Sašo Sedlaček - Veliki izklop / The Big Switch Off (00:01:48)
Production: Aksioma, 2011
The Big Switch Off is a part of Supertrash exhibition in which the artist problematizes mass destruction of worn out technological equipment and the dumping of it in the third world countries. In the video in question, characterized by a utopian touch, we...
No. 1028
Video available only in physical archive
Artist: Sedlaček, Sašo
Title: Manifest
Duration: 00:09:41
Year: 2009
Genre: Presentation
Production: Aksioma - Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, Ljubljana
MORE Dokument o javni akciji Saše Sedlačka in sodelavcev v preddverju velike dvorane Državnega Zbora v Ljubljani leta 2009. Z akcijo, ki je bila del Iniciative za ustanovitev medijske avtonomne cone INFOKALIPSA ZDAJ!, je avtor želel poslanke in poslance opozoriti na polje analognih signalov, ki se je sprostilo z vpeljavo digitalne televizijske tehnologije in predlagati, da se jih nameni za medijsko avtonomno cono. Pri tem uporabi svoj lajt motiv - robota, ki na banalen način ustvari kohezijo tako, da ponuja manifest.
Sašo Sedlaček - Origami Space Race (00:05:52)
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2009
Eksperiment pri katerem avtor poskuša na amaterski ravni, in tudi s določeno dozo ironije, izivati vesoljske programe, tako tiste mainstream, kot druge, alternativne ali privatne. Sam eksperiment se pokaže uspel, lansiranje s mobilno tehnologijo je usp...
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2009
Eksperiment pri katerem avtor poskuša na amaterski ravni, in tudi s določeno dozo ironije, izivati vesoljske programe, tako tiste mainstream, kot druge, alternativne ali privatne. Sam eksperiment se pokaže uspel, lansiranje s mobilno tehnologijo je usp...
Sašo Sedlaček - DIVA Studio (0:49:10)
Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana; co-production: Kapelica Gallery, 2008
Sašo Sedlaček si je v okviru iniciative za ustanovitev medijske avtonomne cone, Infokalipsa zdaj!, prizadeval za sprostitev dela televizijskih FM valov v nekomercialne, kulturne oziroma umetniške namene. Iniciativo je leta 2008 predstavil v...
Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana; co-production: Kapelica Gallery, 2008
Sašo Sedlaček si je v okviru iniciative za ustanovitev medijske avtonomne cone, Infokalipsa zdaj!, prizadeval za sprostitev dela televizijskih FM valov v nekomercialne, kulturne oziroma umetniške namene. Iniciativo je leta 2008 predstavil v...
Sašo Sedlaček - Rekviem za umirajoči medij / Requiem for a Dying Medium (00:09:43)
Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, 2007, Galerija Kapelica - Zavod K6/4, 2007
Video je del avtorjeve Iniciative za ustanovitev avtonomne medijske cone Infokalipsa zdaj! Rekviem za umirajoči medij na nek način časti izginotje analognega signala iz množične rabe. Prostor, ki je bil dolga leta polje različnih bojev, je zdaj praz...
Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, 2007, Galerija Kapelica - Zavod K6/4, 2007
Video je del avtorjeve Iniciative za ustanovitev avtonomne medijske cone Infokalipsa zdaj! Rekviem za umirajoči medij na nek način časti izginotje analognega signala iz množične rabe. Prostor, ki je bil dolga leta polje različnih bojev, je zdaj praz...
Sašo Sedlaček - Žicar 1.0 / Beggar 1.0 (0:04:33)
Production: Galerija Kapelica / Kura, 2006
Video documents author's action in which he placed a robot - bagger inside a shopping mall and later inside a gallery. With this action the author points out a growing poverty. The robot attracted a surprising number of visitors and thus the author c...
Production: Galerija Kapelica / Kura, 2006
Video documents author's action in which he placed a robot - bagger inside a shopping mall and later inside a gallery. With this action the author points out a growing poverty. The robot attracted a surprising number of visitors and thus the author c...
Sašo Sedlaček - Žicar 2.0 / Beggar 0.2 (0:12:43)
Production: IAMAS, 2006
Video documents author's action, in which he placed a robot-bagger in a public space in Tokyo Japan. Although he already reached into public space in Ljubljana with it, the installation of it in a highly technologically developed country, where baggi...
Production: IAMAS, 2006
Video documents author's action, in which he placed a robot-bagger in a public space in Tokyo Japan. Although he already reached into public space in Ljubljana with it, the installation of it in a highly technologically developed country, where baggi...
Sašo Sedlaček - Rent a Žicar / Rent a Beggar (00:19:23)
Production: 2006
Dokumentarni video o problemu "žicanja" denarja. Umetnik ponudi pravemu žicarju robota, ki bo namesto njega opravljal sramotno prakso pridobivanja denarja. Zaradi simbolno-estetske kategorije robota ima le-ta to prednost pred žicarjem, da lahko vstopi...
Production: 2006
Dokumentarni video o problemu "žicanja" denarja. Umetnik ponudi pravemu žicarju robota, ki bo namesto njega opravljal sramotno prakso pridobivanja denarja. Zaradi simbolno-estetske kategorije robota ima le-ta to prednost pred žicarjem, da lahko vstopi...
Sašo Sedlaček - No Lego (0:02:24)
Production: 2005
Video is a documentation of a usage of authors art work. The artist made a suitcase containing instructions and material for making recycled bricks. With both his piece and his video the artist promotes the anticonsumeristic posture and encourages better...
Production: 2005
Video is a documentation of a usage of authors art work. The artist made a suitcase containing instructions and material for making recycled bricks. With both his piece and his video the artist promotes the anticonsumeristic posture and encourages better...
Sašo Sedlaček, Lada Cerar - Toilets / Made in India (0:05:15)
Production: 2004
Video documents the making of gobelins in Indian streets. The work is a part of a bigger project, where the other part was an exhibition of gobelins with the motifs of toilets. Video is accompanied by occasional sounds of the street, in the foreground is...
Production: 2004
Video documents the making of gobelins in Indian streets. The work is a part of a bigger project, where the other part was an exhibition of gobelins with the motifs of toilets. Video is accompanied by occasional sounds of the street, in the foreground is...
Sašo Sedlaček - Kinder Surprise (0:00:53)
Production: 2004
Video documents an action in public space. In front of a shopping mall an exaggerated version of a chocolate egg produced by Kinder, a company with an aggressive marketing strategy. As a sign of protest the egg is blown up and the destruction is documente...
Production: 2004
Video documents an action in public space. In front of a shopping mall an exaggerated version of a chocolate egg produced by Kinder, a company with an aggressive marketing strategy. As a sign of protest the egg is blown up and the destruction is documente...