Ema Kugler, Nada Vodušek, Jane Štravs - Nostalgični izrez (00:07:56)
Production: Marijan Osole - Max, CD, 1985
A collage of fashion creations from a fashion show set in Cankarjev dom starts off as if browsing through a trendy Fashion magazine. Models wearing leather clothes are accompanied by Italian, Yugoslav and American pop music from the 60'. We can also see some footage from behind the scenes. Camera is positioned high up on the left side of the runway. Scenes are often cut, multiplied and put together like photographs.
DIVA Presentation
15 results in works
Čajanka za sodobno umetnost - Javni spomeniki v začetku 21. stoletja (01:57:03)
Production: KUD Mreža, Galerija Alkatraz, Zavoda GULAG, 2006
Čajanke za sodobno umetnost so bila mesečna srečevanja, ki so vzpostavljala diskurzivno in dialoško situacijo na področju sodobne umetnosti. Odprte so bile za vse, ki so si želeli konstruktivnega dialoga in poglabljanja ter izmenjave znanja o aktualnih temah v polju sodobne umetnosti. S pomočjo čajank za sodobno umetnost so njeni pobudniki (Petja Grafenauer Krnc, Jadranka Ljubičič in Zoran Srdič) spodbujali k prepotrebni komunikaciji v svetu umetnosti slovenskega prostora. 13. november 2006 sta Z...
Production: KUD Mreža, Galerija Alkatraz, Zavoda GULAG, 2006
Čajanke za sodobno umetnost so bila mesečna srečevanja, ki so vzpostavljala diskurzivno in dialoško situacijo na področju sodobne umetnosti. Odprte so bile za vse, ki so si želeli konstruktivnega dialoga in poglabljanja ter izmenjave znanja o aktualnih temah v polju sodobne umetnosti. S pomočjo čajank za sodobno umetnost so njeni pobudniki (Petja Grafenauer Krnc, Jadranka Ljubičič in Zoran Srdič) spodbujali k prepotrebni komunikaciji v svetu umetnosti slovenskega prostora. 13. november 2006 sta Z...
Sašo Sedlaček - Manifest (00:09:41)
Production: Aksioma - Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, Ljubljana, 2009
Dokument o javni akciji Saše Sedlačka in sodelavcev v preddverju velike dvorane Državnega Zbora v Ljubljani leta 2009. Z akcijo, ki je bila del Iniciative za ustanovitev medijske avtonomne cone INFOKALIPSA ZDAJ!, je avtor želel poslanke in poslance opozoriti na polje analognih signalov, ki se je sprostilo z vpeljavo digitalne televizijske tehnologije in predlagati, da se jih nameni za medijsko avtonomno cono. Pri tem uporabi svoj lajt motiv - robota, ki na banalen način ustvari kohezijo tako, da ponuja...
Production: Aksioma - Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, Ljubljana, 2009
Dokument o javni akciji Saše Sedlačka in sodelavcev v preddverju velike dvorane Državnega Zbora v Ljubljani leta 2009. Z akcijo, ki je bila del Iniciative za ustanovitev medijske avtonomne cone INFOKALIPSA ZDAJ!, je avtor želel poslanke in poslance opozoriti na polje analognih signalov, ki se je sprostilo z vpeljavo digitalne televizijske tehnologije in predlagati, da se jih nameni za medijsko avtonomno cono. Pri tem uporabi svoj lajt motiv - robota, ki na banalen način ustvari kohezijo tako, da ponuja...
Barbara Borčić - Performance, Ritual and Memory (Women Beyond Borders) (00:04:26)
Subtitle: in frame of Women Beyond Borders international art project
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 1998
Performance, Ritual and Memory was an exhibition project with which SCCA-Ljubljana (Soros Center for Contemporary Arts - Ljubljana) participated in the international art project Women Beyond Borders. In the choice of Barbara Borčić, three artists from Slovenia participated with the works: Ema Kugler: Made 1991, Marija M. Pungerčar: Made by Woman and Janja Vrabec: A Sock and a Soap.
Subtitle: in frame of Women Beyond Borders international art project
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 1998
Performance, Ritual and Memory was an exhibition project with which SCCA-Ljubljana (Soros Center for Contemporary Arts - Ljubljana) participated in the international art project Women Beyond Borders. In the choice of Barbara Borčić, three artists from Slovenia participated with the works: Ema Kugler: Made 1991, Marija M. Pungerčar: Made by Woman and Janja Vrabec: A Sock and a Soap.
SCCA-Ljubljana, Nataša Skušek - Video evening with DIVA Station: Nataša Skušek (45:57)
Production: SCCA–Ljubljana, Galerija Photon, Nataša Skušek, 2020
Video Evenings are events organized by SCCA-Ljubljana and Photon Gallery with screenings and talks by artists included in the DIVA Station archive. In the time of the coronavirus pandemic we prepared a digital event with a screening and conversation in the form of a pre-recorded video presentation, which was published on the SCCA-Ljubljana and Photon Gallery websites on April 8, 2020. Artist Nataša Skušek presented a selection of ten projects which she created in collaboration with artists Ma...
Production: SCCA–Ljubljana, Galerija Photon, Nataša Skušek, 2020
Video Evenings are events organized by SCCA-Ljubljana and Photon Gallery with screenings and talks by artists included in the DIVA Station archive. In the time of the coronavirus pandemic we prepared a digital event with a screening and conversation in the form of a pre-recorded video presentation, which was published on the SCCA-Ljubljana and Photon Gallery websites on April 8, 2020. Artist Nataša Skušek presented a selection of ten projects which she created in collaboration with artists Ma...
SCCA-Ljubljana, Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tratnik, Keiko Miyazaki - Video evening with DIVA Station: Andreja Džakušič, SIVA and IvAnKe (57:47)
Production: SCCA–Ljubljana, Galerija Photon, 2021
Video Evening with DIVA Station are live events organized by SCCA-Ljubljana and Photon Gallery with screenings and talks by artists included in the DIVA Station archive. In the time of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic we prepared an adapted digital presentation. Artists Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tratnik and Keiko Miyazaki recorded their online covnersation about their artistic practice and mutual cooperation. The presentation, accompanied by photographs and inserts of video work...
Production: SCCA–Ljubljana, Galerija Photon, 2021
Video Evening with DIVA Station are live events organized by SCCA-Ljubljana and Photon Gallery with screenings and talks by artists included in the DIVA Station archive. In the time of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic we prepared an adapted digital presentation. Artists Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tratnik and Keiko Miyazaki recorded their online covnersation about their artistic practice and mutual cooperation. The presentation, accompanied by photographs and inserts of video work...
Milena Kosec - The Scarecrow Statelet at the Exhibition (12:03)
Subtitle: Art in Extended Spaces. Slovene Art 1985-1995
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 2004
Milena Kosec presents the exhibited archival materials of her long-term project of the sovereign, independent, artistic micro-state The Scarecrow Statelet at the exhibition Art in Extended Spaces. Slovene Art 1985-1995 in the Modern Gallery. (Source: DIVA Station)
Subtitle: Art in Extended Spaces. Slovene Art 1985-1995
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 2004
Milena Kosec presents the exhibited archival materials of her long-term project of the sovereign, independent, artistic micro-state The Scarecrow Statelet at the exhibition Art in Extended Spaces. Slovene Art 1985-1995 in the Modern Gallery. (Source: DIVA Station)
Milena Kosec - Prva linija (25:57)
Subtitle: Milena Kosec o svojem delu na razstavi Prva linija
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 2005
Milena Kosec presents in detail the exhibited archives of her long-term project of the sovereign, independent, artistic microstate The Scarecrow Statelet at the accompanying exhibition of the 26th Biennial of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana entitled The First Line. Avant-Garde and Alternative Printers and Presses in Slovenia from Conceptualism to the Present at MGLC Ljubljana. (Source: DIVA Station)
Subtitle: Milena Kosec o svojem delu na razstavi Prva linija
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 2005
Milena Kosec presents in detail the exhibited archives of her long-term project of the sovereign, independent, artistic microstate The Scarecrow Statelet at the accompanying exhibition of the 26th Biennial of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana entitled The First Line. Avant-Garde and Alternative Printers and Presses in Slovenia from Conceptualism to the Present at MGLC Ljubljana. (Source: DIVA Station)
SCCA-Ljubljana, Milena Kosec - Video evening with DIVA Station: Milena Kosec (01:01:51)
Production: SCCA–Ljubljana, Galerija Photon, 2021
Video Evening with DIVA Station is an event that usually takes place live at the Photon Gallery. The conversation with retired career contemporary artist Milena Kosec was recorded in April, at a time when it was not yet possible to organize live cultural events due to the epidemic of the new coronavirus. DIVA Station associate Vesna Bukovec talked to the artist in the SCCA-Ljubljana Project Room at Metelkova 6. We supplemented the recorded conversation with inserts of video, photo and online documentation o...
Production: SCCA–Ljubljana, Galerija Photon, 2021
Video Evening with DIVA Station is an event that usually takes place live at the Photon Gallery. The conversation with retired career contemporary artist Milena Kosec was recorded in April, at a time when it was not yet possible to organize live cultural events due to the epidemic of the new coronavirus. DIVA Station associate Vesna Bukovec talked to the artist in the SCCA-Ljubljana Project Room at Metelkova 6. We supplemented the recorded conversation with inserts of video, photo and online documentation o...
SCCA-Ljubljana, Duba Sambolec - Video evening with DIVA Station: Duba Sambolec (01:27:52)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Photon, 2022
Video documentation of the Video evening with DIVA Station: Duba Sambolec event at the Photon Gallery on May 4, 2022. Vesna Bukovec, expert associate of DIVA Station, talked with the artist about her relationship to video and performance in the context of her wider artistic practice. The talk was in Slovene langauge. Duba Sambolec has created a series of video works in her extensive and diverse artistic oeuvre. In 2000, a cycle of 14 video performances entitled NoHomeVideos© was presented in seve...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Photon, 2022
Video documentation of the Video evening with DIVA Station: Duba Sambolec event at the Photon Gallery on May 4, 2022. Vesna Bukovec, expert associate of DIVA Station, talked with the artist about her relationship to video and performance in the context of her wider artistic practice. The talk was in Slovene langauge. Duba Sambolec has created a series of video works in her extensive and diverse artistic oeuvre. In 2000, a cycle of 14 video performances entitled NoHomeVideos© was presented in seve...