Nika Autor - In the land of bears (01:12:33)
Production: Obzorniška fronta, 2012
In 2010 and 2011, the huge Slovenian construction sector, which employed more than 70,000 foreign workers, collapsed, leaving behind it debts, halted construction activities and exploited and unpaid workers. Most employed workers came from the territory o...
Nika Autor deluje na področju sodobnih praks umetnosti. Leta 2008 je končala študij na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Ljubljani. Umetniško prakso razume kot refleksijo družbene stvarnosti, ki prispeva k upiranju pogleda in ostrenju misli, k opolnomočenju in podajanju glasu in podobe neslišnemu in nevidnemu. Je del kolektiva Obzorniške Fronte / OF.
Nika Autor - Solidarity (00:05:04)
Production: Obzorniška fronta, 2012
The film is a reshot of the 1973 movie Solidarity by Joyce Wieland. It documents workers’ protests in Ljubljana. It raises questions such as: what is solidarity today, who is showing solidarity, with whom and when? The reshot of the movie was motiva...
Production: Obzorniška fronta, 2012
The film is a reshot of the 1973 movie Solidarity by Joyce Wieland. It documents workers’ protests in Ljubljana. It raises questions such as: what is solidarity today, who is showing solidarity, with whom and when? The reshot of the movie was motiva...
Nika Autor, Robertina Šebjanič - Niro (0:02:15)
Production: 2006
Images intertwine with fade-in and fade-out effects. Authors paint intimate spaces and their bond as friends by intertwining and overlapping the images one onto the other. They are searching for their common identity NiRo, which is characterized by a stat...
Production: 2006
Images intertwine with fade-in and fade-out effects. Authors paint intimate spaces and their bond as friends by intertwining and overlapping the images one onto the other. They are searching for their common identity NiRo, which is characterized by a stat...