Marjan Gumilar - Pogled (00:06:38)
Production: Marjan Gumilar, 2002
Avtor posname svoj vsakdan na statičen način. Video je posnet v enem samem kadru in prikazuje par v stanovanju, prepravljenem z dnevno svetlobo. Na radiu slišimo jazz glasbo, ki je obenem najbolj dramatičen element videa in omogača tako moški kot ženski osebi, da naselita video brez da bi komunicirala. Moški gleda skozi okno in občuduje razgled, ženska pa bere na postelji. Z odsotnostjo komunikacije - osebe so dejansko ujete v melanholičnost dolgočasnega vsakdana -, postane njuno stanovanje udob...
DIVA self-portrait
50 results in works
Nataša Skušek - Ecstasy (00:11:28)
Production: 2005
The video consists of ten close-up shots of the author's face while breastfeeding her daughter. The author got inflammation of the tissue in her breast or mastitis and shows the unpleasant, painful part of motherhood, which is usually depicted with idealized scenes of tenderness. Close-ups are mixed with video image disintegration effects (dissolve).
Production: 2005
The video consists of ten close-up shots of the author's face while breastfeeding her daughter. The author got inflammation of the tissue in her breast or mastitis and shows the unpleasant, painful part of motherhood, which is usually depicted with idealized scenes of tenderness. Close-ups are mixed with video image disintegration effects (dissolve).
Nataša Skušek - Fliperautomat (00:02:47)
Production: 2005
V videu se na štirih slikah, ki se izmenjujejo na ekranu, odvijajo mitološka ženska opravila: kuhanje, pranje, likanje, masiranje, dojenje. Vlogam sodobne ženske - delavke, negovalke, žene, ljubice, urejene lepotice - avtorica dodaja še vlogo matere. Če se je prejšnjim vlogam lahko še nekako izognila, vlogo matere mora sprejeti. Seveda obstaja razlika med posameznimi družbenimi vlogami, ki jih predpisuje socialni okvir, in pa biološkimi, kot je materinstvo.
Production: 2005
V videu se na štirih slikah, ki se izmenjujejo na ekranu, odvijajo mitološka ženska opravila: kuhanje, pranje, likanje, masiranje, dojenje. Vlogam sodobne ženske - delavke, negovalke, žene, ljubice, urejene lepotice - avtorica dodaja še vlogo matere. Če se je prejšnjim vlogam lahko še nekako izognila, vlogo matere mora sprejeti. Seveda obstaja razlika med posameznimi družbenimi vlogami, ki jih predpisuje socialni okvir, in pa biološkimi, kot je materinstvo.
Nataša Skušek - Lebdenje (00:04:31)
Production: 2004
V videu avtorica leži v vodi in spominja na Ofelijo, ki je postala ikona obupane ženske. Ko leži v vodi in mimo nje namesto rož, kot na sliki Ophelie Johna Evereta Millaisa, plavajo odsevi kamenja, je popolna. Ne upira se več igri okoli nje in izpolnila bo usodo, ki so si jo zamislili drugi. Vendar ta rumena obleka, zaprte oči in razprte roke naznanjajo, da nekaj sprejema. Zaveda se, da je odigrala dobro vlogo, ve, da bo preživela v našem spominu kot lepa podoba.
Production: 2004
V videu avtorica leži v vodi in spominja na Ofelijo, ki je postala ikona obupane ženske. Ko leži v vodi in mimo nje namesto rož, kot na sliki Ophelie Johna Evereta Millaisa, plavajo odsevi kamenja, je popolna. Ne upira se več igri okoli nje in izpolnila bo usodo, ki so si jo zamislili drugi. Vendar ta rumena obleka, zaprte oči in razprte roke naznanjajo, da nekaj sprejema. Zaveda se, da je odigrala dobro vlogo, ve, da bo preživela v našem spominu kot lepa podoba.
Nataša Skušek - Toaleta 1 / 36 (00:03:31)
Production: 2005
Video collage composed of 36 photographs of the author laying in a bathtub dressed in different clothes.
Production: 2005
Video collage composed of 36 photographs of the author laying in a bathtub dressed in different clothes.
Nataša Skušek - You Will See... (00:04:23)
Production: 2003
Video is set on a windy beach. The author and her sister appear in two roles, which foretell dim prospects to each other with clichee expresions in a sinister way. Simple editing and the usage of shot reverse shot is used.
Production: 2003
Video is set on a windy beach. The author and her sister appear in two roles, which foretell dim prospects to each other with clichee expresions in a sinister way. Simple editing and the usage of shot reverse shot is used.
Marko A. Kovačič - Dosje 83:03 - video rekonstrukcija / Dossier 83:03. Video Reconstruction (00:45:40)
Production: Forum-Ljubljana / Zwiks, 2003
Narration d'auteur contextualises the artists own art practice within the social and political circumstances in Yugoslavia/Slovenia in the period of 20 years. The visual material originates from his personal archive and appertains to his art projects, home/family shots, or found footages/TV News. The video presents the historical/social events through biased/personal view. The methodology of individual authorial approach is relatively personal expressing the eclecticism of the 90s – the fragmentarines...
Production: Forum-Ljubljana / Zwiks, 2003
Narration d'auteur contextualises the artists own art practice within the social and political circumstances in Yugoslavia/Slovenia in the period of 20 years. The visual material originates from his personal archive and appertains to his art projects, home/family shots, or found footages/TV News. The video presents the historical/social events through biased/personal view. The methodology of individual authorial approach is relatively personal expressing the eclecticism of the 90s – the fragmentarines...
Marko A. Kovačič - Mirror Knows the Secret (00:02:34)
Production: 1986
The video is based on the performance of the same title. The metamorphosis of image is enabled by electronic technology. A step further from the chroma-key procedure of inserting of the front plane of the image into some other background, which invests the modified image with greater dynamics and gives it the mark of experiment. The use of digital (mirror) effects allows for the reproduction of the same image in the rhythm of music. (Source: Videodokument) A short video project made for the TV show Auto-vis...
Production: 1986
The video is based on the performance of the same title. The metamorphosis of image is enabled by electronic technology. A step further from the chroma-key procedure of inserting of the front plane of the image into some other background, which invests the modified image with greater dynamics and gives it the mark of experiment. The use of digital (mirror) effects allows for the reproduction of the same image in the rhythm of music. (Source: Videodokument) A short video project made for the TV show Auto-vis...
Milena Kosec - Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas (00:09:10)
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 2009
Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas je umetniška akcija v okviru Državice Ptičjestrašilne. Njena državljanka Marička B. Pomagaj si je v petek, 5. januarja 2001, ob 17. uri s pomočjo asistenta Tomaža Trčka ogledala razstavo Vulgata, U3 – tretji trienale sodobne slovenske umetnosti, ki jo je kuriral Gregor Podnar. Državna inštitucija se v primeru U3 ni korektno obnašala do ustvarjalcev Državice Ptičjestrašilne, kar je izzvalo prepoved uporabe gradiva o Državici....
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 2009
Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas je umetniška akcija v okviru Državice Ptičjestrašilne. Njena državljanka Marička B. Pomagaj si je v petek, 5. januarja 2001, ob 17. uri s pomočjo asistenta Tomaža Trčka ogledala razstavo Vulgata, U3 – tretji trienale sodobne slovenske umetnosti, ki jo je kuriral Gregor Podnar. Državna inštitucija se v primeru U3 ni korektno obnašala do ustvarjalcev Državice Ptičjestrašilne, kar je izzvalo prepoved uporabe gradiva o Državici....
Nika Autor, Robertina Šebjanič - Niro (0:02:15)
Production: 2006
Images intertwine with fade-in and fade-out effects. Authors paint intimate spaces and their bond as friends by intertwining and overlapping the images one onto the other. They are searching for their common identity NiRo, which is characterized by a state of complete trust and the disappearance and upgrade of their individual features. Stop motion technique enables rough fluidity of the video with an emphasis on certain moments as memories which are crucial in a relationship of two people. Images on the sc...
Production: 2006
Images intertwine with fade-in and fade-out effects. Authors paint intimate spaces and their bond as friends by intertwining and overlapping the images one onto the other. They are searching for their common identity NiRo, which is characterized by a state of complete trust and the disappearance and upgrade of their individual features. Stop motion technique enables rough fluidity of the video with an emphasis on certain moments as memories which are crucial in a relationship of two people. Images on the sc...