Št. 7
"TV News 04. 09. 1974"
Avtor/ica: Martinis, Dalibor
Naslov: TV News 04. 09. 1974
Trajanje: 00:22:05
Leto: 2009
Zvrst: Video performans
Produkcija: Omnimedia
VEČOn September 4, 1974 Dalibor Martinis made video "Still Life" (b/w) by shooting TV set showing TV news. 35 years later (2009) artist himself reads the news following exactly the transcript of the original program from 1974. With its technical and media characteristics, visual design, and aditional info (stock market listings) video belongs to the present time, only its content comes from a time, social system and ideological framework long bygone (Source: Dalibor Martinis).