Tanja Lažetić graduated in Architecture from the University of Ljubljana. Her fields of interest include photography, video, ceramic art, performance art, and artists’ books. For her work, Lažetić has received a number of awards, including the first prize at the Trieste Contemporanea international design competition (1995), a nomination for the International Media Art Award by ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany (2001), the bronze prize at Nanjing Festival, China, the third prize at the International Ceramics Triennial UNICUM (both 2015), and the Rihard Jakopič Recognition (2017). Published by the International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, her book ‘Whore’ has been featured in Phaidon's ‘The Photobook: A History, Volume III'. Lažetić has participated in artist residencies in New York, Berlin, London, Israel, Lithuania, Shanghai, and Vienna, among others.
Lažetić has exhibited her work in galleries and museums worldwide, including the Museum of Modern Art (participating four times in the Triennial of Contemporary Art U3), the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, the International Centre of Graphic Arts (including once in the Biennial of Graphic Arts), the City Art Gallery Ljubljana, Cankarjev dom, the P74 Gallery, and the Škuc Gallery in Ljubljana; Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin; Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid; Museum Brandhorst, Munich; the Art Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina; the PM Gallery and Klovićevi Dvori Gallery, Zagreb; the 25th of May Museum, Belgrade; Brighton Photo Biennial, UK; the Festival of Regions, Austria; and Gagoian Galleries in Paris, Beverly Hills, and NY.
Photo: Dejan Habicht
Production: 2012
Črno bel avtoportretni posnetek nog iz roke.
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2007
Z delom Hotel Kumrovec avtorica raziskuje različne taktike, s katerimi želi država kljub zasuku ideologije ohraniti spomenik z velikim simbolnim potencialom: lokalno prebivalstvo, nekdanji delavci hotela, so plačani, da urejajo in vzdržujejo hotel, k...
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2006
No Remembrance No Comradeship je avtorska dokumentacija kontinuirane javne akcije, ki je trajala približno leto dni (2005 / 2006). Avtorja projekta sta organizirala nedeljske kolesarske izlete po ljubljanski sprehajalni Poti spominov in tovarištva,...
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2006
Avtorica na svoji poti z vlakom iz Ljubljane v Firence na brezimni železniški postaji zabeleži hipni prizor interakcije mladega para. Njun pogovor, ki ga gledalec ne sliši, nakazuje veliko mero pozitivne energije med osrediščenima...
Production: Tanja Lažetić & Dejan Habicht, 2004
Avtokino Barje je enkratna javna akcija na avtocestnem postajališču ljubljanske obvoznice (4. oktobra 2004). Avtorja sta na ta način želela opozoriti na neizkoriščenost nekaterih nevidnih javnih prostorov, kamor večina ljudi ne zahaja. Na...