Umetnica je idejo za video dobila v 90-tih, ko je na letališču na Norveškem opazila povečano število vojaškega osebja, ki je bilo namenjeno na vojna območja na Balkanu. Pozornost so ji vzbudile vojakinje in sprožile razmišljanja o njihovi pripravljenosti na preživetje, na potencialno spolno nasilje in spolne vloge v vojski in vojni. Pozneje se je seznanila tudi s problematičnimi ravnanji enot ZN na Balkanu (nezakonita preprodaja orožja in drog, spolne zlorabe, korupcija ...).
Video je posnet v prostorih jedilnice likovne akademije v Trondheimu, kjer je umetnica poučevala. Prostori akademije so v industrijski stavbi, ki jo je med 2. svetovno vojno zgradilo podjetje Siemens AG (takrat tesno povezano z nacisti). Vojakinje, ki nastopajo v videu, so z namenom vzpostavljanja tesnobne atmosfere in suspenza dobile navodila, da so oblečene v paradne, reprezentativne uniforme, naj med seboj ne komunicirajo in naj se držijo zase. Umetnica je ta pravila postavila v pričakovanju njihovih kršitev, vzpostavljanja drobnih dogodkov in gest, ki transgresirajo vojaško hierarhijo in razkrivajo drugačne identitete.
Video je del instalacije Situation Report #3, skupaj z zastavami (bannerji) in risbami.
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Photon, 2022
Video documentation of the Video evening with DIVA Station: Duba Sambolec event at the Photon Gallery on May 4, 2022. Vesna Bukovec, expert associate of DIVA Station, talked with the artist about her relationship to video and performance in the conte...
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2004
Video deals with conjugation of a sentence "I am the center" in a form of animated red text circling over the screen. The animation warns us that repeating paroles are a productive tool for political indoctrination, profit marketing and the seeming satisf...
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2003/2005
Paralelni sliki sta postavljeni na ozadje vojaškega vzorca. Na vsaki od projekcij je ena izmed performerk. Nataša Skušek skozi celoten video opravlja naporne vaje za telesno moč. Oblečena je v črno opravo, ki spominja na zašč...
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2002
Video deals with the dynamics in a personal service sector through a series of scenes displaying body care in a satirical manner. Scenes are set in doubles. The woman offering the service is preparing the cosmetic specimens and in the next scene she uses...
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2001/2002
Video work is a research in the field of personal memories, their collected fragments, of the articulation of holes in the memory and missing evidence. The whispering of the author follows the whole line of recordings in a nondramatic, mystical and calmin...
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2001
Video is a performance carried out by one of the artists in front of and the other behind the camera. Pernilla Edholm guides Duba Sambolec and consequentially the viewer around an empty space and together they explore it in an ironic manner. Edholm establ...
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video performance documents the procedure of planting. Static camera records a scene in the middle of the space, where there is a pile of dirt with eight flower pots and postcards laying around. The author starts to fill in the pots with dirt, then she ta...
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Two-channel video perfomance consists of two videos, Airport 1 and Airport 2, which are screened side by side. Video performance captures a modestly furnished space inside which performers move. Shots are static and unedited. One after another or polypho...
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
The authors put on the camera and film lights and pipes with one of them filming and the other holding her. The situation is entertaining for both of them, as we hear them laughing. The first one dictates hot the other should hold her in order for her to...
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Two-channel video perfomance consists of two videos, Airport 1 and Airport 2, which are screened side by side. Video performance captures a modestly furnished space inside which performers move. Shots are static and unedited. One after another or polypho...