Neža Knez
No. 1673
"I follow"
Artist: Neža Knez
Title: I follow
Subtitle: Attempt #7
Duration: 10:33
Year: 2023
Genre: Experimental video / Art video
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana


The starting point of the process is a personal need to explore invisible shapes and forms, inaudible sounds, the importance, beauty and danger of touch, which brings one into a relationship with one's own body. On the one hand, the artist investigates and records the transformations of the materiality of nature, as well as the inscribing of human traces in these materials, and on the other hand, she processes the materials from the location in the studio and investigates their characteristics, follows them and organizes them in a way that results in new comparisons and connections between the materials themselves, them and her, them and the objects that create them, and them and the space in which they are located.
The artist is interested in changes, the creation of new forms, heterogeneity and processes in duration, which are no longer just a tool for representation, but through their interaction we can see what is somehow hidden. (Source: the author)

The video was part of the exhibition Analogue Diffractions #1 by Neža Knez in the SCCA Project Room as part of the International Festival of Experimental Audiovisual Practices V-F-X Ljubljana.

Neža Knez - Proposals and experimentsNeža Knez - Proposals and experimentsNeža Knez - Proposals and experiments
Neža Knez - Proposals and experiments (14:13)
Production: Škola dokumentarnog filma – Restart, 2022
The video documents the process of shooting of experimental feature film about the future as imagined by children. (Source: DIVA Station)  
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Neža Knez - The story of a son who reversed the time when he turned upside down (03:00)
Production: Neža Knez, 2021
I found in front of my building old slides and a sun mirror for looking at the pictures.So, I made the story of a son who reversed the time when he turned upside down. (Source: Neža Knez)
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Neža Knez - The Same Sweat is Still Flowing Through the Same Pores (attempt #2) (17:16)
Production: Galerija Tobačna, 2021
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Toni Poljanec, Neža Knez, Danilo Milovanović - Y?Toni Poljanec, Neža Knez, Danilo Milovanović - Y?Toni Poljanec, Neža Knez, Danilo Milovanović - Y?
Toni Poljanec, Neža Knez, Danilo Milovanović - Y? (57:03)
Production: Projekt Y? (Toni Poljanec, Neža Knez, Danilo Milovanović, Luka Erdani), 2020
Y? is a road-trip documentary shot in 2019 during the journey from Kragujevac (Serbia) to Mercer (Pennsylvania, USA) with a Yugo coral 55. Our four-member team took the Yugo – a catalyst of myths and facts within a specific time and space – fo...
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Neža Knez - Square (13:00)
Production: N.K., 2019
Video is a documentation of a public action performed by the artist while on a residency in New York. Every day she was cleaning the same concrete square on the sidewalk in front of the entrance of her apartment. The first part of the video is recorded in...
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Neža Knez - Deus ex Machina (20:17)
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Neža Knez - For-Nothing (11:37)
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