Jane Štravs - Jane Štravs (00:05:30)
Production: ATV, 1987
Video montaža Štravsovih fotografij (Borghesia, Laibach, Videosex...) z glasbenimi, tekstovnimi in vizualnimi intervencijami. (vir: Š-F)
DIVA Document
3 results in works
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Podoba 1, 2, 3, 5 (02:07:55)
Production: Kanal A, 1992/93
Podoba is a TV series on Slovene video production by Zemira Alajbegović and Neven Korda. The series was the most important contribution to original video production in the 1980s on television (1992-1993). The five episodes were focusing on: [1] ŠKUC-Forum [2] Marijan Osole - Max [3] Peter Vezjak [4] Hard-Core [5] Marko Kovačič
Production: Kanal A, 1992/93
Podoba is a TV series on Slovene video production by Zemira Alajbegović and Neven Korda. The series was the most important contribution to original video production in the 1980s on television (1992-1993). The five episodes were focusing on: [1] ŠKUC-Forum [2] Marijan Osole - Max [3] Peter Vezjak [4] Hard-Core [5] Marko Kovačič
Jana Flego, Katarina Petrov - Intervju z Igorjem Zabelom (00:46:19)
Production: Zavod SCCA-Ljubljana / Založba/*cf. Ljubljana, 2006
Interview with Igor Zabel was carried out by Jana Flego and Katarina Petrov as a part of a project INSIDE OUT in Skuc Gallery on the January 22nd 2004. Interview is enclosed with Igor Zabel literary work Eseji I as a CD-ROM.
Production: Zavod SCCA-Ljubljana / Založba/*cf. Ljubljana, 2006
Interview with Igor Zabel was carried out by Jana Flego and Katarina Petrov as a part of a project INSIDE OUT in Skuc Gallery on the January 22nd 2004. Interview is enclosed with Igor Zabel literary work Eseji I as a CD-ROM.