About DIVA

DIVA Station is a physical and web archive of video and new-media art which has been developing since 2005, and is also a broader compendium of SCCA projects that seek to research, present, document and archive video/new-media art.

The collecting of materials for DIVA Station is based on a documentary, archival and research project on video art in Slovenia Videodokument: Video Art in Slovenia 1969-1998, which was developed at SCCA-Ljubljana between 1994 and 1999, and was followed by numerous curatorial selections of the gathered material, introduced under the common title of Videospotting. There were also research and exhibition projects Archiving Practices and numerous consultations and talks with artists, curators and other experts and international collaborators.

High-resolution video archive works and selected literature on video and (new)media art are available to the public in SCCA library / Diva mediatheque.

DIVA at Škuc GalleryDIVA at Škuc GalleryDIVA at Škuc Gallery
Nika Grabar - DIVA at Škuc Gallery (00:15:57)
Subtitle: Video essay, World of Art, School for curators and critics, year 2008/09
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2009
DIVA at the Škuc Gallery is a video essay produced in the framework of the study exhibition DIVA at Škuc Gallery in 2009. You are a guest of DIVA right now! The author says: "Archiving is really keeping some kind of memory alive. DIVA is try...
Format OblivionFormat OblivionFormat Oblivion
Nika Grabar - Format Oblivion (00:14:43)
Subtitle: How to Connect Contents of AV Archives
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2012
Documentation and archiving of media art materials has become necessary for the reflection of contemporary art practice and media art. The essey serves as a presentation of seminar How to connect the contents of AV archives? taking place at Vžigalica Gal...
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