
The DIVA News page refers to public presentations, exhibitions, screenings, publications in Slovenia and on the international scene, connected to participations of DIVA Station Video Archive and the video artists who had contributed their video artworks to the archive. We also introduce events organised by DIVA Station (SCCA-Ljubljana) in order to promote its content and usage.

Barbara Borčić presented DIVA Station in frame of the exchange program Curating-In-Depth in Manila (The Philippines), while Ricky Orellana presented Philippines audiovisual archive Mowelfund; the presentations were followed by projections of works from both archives: program Diva Station Presents and program of short films from Mowelfund. As a part of the Curating-In-Context symposium organised by Planting Rice the event was presented under the name Problematizing Experimental and Archival Practices in Video and Film (Blackbox, De La Salle College of Saint Benilde, Manila, 5th August 2015). That was the first encounter with video art in Slovenia for the Philippines public and with Philippines film production (including the films by John Torres) for us from Slovenia.

Barbara Borčić presented DIVA Station at Forum of director and curators from CEE countries and China in Ningbo Art Museum in frame of the 1st China – CEE Countries Investment and Trade Exchange in Ningbo. That was the first encounter with video art from Slovenia (June 8-10, 2015).

The presentation DIVA Station – archiving of images and time by Barbara Borčić took place on June 28, 2015 and was accompanied by screening of DIVA at Škuc Gallery, a video essay by Nika Grabar. The event was organised in frame of the exhibition Race with Time 2. Performance in a Rear-view Mirror, selected works by eight artists (Martina Bastarda / Mateja Ocepek / Nataša Skušek, Mateja Bučar, Ana Čigon, Tomaž Furlan, Marko A. Kovačič, Miha Vipotnik) from SCCA's DIVA Station.

On 9th May 1979 Videogram 4 by Miha Vipotnik was broadcast on national television (RTV Ljubljana) as an experimental programme, with a previous notice and warning that all disturbances and irregularities in the picture and tone were part of the programme and that viewers should not attempt to clarify the picture on their screens.

27. april praznujemo kot Dan boja proti okupatorju in sprašujejo nas, ali imamo takrat kakšen ritual. Morda bi lahko bil to kolesarski izlet po sprehajalni Poti spominov in tovarištva, kakršne sta ob nedeljah pred leti organizirala Tanja Lažetić in Dejan Habicht. Seveda sta te poti okoli žice okupirane Ljubljane skrbno dokumentirala v videu No Remembrance No Comradeship.

Temu pomembnemu lokalnemu prazniku sledi mednarodni praznik in temu posvečen video Živel 1. maj - Praznik dela - enominutni  razmislek Marka A. Kovačiča in "velika utopija".

Stoto obletnico rušilnega potresa v Ljubljani leta 1895 je obeležila tudi razstava Urbanaria Sorosovega centra za sodobno umetnost (SCCA-Ljubljana). 14. aprila 1995 je projekt Metoda Vidica Podprto mesto stresel kulturne strani petih slovenskih dnevnih časopisov. Vsebino strani je prekril odtis podpornikov, ki so obvarovali ljubljanske zgradbe pred rušenjem. Danes, ko je časopisov manj in so kulturne strani skromnejše, bi prišla prav kakšna druga oblika obeležitve. Postaja Diva pa v svojem arhivu hrani vseh pet časopisnih strani in ohranja zgodovinski spomin tudi na časopisnem papirju.

DIVA proposes a lot of dance. This is how Sašo Vrabič, dressed as Santa Claus, dances and observes how people who live in the same appartement react on the situation of act: Santa.

Miha Vipotnik - France Prešeren: Gazele (00:24:44)
Produkcija: RTV Slovenija, 2000                                                                                          

Gibljiva poetika narave je zvočno obdana s Sedmimi orkestralnimi pesnitvami Lucijana Marije Škerjanca in s sedmimi gazelami pesnika Franceta Prešerna.

Presentation, workshop, exhibition and projection on media facade, Oct. 30 – Nov. 10, 2014
The collaborators of DIVA Station (SCCA-Ljubljana) Barbara Borčić, Dušan Dovč, Ida Hiršenfelder and Nika Grabar will present the procedures of production, historisation and functioning of DIVA Station, the archive of video and media art in Slovenia. Two (Videospotting) video programmes will meet their premiere at Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb: Industrial Landscape curated by Miha Colner and Feedback Loop curated by Ida Hiršenfelder. 

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