Photo: Borut Kranjc
Bojan Štokelj (1959-2001) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana - sculpture department and his diploma thesis from art theory entitled Art in totalitarian regimes was performed under the menthorship of Tomaž Brejcu. In the early 1980s, he was a member of the Kolaps multimedia group (together with Venko Cvetkov – installations, video, performances).
In his work, he investigated the field of art in space and time, the role of the artist and the status of the artwork. He tried to answer these questions in various fine arts - sculpture, photography, installation, performance, computer art.
In the late 1990s, he was the author of two of the earliest internet projects in Slovenia: and (1998).
Production: 1991
The video documented the performance The Uneasiness in front of a Mirror Image (CRMK - Shelter, Šempeter near Nova Gorica, 18.1.1991), where he collaborated with Ema Kugler, Marko Košnik / Egon March Institute in Tanja Zgonc. The performance...