Borut Savski je od leta 1984 deloval na Radiu Študent Ljubljana, najprej kot tehnik, po letu 1988 tudi kot sodelavec glasbene redakcije, redakcije za kulturo in humanistične vede, režiser oddaj, recenzent. Od leta 1993 do 1997 redno zaposlen na Radiu Študent kot vodja organizacije in izvedbe programa. V tem času je sodeloval in soorganiziral/ organiziral vrsto medijskih projektov, lokalnih in mednarodnih, vključno z odkrivanjem in vpeljevanjem novih pristopov in t.i. novih medijev v program Radia Študent. Po letu 1997 je postal skrbnik neformalne iniciative Ministrstvo za eksperiment na Radiu Študent, ustanovljene za raziskovanje in uporabo novih medijev – interneta. Skupaj z Markom Košnikom je poleti 1997 soorganiziral pionirski mednarodni projekt združevanja radijskega medija in interneta Xtended Live Radio. Med letoma 1997 in 1999 je izvedel okoli sto neposrednih radijskih prenosov dogajanj iz subkulturnih klubov, prizorišč, galerij – na valove Radia Študent. Leta 1998 se je kot soavtor udeležil mednarodnega projekta internetnih aktivnosti na festivalu Ars Electronica v Linzu. Leta 1999 je na Radiu Študent začel z oddajo Huda ura, v kateri predstavlja zvočno umetnost s filozofskega stališča. Osnova ostaja v soočanju trenutka (improvizirano, algoritmično) z zgradbo-strukturo, ki glasbo dela glasbo. Pri tem s samostojnimi ali kolektivnimi zvočnimi eksperimenti tudi v fizičnih prostorih predstavlja svoja dognanja. Od leta 1999 samostojno in redno ustvarja na polju umetnosti in civilne družbe – v domačem in mednarodnem prostoru. Pogosto piše in objavlja eseje. Od leta je registriran kot samozaposleni v kulturi – intermedijski umetnik. Je soustanovitelj in aktivni član dveh kulturnoumetniških kolektivov: KUD Trivia in Cirkulacija 2. Leta 2006 konceptualiziral in soorganiziral festival Vmesni prostori (koprodukcija KUD Trivia in ESC Graz), kar je tudi povratek h kolektivnim praksam. Leta 2007 je bila ustanovljena Cirkulacija 2, ki je od tedaj pa do danes izjemno aktivna v domačem okolju. Krog avtorjevega preteklega in sedanjega sodelavstva je zelo širok in sega v različna in precej oddaljena polja: glasba, sodobni ples, performans, tehnološka umetnost, tehnološki razvoj novih performativnih naprav, dinamične skulpture/strukture, itd., predvsem pa pojem horizontalnega in interdisciplinarnega medavtorskega delovanja.
Production: Radio Študent, galerija Kapelica, 2009
Video documentation of the web-streams of a week of events called XL eksperiment that took place at Kapelica gallery in Ljubljana from 4th to 8th May 2009 - on the occasion of 40 years of Radio Student Ljubljana. Project was run by Bojan Andjelković and Bo...
Production: KUD Trivia in Galerija Kapelica, 2009
With movable mechanical organisms the artist follows his research of autonomous structures / systems. The installation is constructed with elements that are connected but overstrained. The movable mechanical part of the installation carries this (over)str...
Production: Borut Savski, 2008
Omnibus of documentary video and photographic recordings of installations and performances between 1999 and 2008.
Production: 2008
Two sperical bowls (from the Dancers series) have simple motorics and a bit more complex sensorics. They are susceptible to the sound they hear, but they also coproduce the sound (compressed microphony). This is why the bowls are full of sound. They can s...
Production: KUD Trivia / Trivia Art [Association], 2007
Videographics are modern experimental narratives, where the image acts as a sound marker. Images are abstract and the connection between video and audio is direct, even though it does not follow any logic. Video graphics is the materialization of an audio...
Production: KUD Trivia / Trivia Art [Association], 2007
Videographics are modern experimental narratives, where the image acts as a sound marker. Images are abstract and the connection between video and audio is direct, even though it does not follow any logic. Video graphics is the materialization of an audio...
Production: KUD Trivia / Trivia Art, 2006, 2007
Music is produced in a rhytmic style, a kind of free techno. Of course, since it originates exclusively from the computer. It is also algoritmic, meaning that the author left much of the parameters to the decision of the computer program. The roots of suc...
Production: KUD Trivia / Trivia Art [Association], 2006
Videographics are modern experimental narratives, where the image acts as a sound marker. Images are abstract and the connection between video and audio is direct, even though it does not follow any logic. Video graphics is the materialization of an audio...
Production: 2006
Problemloss Orchestra was a project group ( PMS: Luka Prinčič, Matjaž Manček and Borut Savski), which performed in 2005 and 2006. The recording took place in Berlin and was recorded by Neven Korda.
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2005
A recording of the performance that took place in the Kapelica Gallery. Borut Savski has created a machine that operates independently and in this way creates his own artistic practice. The author's question concerns mainly the principles of subjectivatio...