Apolonija Šušteršič graduated from Architecture, University of Ljubljana in 1992 and atained postgraduate study Rijksakademie of Fine Arts, Amsterdam 1994–1995. Born in Slovenia, Šušteršič', originally studied architecture there, before moving to Amsterdam in 1993 to pursue studies in visual arts at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten. For the next five years, she was professor and head of Monumental Department (Department of Public Art) at the The Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. She was awarded a PhD research position shared between Lund University and Malmö Art Academy (Sweden) in 2008, where she is currently finalising her research under the supervision of Professor Sarat Maharaj and Professor Gertrud Sandqvist. Šušteršič has participated in a wide range of international exhibitions as well as published and exhibited projects within and beyond international contemporary art institutions, including personal shows at the Moderna Museet Stockholm, Berlin Bienale, Luxembourg City of Culture, and the twelfth Architecture Biennale in Venice. Most recently, Šušteršič was shortlisted for this year’s Artes Mundi award, the largest cash prize awarded for the arts in the UK, exhibited at the National Museum of Wales. Until the end of the school year 2012/13 she held the position of the Head of Programme in Sculpture at Royal College of Art in London. She lives and works in Amsterdam.
Produkcija: 1997
Javni plesni performans, izveden na lokaciji Vlaams cultureel centrum de Singel v Antwerpnu, Belgiji. Posnetki vstopanja v zgradbo in dogajanja pri notranjih vhodnih vratih kulturnega centra. Kamera je statična, posnetki so režirani in zmontirani - gre...
Produkcija: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam, 1996
Kompilacija štirih kratkih video filmov, posnetih v dominikanskem samostanu La Tourette pri Lyonu. Samostan je bil zgrajen v začetku 60-ih let po načrtih Le Corbusierja v sodelovanju z matematikom, glasbenikom in skladateljem Iannisom Xenakisom. (VD)...
Produkcija: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam, 1996
Kompilacija štirih kratkih video filmov, posnetih v dominikanskem samostanu La Tourette pri Lyonu. Samostan je bil zgrajen v začetku 60-ih let po načrtih Le Corbusierja v sodelovanju z matematikom, glasbenikom in skladateljem Iannisom Xenakisom. (VD)...
Produkcija: 1995
Zvočna intervencija v prostorih Rijksakademie van beeldene kunsten Amsterdam. Video prikazuje posnetke postopnega vstopanja v svetli prostor, snemanje tal ob hoji, snemanje obiskovalcev, ki poslušajo instalacijo na slušalke. Kamera je statična, na tre...