In December 2012, the Vžigalica Gallery as part of the My Streets Project, hosted the Memory Clinic Ljubljana – a recording booth that invited residents of Ljubljana to select photographs taken in Ljubljana from their family albums and share the memories with others. The collection of photos and recorded memories was held at the City Museum, Ljubljana.
Cross-Border Memory Collection Actions
The purpose of memory-contributed actions is to create an open archive that evolves over time and becomes a kind of gift that we give to the people of both cities for generations to come. Much like a family album, designed by its incompleteness, it is an archive of memory in a constant process of creation and rearticulation. Namely, Nova Gorica (Yugoslavia/Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy) were separated not only by the boundaries between two countries and social systems but also by the boundaries between two comprehensions of the past. The border crossings that have separated us for years can now become meeting points that reflect the relationship between personal and collective memory.
Actions: Smuggler’s Confessional (2007), Memory Clinic (2009), Album of the City (2011), Memory Clinic Ljubljana (2012), Found Portraits (2013), Images of Oblivion (2014), Sewn Memories (2015), Portraits of Buildings (2015) and The Solver of Memory (2018). (Source: Anja Medved)
Production: Kinoatelje, 2016
Documentary video from the memory collection campaign in Ljubljana in 2014. The documentary project Images of Oblivion - Personal History of the City of Ljubljana is a collection of personal memories revived by elderly citizens of Ljubljana when looking a...
Production: Zavod Kinokašča, 2015
In December 2015 the inhabitants of Nova Gorica/Gorizia were invited to donate copies of photographs they had recently taken in their city and address the motives of different buildings in their cities. Cross-Border Memory Collection ActionsThe purpose o...
Production: Kinoatelje, Kinokašča, 2015
In 2012, a campaign of digitization of family photos owned by locals and villagers from the neighboring village of Livek, located on the other side of the border, was carried out within the Topolova Station. On this occasion, each owner of the photo was i...
Production: Kinoatelje, Kinokašča, 2014
In December 2013, the fourth memory collection action entitled Found Portraits was carried out in the premises of the former border crossing between Nova Gorica and Gorizia. Citizens of both cities were invited to choose photos of unknown fellow citizens...
Production: Kinoatelje; Zavod Kinoatelje, Zavod Kinokašča, 2013
Gathered – Humans have always striven to free themselves from nature. The history of philosophy is a story of reflections on this tragic effort. Approaching new technological limits, we have found ourselves in new contradictions. Humans have never b...
Production: Kinoatelje, Kinokašča, 2012
In December 2011 the inhabitants of Nova Gorica/Gorizia were invited to donate to the Album of the City copies of photographs they had recently taken in their city and address the motives that made them capture the space in which they live in the lens. Th...
Production: Kinoatelje, 2010
Spovednica tihotapcev je prva spominodajalska akcija iz serije Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spomina: Carinarnica na meji med dvema mestoma, državama, družbenima sistemoma, med romanskim in slovanskim svetom 65 let po končani vojni. 20. decembra 2007 z vst...
Production: Kinoatelje, 2010
10. decembra 2009 je bila v hišici nekdanjega mejnega prehoda med Novo Gorico in Gorico organizirana druga spominodajalska akcija iz serije Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spomina: Ordinacija spomina / Corsia dei ricordi. Občani obeh mest so bili povabl...
Production: Kinoatelje, 2010
On 10 December 2009, the Memory Clinic, a public event aimed at collecting family photographs, was organized at a former border crossing between Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy). The inhabitants of both cities were invited to go through their fa...
Production: Kinoatelje, 2010
A customs office building on the border between two towns, two countries, two social systems, two worlds, the Romanic and the Slavic, 65 years after the end of the war. On the 20th of December with the entry of Slovenia into the Schengen area, Nova Gorica...