Dekleva, Luka
No. 863
"Sen/za Televizijo/a"
Artist: Dekleva, Luka
Title: Sen/za Televizijo/a
Duration: 00:28:38
Genre: Hybrid Art / Performance

The video is a result of artistic collaboration with Miha Vipotnik during the Sen/za Televizijo/a project at Jakopič Gallery, marking 30 years to the date after the first transmission of Vipotnik's television video project Videograma 4 on May 4th, 1979. Dekleva's work is a re-make of Videograma 4. The image has been deformed with an oscillator in order to achieve an entirely abstract video, thus making the image and sound completely illegible and seemingly playing in a slowed down mode as though the Videogram 4 tape would have been seriously damaged. The oscillating version of Videograma 4 was made at Jakopič Gallery and simultaneously streamed to Kapelica Gallery where DJ Nova deViator was playing an audio performance for the 40th anniversary of Radio Student in the frame of XL Experiment Project.

Luka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič - SchizogramLuka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič - SchizogramLuka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič - Schizogram
Luka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič - Schizogram (00:14:22)
Production: 2009
Schizogram is the consequence of the abuse, of the conscious incorrect usage of analogue and digital technology, which produces unforseenable images. Schizogram presents the abstract aesthetics of computer's errors.
Luka Dekleva, Elena Fajt - The MemoryLuka Dekleva, Elena Fajt - The MemoryLuka Dekleva, Elena Fajt - The Memory
Luka Dekleva, Elena Fajt - The Memory (00:02:01)
Production: E. F., L. D., 2009
The photo animation was designed by Elena Fajt (installation), Luka Dekleva (photo), Luka Prinčič (sound) at the time of the II. Biennial of Sloevene Independent Illustration in 2009. Fajt set up ice cubes in three open-air locations containing the froz...
Luka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič, Miha Ciglar - Netmag08 LiveLuka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič, Miha Ciglar - Netmag08 LiveLuka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič, Miha Ciglar - Netmag08 Live
Luka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič, Miha Ciglar - Netmag08 Live (00:05:22)
Production: 2008
Netmag08 Live je multimedijski dogodek, performans interakcije signalov in napetostnih polj. Že sama postavitev določa parametre video interakcij. Intervencija umetnika, ki s svojim telom preusmerja tok elektronov iz katodne cevi v zvočni izvor. Umetni...
Luka Dekleva - Singing Bridges EDITLuka Dekleva - Singing Bridges EDITLuka Dekleva - Singing Bridges EDIT
Luka Dekleva - Singing Bridges EDIT (00:04:14)
Production: 2008
The author uses audio and video field material recorded by the artist Jodi Rose. Manipulation of video recordings of a hanging bridge construction is used as a visual background for an experimental electronic music created from sound recordings of the bri...
Luka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič - Singing Bizovik BridgeLuka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič - Singing Bizovik BridgeLuka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič - Singing Bizovik Bridge
Luka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič - Singing Bizovik Bridge (00:04:07)
Production: Kapelica, Codeep. KinoDvor, 2008
The authors created new contents and techniques by manipulating video and audio recordings of a bridge. In this video performance the sound is coming from the microphones mounted on cables and construction of the bridge. Thus, Jodi Rose, Cym and Luka Prinč...
Luka Dekleva - FeedForward CinemaLuka Dekleva - FeedForward CinemaLuka Dekleva - FeedForward Cinema
Luka Dekleva - FeedForward Cinema (00:05:25)
Production: codeep, 2007
Video dokumentacija performansa iz Kinodvor dne 19. oktobra 2007. Delo Feedforward Cinema nastaja z interakcijo dveh video naprav, ki si vzajemno pošiljajo signale in tvorijo zaprt krog informacij. Rezultat spominja na različne vzorce od zelo organskih...
Luka Dekleva - lOw/TuningLuka Dekleva - lOw/TuningLuka Dekleva - lOw/Tuning
Luka Dekleva - lOw/Tuning (00:07:08)
Production: 2007
Pri video delu lOw/Tuning gre za isti princip kot pri delu Feedforward Cinema. Z interakcijo dveh video naprav, ki si vzajemno pošiljata signale in tvorita zaprt krog informacij, pride do realizacije deloma nepredvidivih struktur, ki se pojavlajo kot hru...
Luka Dekleva - City Off SeasonLuka Dekleva - City Off SeasonLuka Dekleva - City Off Season
Luka Dekleva - City Off Season (00:05:44)
Production: 2006
City of Season je video za istoemenski glasbeno delo beograjskega umetnika za hrupno glasbo (noise) WoO. Luka Dekleva generira video pokrajino na podlagi počasnega zvočnega ritma, ki je povezan z manipulacijo mozaičnih priključkov v programu PureData....
YEARS 1 decade present
Luka Dekleva Luka Prinčič Elena Fajt Miha Ciglar
Hribernik, Jasna  - Carte Postale
Hribernik, Jasna - Carte Postale (06:32)
TV Slovenija, 1997
Saša Spačal - Mycophone_unison
Saša Spačal - Mycophone_unison (00:14:27)
Saša Spačal, Muzej sodo..., 2016
Hribernik, Jasna  - Ballabende
Hribernik, Jasna - Ballabende (00:21:46)
TV Slovenija, 1995
Katja Šoltes, Emir Jelkić - How Do You Say Ćesma? / Kako se kaže fountain?
Katja Šoltes, Emir Jelkić - How Do You... (00:07:30)
Ljudmila, Ljubljana in SCCA/p..., 2000
Kovačič, Marko - Naprej v preteklost / Forth Into the Past
Kovačič, Marko - Naprej v preteklost /... (0:09:30)
Forum Ljubljana, VPK, 1995
Saša Spačal - Liminoid
Saša Spačal - Liminoid (00:08:08)
Saša Spačal, Muzej sodo..., 2016
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda (ZANK) - The Sand Collectors
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda (ZANK) - Th... (00:12:34)
V.S. Video / Forum Ljublj..., 1995
Hribernik, Jasna  - Hiša nasprotij / House of Contrasts
Hribernik, Jasna - Hiša nasprotij / Ho... (00:20:17)
TV Slovenija, 1998
Kovačič, Marko  - No More Heroes Any More
Kovačič, Marko - No More Heroes Any M... (0:18:15)
V.S. VIDEO/Forum Ljubljan..., 1992
Kovačič, Marko - Song of Flesh and Image Was Made Body
Kovačič, Marko - Song of Flesh and Ima... (00:15:56)
ŠKUC - Forum / koprodukc..., 1985
Lenardič, Zmago - Big Blue Subway
Lenardič, Zmago - Big Blue Subway (00:12:42)
VPK & White Balance, 2000
Korenc, Jurij - Oddaja o Radiu Študent
Korenc, Jurij - Oddaja o Radiu Študent (00:04:45)
Studio 37, 1988
Hribernik, Jasna  - Lok Telesa / The Body Bow
Hribernik, Jasna - Lok Telesa / The Bod... (00:18:21)
Sfinga, TV Slovenija, 1996
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