Darij Kreuh - Mine Mind Do you Mind (00:03:18)
Subtitle: Imena skulptur: Treadmill, Push it, Cabine
Production: 1993
Posnetek serije skulptur, ki delujejo kot nihala. Gre za interaktivno delo predmeta s predmeti in za dokumentarne posnetke iz razstave, v katere montaža minimalno poseže. Kamera posega v različne kote eksponatov, zato da jih lažje - razločneje vidimo.
DIVA Exhibition
41 results in works
Damijan Kracina - Kracina TV (00:06:24)
Production: 1995
A hyper-realistic latex sculpture of the artist stands in the middle of a room in Kapelica Gallery, where the artist first presented the installation. The sculpture’s low pedestal is connected to seven monitors into which the figure gazes, while light boxes show photographs of cats run over by cars. The installation shows death doubled, or the absence of life. The cats are dead, and the statue, too, is lifeless. The images of dead cats not only draw attention to the cruel human attitude to animals and...
Production: 1995
A hyper-realistic latex sculpture of the artist stands in the middle of a room in Kapelica Gallery, where the artist first presented the installation. The sculpture’s low pedestal is connected to seven monitors into which the figure gazes, while light boxes show photographs of cats run over by cars. The installation shows death doubled, or the absence of life. The cats are dead, and the statue, too, is lifeless. The images of dead cats not only draw attention to the cruel human attitude to animals and...
Damijan Kracina - A collage of excepts by Kracina (00:03:09)
Production: 1995
A collage of three video works. The first shows footage of an exhibition at Trdnjavi Kluže Gallery in Bovec, where the artist presented one of his first statues of animals – a remote-controlled skunk. The second video is a study of changes in colour tones on surfaces saturated with colour. The third video shows the computer generated movements of the olm – proteus.
Production: 1995
A collage of three video works. The first shows footage of an exhibition at Trdnjavi Kluže Gallery in Bovec, where the artist presented one of his first statues of animals – a remote-controlled skunk. The second video is a study of changes in colour tones on surfaces saturated with colour. The third video shows the computer generated movements of the olm – proteus.
Damijan Kracina - Kracina TV (00:05:48)
Production: 1995
Hiperrealističen kip avtorja iz lateksa stoji sredi prostora v Galeriji Kapelica, kjer je umetnik prvič postavil instalacijo. Nizek podstavek kipa je povezan s sedmimi monitorji, v katere je uprt pogled figure. Na svetlobnih objektih so prikazane fotografije povoženih mačk. Instalacija prikazuje dvojno smrt oziroma dvojno odsotnost življenja. Mrtve so povožene mačke, neživ pa je tudi kip umetnika. S podobami mrtvih mačk umetnik ni opozoril zgolj na krut odnost človeka do živali, na davek človeko...
Production: 1995
Hiperrealističen kip avtorja iz lateksa stoji sredi prostora v Galeriji Kapelica, kjer je umetnik prvič postavil instalacijo. Nizek podstavek kipa je povezan s sedmimi monitorji, v katere je uprt pogled figure. Na svetlobnih objektih so prikazane fotografije povoženih mačk. Instalacija prikazuje dvojno smrt oziroma dvojno odsotnost življenja. Mrtve so povožene mačke, neživ pa je tudi kip umetnika. S podobami mrtvih mačk umetnik ni opozoril zgolj na krut odnost človeka do živali, na davek človeko...
Borut Savski - Bowlfuls of Sound (00:03:34)
Production: 2008
Two sperical bowls (from the Dancers series) have simple motorics and a bit more complex sensorics. They are susceptible to the sound they hear, but they also coproduce the sound (compressed microphony). This is why the bowls are full of sound. They can see each other (infrared sensor) and then they change direction. This should allow for the bowls to slowly zigzag closer to each other, which doesn’t really interests us anymore, but for the bowls this may be defined as a motive (with humans it could b...
Production: 2008
Two sperical bowls (from the Dancers series) have simple motorics and a bit more complex sensorics. They are susceptible to the sound they hear, but they also coproduce the sound (compressed microphony). This is why the bowls are full of sound. They can see each other (infrared sensor) and then they change direction. This should allow for the bowls to slowly zigzag closer to each other, which doesn’t really interests us anymore, but for the bowls this may be defined as a motive (with humans it could b...
Marko A. Kovačič - Back to the USA (00:04:37)
Production: 1984
Video je nastal v okviru razstave Back to the USA skupine R IRWIN S (katere član je bil takrat Kovačič) v Galeriji ŠKUC. Poleg dokumentarnih posnetkov z razstave in spremljajočih dogodkov, so bili kot performans uprizorjeni prizori iz slik na razstavi. Ženska in moški uprizarjata statične poze iz stenskih poslikav. Poslikave prikazujejo jazzista s trobento in par, ki se ljubi v ležečem položaju. Statične poze in igranje na trobento spremlja jazz glasba, ki jo prekini občasni računalniški napi...
Production: 1984
Video je nastal v okviru razstave Back to the USA skupine R IRWIN S (katere član je bil takrat Kovačič) v Galeriji ŠKUC. Poleg dokumentarnih posnetkov z razstave in spremljajočih dogodkov, so bili kot performans uprizorjeni prizori iz slik na razstavi. Ženska in moški uprizarjata statične poze iz stenskih poslikav. Poslikave prikazujejo jazzista s trobento in par, ki se ljubi v ležečem položaju. Statične poze in igranje na trobento spremlja jazz glasba, ki jo prekini občasni računalniški napi...
Marko A. Kovačič - Naprej v preteklost (razstava) / Forth Into the Past (exhibition) (00:05:38)
Production: 1994
Documentation of the exhibition in Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, 1994
Production: 1994
Documentation of the exhibition in Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, 1994
Uršula Berlot - Transitoriness (02:13)
Production: Uršula Berlot, 2006
Patterns made by etching plastic surface reflect light onto the gallery walls. The diverse architecture of an ex sacral space is completely deconstructed with the movement of the light reflections. The two-dimensional surface is creating a three-dimensional animation with its many reflections, seizing the gallery's volume. This volume becomes the medium, which generates images and by that multiplies its space. (Source: DIVA)
Production: Uršula Berlot, 2006
Patterns made by etching plastic surface reflect light onto the gallery walls. The diverse architecture of an ex sacral space is completely deconstructed with the movement of the light reflections. The two-dimensional surface is creating a three-dimensional animation with its many reflections, seizing the gallery's volume. This volume becomes the medium, which generates images and by that multiplies its space. (Source: DIVA)
Marko A. Kovačič - AIDA 87 (00:03:22)
Production: M.K., 1987
Video documents the author's installation with close-ups and details. Video is partly framed with a coloured mask. The author deals with sculptures theoretically as well through quotes featured at the end of the video.
Production: M.K., 1987
Video documents the author's installation with close-ups and details. Video is partly framed with a coloured mask. The author deals with sculptures theoretically as well through quotes featured at the end of the video.
Marko A. Kovačič - Programming the Gaze (00:07:41)
Production: Studio Brut, 1988
Video documents an exhibition Programming the Gaze in Škuc Gallery in 1988. Camera travels around the exhibition and captures space installations in close-ups and from unexpected perspectives. Shots of five different installations line up, the title of each of them appears on the upper left corner of the screen. An important part of the exhibition introduced by a labyrinth construction, were sonic ambient (Egon March institute) and ambient lighting (Cian. kb).
Production: Studio Brut, 1988
Video documents an exhibition Programming the Gaze in Škuc Gallery in 1988. Camera travels around the exhibition and captures space installations in close-ups and from unexpected perspectives. Shots of five different installations line up, the title of each of them appears on the upper left corner of the screen. An important part of the exhibition introduced by a labyrinth construction, were sonic ambient (Egon March institute) and ambient lighting (Cian. kb).