening of Marko A. Kovačič’s film/video opus from 1983–2021 at the Slovenian Cinematheque (December 2022 - March 2023). Comprehensive display of AV works - short films and video works by Marko A. Kovačič....
Marko Košnik - The missing engine of Laputa (07:35)
Production: Egon March Institute, 2006
Performance lecture by Marko Košnik for Documenta Urbana 2 in Kassel – public reading along live manipulation of video imagery in SoftVNS – Max environment. A short resume on the topics of Laputa and The Engine from Gulliver's travels, Part 3: A voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib and Japan: Laputa is a flying island. It travels above the earth to supervise the countries of the empire. Citizens of Laputa can overview the world while no else can disturb their positio...
Production: Egon March Institute, 2006
Performance lecture by Marko Košnik for Documenta Urbana 2 in Kassel – public reading along live manipulation of video imagery in SoftVNS – Max environment. A short resume on the topics of Laputa and The Engine from Gulliver's travels, Part 3: A voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib and Japan: Laputa is a flying island. It travels above the earth to supervise the countries of the empire. Citizens of Laputa can overview the world while no else can disturb their positio...
Marko Košnik - Operabil Early Documents 2004-07 (18:26)
Production: Egon March Institute, 2007
Operabil Early Documents 2004-07 Video by Marko Košnik for Air base Nr.2 installation, MQ, Dunaj, 2007 The soundtrack reading of Operabil Vienna from live performance for the Serious Pop Lab 2 in Konzerthaus, Vienna, 2005. Material used in this video was produced in the projects of Marko Košnik / Egon March Institute at the following events and locations:- North Albania, Tirana, Operabil Shqipetare, Tirana Biennal, 2005 - Performance of Operabil Kobe in Kubus Hall, Tesla - Berlin, with Su...
Production: Egon March Institute, 2007
Operabil Early Documents 2004-07 Video by Marko Košnik for Air base Nr.2 installation, MQ, Dunaj, 2007 The soundtrack reading of Operabil Vienna from live performance for the Serious Pop Lab 2 in Konzerthaus, Vienna, 2005. Material used in this video was produced in the projects of Marko Košnik / Egon March Institute at the following events and locations:- North Albania, Tirana, Operabil Shqipetare, Tirana Biennal, 2005 - Performance of Operabil Kobe in Kubus Hall, Tesla - Berlin, with Su...