Klon:Art:Resistance, Miha Dovžan - Klon Art (00:02:43)
Subtitle: Prispevek v oddaji Studio City
Production: TV Slovenija
Dokumentarni prispevek o skupini grafitarjev in uličnih umetnikov KlonArt. Dokumentarni prispevek TV Slovenija (oddaja Studio City), ki ga v slogu skupine KlonArt odlikuje dinamična kamera in hitra menjava kadrov. Predstavitvenemu tekstu so dodani posnetki grafitarskih akcij skupine v Ljubljani.
DIVA Sources
24 results in works
Klon:Art:Resistance - Klon Art (00:05:05)
Subtitle: Dokumentarni prispevek na Gajba TV
Production: Gajba TV
Dokumentarni prispevek Gajba TV* o skupini grafitarjev in uličnih umetnikov KlonArt. Prispevek spremlja rap komad z naslovom Ilegal d.o.o., dinamična kamera, hitra menjava kadrov in nasičen kolorit, ki je značilen za ulično umetnost. Govorjeni tekst v prispevku predstavi nekatera idejna izhodišča umetniške skupine in pojasnjuje področje njihovega delovanja. Grafitarstvo predstavi kot življenjski stil, ki presega dualizme lepega in grdega in nastopa proti gentrificirani podobi mestne pokrajine. Gra...
Subtitle: Dokumentarni prispevek na Gajba TV
Production: Gajba TV
Dokumentarni prispevek Gajba TV* o skupini grafitarjev in uličnih umetnikov KlonArt. Prispevek spremlja rap komad z naslovom Ilegal d.o.o., dinamična kamera, hitra menjava kadrov in nasičen kolorit, ki je značilen za ulično umetnost. Govorjeni tekst v prispevku predstavi nekatera idejna izhodišča umetniške skupine in pojasnjuje področje njihovega delovanja. Grafitarstvo predstavi kot življenjski stil, ki presega dualizme lepega in grdega in nastopa proti gentrificirani podobi mestne pokrajine. Gra...
Nika Grabar - DIVA at Škuc Gallery (00:15:57)
Subtitle: Video essay, World of Art, School for curators and critics, year 2008/09
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2009
DIVA at the Škuc Gallery is a video essay produced in the framework of the study exhibition DIVA at Škuc Gallery in 2009. You are a guest of DIVA right now! The author says: "Archiving is really keeping some kind of memory alive. DIVA is trying to find memory for images and enable us to think the space of art. Without it we are caught in the image of a world that is reproducing us in a mechanical way." The video essay was produced within the >video essay< workshop under the menthorship o...
Subtitle: Video essay, World of Art, School for curators and critics, year 2008/09
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2009
DIVA at the Škuc Gallery is a video essay produced in the framework of the study exhibition DIVA at Škuc Gallery in 2009. You are a guest of DIVA right now! The author says: "Archiving is really keeping some kind of memory alive. DIVA is trying to find memory for images and enable us to think the space of art. Without it we are caught in the image of a world that is reproducing us in a mechanical way." The video essay was produced within the >video essay< workshop under the menthorship o...
Apolonija Šušteršič - (Cre)Action Directe (0:13:57)
Subtitle: Intervju z Riek van der Kerchove
Production: 1998
Pogovor z ustvarjalcem in producentom Rickom van der Kerchovom. Kamera ne snema intervjujanca, ampak spremlja dogajanje v skoraj preznem baru v Luxemburgu. Pogovor je bil uporabljen za potrebe festivala Manifesta.
Subtitle: Intervju z Riek van der Kerchove
Production: 1998
Pogovor z ustvarjalcem in producentom Rickom van der Kerchovom. Kamera ne snema intervjujanca, ampak spremlja dogajanje v skoraj preznem baru v Luxemburgu. Pogovor je bil uporabljen za potrebe festivala Manifesta.
Zemira Alajbegović, Boštjan Jurečič - Rok Sieberer - Kuri (00:05:51)
Subtitle: Prispevek TV Slovenija
Production: TV Slovenija, 1996
Informative TV emission about an exhibition and the work of Rok Sieberer Kuri.
Subtitle: Prispevek TV Slovenija
Production: TV Slovenija, 1996
Informative TV emission about an exhibition and the work of Rok Sieberer Kuri.
Nika Grabar - Format Oblivion (00:14:43)
Subtitle: How to Connect Contents of AV Archives
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2012
Documentation and archiving of media art materials has become necessary for the reflection of contemporary art practice and media art. The essey serves as a presentation of seminar How to connect the contents of AV archives? taking place at Vžigalica Gallery, Ljubljana in October 2010. It consisted of exhibition with installation and video works by Dalibor Martinis Data Recovery and video archive jukebox Transitland; lectures by Steven Kovats and Dalibor Martinis, screenings from archives Netherlands Media...
Subtitle: How to Connect Contents of AV Archives
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2012
Documentation and archiving of media art materials has become necessary for the reflection of contemporary art practice and media art. The essey serves as a presentation of seminar How to connect the contents of AV archives? taking place at Vžigalica Gallery, Ljubljana in October 2010. It consisted of exhibition with installation and video works by Dalibor Martinis Data Recovery and video archive jukebox Transitland; lectures by Steven Kovats and Dalibor Martinis, screenings from archives Netherlands Media...
Jane Štravs - Jane Štravs (00:05:30)
Production: ATV, 1987
Video montaža Štravsovih fotografij (Borghesia, Laibach, Videosex...) z glasbenimi, tekstovnimi in vizualnimi intervencijami. (vir: Š-F)
Production: ATV, 1987
Video montaža Štravsovih fotografij (Borghesia, Laibach, Videosex...) z glasbenimi, tekstovnimi in vizualnimi intervencijami. (vir: Š-F)
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Podoba 1, 2, 3, 5 (02:07:55)
Production: Kanal A, 1992/93
Podoba is a TV series on Slovene video production by Zemira Alajbegović and Neven Korda. The series was the most important contribution to original video production in the 1980s on television (1992-1993). The five episodes were focusing on: [1] ŠKUC-Forum [2] Marijan Osole - Max [3] Peter Vezjak [4] Hard-Core [5] Marko Kovačič
Production: Kanal A, 1992/93
Podoba is a TV series on Slovene video production by Zemira Alajbegović and Neven Korda. The series was the most important contribution to original video production in the 1980s on television (1992-1993). The five episodes were focusing on: [1] ŠKUC-Forum [2] Marijan Osole - Max [3] Peter Vezjak [4] Hard-Core [5] Marko Kovačič
Barbara Borčić - Škuc-Forum Video Production
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 1997
The text is accompanying the video program entitled "Škuc-Forum Video Production", curated by Barbara Borčić in 1997. It was presented at the Interstanding project (exhibition & conference) in Tallin, Estonia.
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 1997
The text is accompanying the video program entitled "Škuc-Forum Video Production", curated by Barbara Borčić in 1997. It was presented at the Interstanding project (exhibition & conference) in Tallin, Estonia.
Barbara Borčić - Video Art from Conceptualism to Postmodernism
Production: MIT Press, Massachussetts, USA, 2003
The text >Video Art from Conceptualism to Postmodernism< was published in the book Impossible Histories: Historical Avant- Gardes, Neo-Avant-Gardes, and Post-Avant-Gardes in Yugoslavia. 1918-1991, (eds. Dubravka Djurić, Miško Šuvaković), MIT Press, Massachussetts, 2003.
Production: MIT Press, Massachussetts, USA, 2003
The text >Video Art from Conceptualism to Postmodernism< was published in the book Impossible Histories: Historical Avant- Gardes, Neo-Avant-Gardes, and Post-Avant-Gardes in Yugoslavia. 1918-1991, (eds. Dubravka Djurić, Miško Šuvaković), MIT Press, Massachussetts, 2003.