Dejan Habicht - 12 Boring Poems (01:21:19)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2013
The 12 Boring Poems are visual materials, stacked into shorter narrative structures. They issued successively in electronic form, from January to December 2007. They were available free of charge one by one on the last week of the month on e-mail addresse...
No. 956
"die Heißeste Nummer"
Video available only in physical archive
Artist: Habicht, Dejan
Title: die Heißeste Nummer
Subtitle: 12 dolgočasnih pesmi
Year: 2004/06
Genre: Hybrid Art
Production: Center in Galerija P74
MOREdie Heißeste Nummer / The Hottest Number is an e-book that one can print at home. It is composed of black and white photographs of a television screen showing the sports channel DSF that starts to broadcast phone sex commercials at 11 p.m.
Dejan Habicht - Nemi film / Silent Film (00:11:30)
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Silent Film is a video footage of disc defragmentation in Windows '95 environment. The artist has preserved the dead poetic of a dieing computer programmes.
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Silent Film is a video footage of disc defragmentation in Windows '95 environment. The artist has preserved the dead poetic of a dieing computer programmes.
Dejan Habicht - Zvočni film / Sound Movie (00:05:22)
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
The sound of an airplane over a forest.
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
The sound of an airplane over a forest.
Dejan Habicht - Love is in the Air ()
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Love is in the Air is an electronic book in the size of 523KB. The story for the poem draws upon a strange script for NATO and PFP exercises from 1998: "After the fall of a dictatorial regime in a small country in southeastern Europe, a bloody power...
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Love is in the Air is an electronic book in the size of 523KB. The story for the poem draws upon a strange script for NATO and PFP exercises from 1998: "After the fall of a dictatorial regime in a small country in southeastern Europe, a bloody power...
Dejan Habicht - Rotkäppchen ()
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Pesem je elektronska knjiga, ki si jo lahko natisnemo sami. Sestavljena je iz serije barvnih in črno belih fotografij, ki prikazujejo nenavadni zabaviščni park v globokem gozdu na severu Nemčije, kjer je bil avtor na delovnem obisku. Park naj bi obisk...
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Pesem je elektronska knjiga, ki si jo lahko natisnemo sami. Sestavljena je iz serije barvnih in črno belih fotografij, ki prikazujejo nenavadni zabaviščni park v globokem gozdu na severu Nemčije, kjer je bil avtor na delovnem obisku. Park naj bi obisk...
Dejan Habicht - ich komme, ich komme... (00:10:00)
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Zelo upočasnjeni posnetek pristajanja aviona. V podlagi se predvaja pesem zvoka sedmih avionov.
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Zelo upočasnjeni posnetek pristajanja aviona. V podlagi se predvaja pesem zvoka sedmih avionov.
Dejan Habicht - 18:40:00 (00:18:40)
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
The poem is a long sound track. It is inspired by the following passage: "At the time of Satie's death in 1925, absolutely nobody else had ever entered his room in Arcueil since he had moved there twenty-seven years earlier. What his friends would di...
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
The poem is a long sound track. It is inspired by the following passage: "At the time of Satie's death in 1925, absolutely nobody else had ever entered his room in Arcueil since he had moved there twenty-seven years earlier. What his friends would di...
Dejan Habicht - Uspavanka / Lullaby (00:02:31)
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Lullaby is representation of repeating a pattern of behavior.
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Lullaby is representation of repeating a pattern of behavior.
Dejan Habicht - Pasjansa (00:05:51)
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
A card game played by one person is telling a story about ingenious ways of doing away with boredom.
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
A card game played by one person is telling a story about ingenious ways of doing away with boredom.
Dejan Habicht - JPEG image ()
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Avtor je pretvoril jpg v txt datoteko. Fotografija je prikazovala njegovo hčerko, kako čez ograjo na letališču zre proti letalom. Delo raziskuje kodifikacijo jezika in reprezentacije. Ukvarja se z digitalno ontologijo.
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Avtor je pretvoril jpg v txt datoteko. Fotografija je prikazovala njegovo hčerko, kako čez ograjo na letališču zre proti letalom. Delo raziskuje kodifikacijo jezika in reprezentacije. Ukvarja se z digitalno ontologijo.