Artist: Pivka, Irena; Zorman, Brane
Title: Zone Tourism
Duration: 00:12:52
Year: 2006
Genre: Documentary video / Art video
Production: Maska, Cona
Country: Slovenia
Language: slovene
Serija izjav "turističnih" delavcev, ki svojim strankam - ilegalnim pribežnikom pomagajo prečkati meje Trdnjave Evrope. Vsebina dokumentarnega video dela predstavlja drugo plat medijske zgodbe, ki ponavadi portretira delo z ilegalnimi pribežniki kot popolnoma ne etično in kriminalno dejavnost. V množične medije tovrstne zgodbe - kot pravi eden od turističnih delavcev - pridejo samo takrat, ko se zgodi tragedija, ne predstavljajo pa pribežniškega vsakdana, ki ga producira politika šengenske meje. Video sestavljajo izjave in prizori opazovanja obmejnega pasu z infra-rdečimi kamerami. Glasovi turističnih delavcev so popačeni, zato da bi skrili njihovo identiteto.
A multimedia project on workers in the tourist industry and their customers.
The project Zone TOURISM is primarily an hour long journey, a drive with an appropriately equipped tourist bus, which assumes the functions of a multimedia art gallery. Passengers pay a symbolic fee upon entering the bus. A friendly hostess distributes to the passangers a copy of the catalogue ZoneTourism, offers them resfreshments and explains the route of the journey.
As an advertising part of the media representation and the realisation of project Zone TOURISM , 23,000 catalogues with special offers were printed. The catalogue is a small advertising brochure, and was inserted within all the copies of the weekly Mladina (published on January 31, 2005). The weekly Mladina therefore became the main advertising and distribution printed medium.