Marko A. Kovačič - Song of Flesh and Image Was Made Body (00:15:56)
Production: ŠKUC - Forum / koprodukcija Marijan Osole - Max, 1985
The story of the narrative is based on the genre of crime fiction. The images are filled with citations from the history of art and cinema (Man Ray, Sergei Eisenstein) and are further stratified and multiplied. The dynamics of the image fraught with typical cinematic suspense is matched with the music full of suspense (Bernard Herrmann). (Source: DIVA)
DIVA civilization
61 results in works
Damijan Kracina - Zoospective (00:11:53)
Subtitle: (Zoological Retrospective)
Production: 2000
The video summarises the basic motifs of the artist’s work: endangered species and fantasy animals of the future. It comprises an omnibus of five individual video pieces and additional raw video footage. First, we see ‘proteus’, a computer-generated olm in motion; which is followed by ‘An Interview with an Endangered Species’, featuring frontal shots of the Soča Trout opening its mouth as if it were speaking; these are combined with an Aquarium video showing the flight of the Soč...
Subtitle: (Zoological Retrospective)
Production: 2000
The video summarises the basic motifs of the artist’s work: endangered species and fantasy animals of the future. It comprises an omnibus of five individual video pieces and additional raw video footage. First, we see ‘proteus’, a computer-generated olm in motion; which is followed by ‘An Interview with an Endangered Species’, featuring frontal shots of the Soča Trout opening its mouth as if it were speaking; these are combined with an Aquarium video showing the flight of the Soč...
Ema Kugler - Menhir (00:35:16)
Production: Forum Ljubljana, VPK & TV Slovenija, 1999
Urbanity is finally erased with mythological rituals, which is defined by the title of the video film: menhir, a large upright standing stone from the Neolithic Period which was used in sacred rituals. A man and a woman are Adam and Eve who are formed before us with electronic transformation (morphing) and are marked by blood, which also marks all the other elements of the video image: murder of an individual committed by a menhir or the trinity (politics, church, army), bodies of dancers. Blood, murder and...
Production: Forum Ljubljana, VPK & TV Slovenija, 1999
Urbanity is finally erased with mythological rituals, which is defined by the title of the video film: menhir, a large upright standing stone from the Neolithic Period which was used in sacred rituals. A man and a woman are Adam and Eve who are formed before us with electronic transformation (morphing) and are marked by blood, which also marks all the other elements of the video image: murder of an individual committed by a menhir or the trinity (politics, church, army), bodies of dancers. Blood, murder and...
Andrej Lupinc - V 8. minutah okoli sveta / In 8 Minutes around the World (00:09:38)
Production: TV Slovenija, filmski laboratorij, 1990-2000
The documentary video patchwork with shots from various places in the world that the author visited while working as a cameraman at Slovenian national TV station in the span of ten years. Diversity of aesthetics is visible through a compilation of shots from different continents. A stable rhythm that runs through the whole video unifies all different scenes and brakes the seeming symbolic differences. The video would work as an ideal visualisation of Levi-Strauss's anthropological theory developed in h...
Production: TV Slovenija, filmski laboratorij, 1990-2000
The documentary video patchwork with shots from various places in the world that the author visited while working as a cameraman at Slovenian national TV station in the span of ten years. Diversity of aesthetics is visible through a compilation of shots from different continents. A stable rhythm that runs through the whole video unifies all different scenes and brakes the seeming symbolic differences. The video would work as an ideal visualisation of Levi-Strauss's anthropological theory developed in h...
Ema Kugler - Homo Erectus (00:43:28)
Production: ZANK, VPK, Cankarjev dom, 2000
This video features no words, only music and images. Ema Kugler describes the moving images as: “They are like a dark, surrealist dance of everyman with his own death. I have seen all these images. They came from the darkness of my subconsciousness, colonized me and obsessed me.” The video shows images, which together with the accompanying music give an impression of the infinite and the divine and being sucked into an abyss from where there is no return. The images bring us to the edge of our e...
Production: ZANK, VPK, Cankarjev dom, 2000
This video features no words, only music and images. Ema Kugler describes the moving images as: “They are like a dark, surrealist dance of everyman with his own death. I have seen all these images. They came from the darkness of my subconsciousness, colonized me and obsessed me.” The video shows images, which together with the accompanying music give an impression of the infinite and the divine and being sucked into an abyss from where there is no return. The images bring us to the edge of our e...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Disk / Disc (00:02:57)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1995
This video in black-and-white presents people participating in mass rituals, primarily wars and the glorification of leaders, which are constant and universal documents of the world. The global and temporal association of these images is emphasised by the graphic sign of a disc, the only colourful object on the screen, which emerges into our view and disappears from it, until finally it is destroyed by a lizard, another - and the last - colourful creature in the records of the world. Every artist's cre...
Production: TV Slovenija, 1995
This video in black-and-white presents people participating in mass rituals, primarily wars and the glorification of leaders, which are constant and universal documents of the world. The global and temporal association of these images is emphasised by the graphic sign of a disc, the only colourful object on the screen, which emerges into our view and disappears from it, until finally it is destroyed by a lizard, another - and the last - colourful creature in the records of the world. Every artist's cre...
Oliver Marčeta - Internacional (00:02:01)
Narisani goli figuri potujeta tako, da se s croma key efektom prestavljata po razglednicah različnih krajev sveta. Figuri sta realizirani na enostaven risarski način, s kombiniranjem nekoliko različnih poz. Video je parodija na glabalizacijo in sodobno manijo, da se turistične destinacije predstavijo kot trofeje.
Narisani goli figuri potujeta tako, da se s croma key efektom prestavljata po razglednicah različnih krajev sveta. Figuri sta realizirani na enostaven risarski način, s kombiniranjem nekoliko različnih poz. Video je parodija na glabalizacijo in sodobno manijo, da se turistične destinacije predstavijo kot trofeje.
Oliver Marčeta - Kaffehaus (00:05:24)
Liki se izrisujejo kot bela kreda na rjavi grobi podlagi, ki se razrezuje in sestavlja v neko urbano zgodbo z gostilnami in vinom, kjer nimajo kave... Naposled jo najde v Kavarni. Avtor animacijo ustvarja s nenehenim nalaganjem slojev, ki nadgrajujejo in spreminjajo prvotno risbo. Zanimivost vsebine je v stalni variaciji risarske površine - prestopi belega ozadja in črne risbe v črno ozadje in belo risbo.Material, ki omogoča risbo, je pravzaprav prav mleta kava.
Liki se izrisujejo kot bela kreda na rjavi grobi podlagi, ki se razrezuje in sestavlja v neko urbano zgodbo z gostilnami in vinom, kjer nimajo kave... Naposled jo najde v Kavarni. Avtor animacijo ustvarja s nenehenim nalaganjem slojev, ki nadgrajujejo in spreminjajo prvotno risbo. Zanimivost vsebine je v stalni variaciji risarske površine - prestopi belega ozadja in črne risbe v črno ozadje in belo risbo.Material, ki omogoča risbo, je pravzaprav prav mleta kava.
Zvonko Čoh, Milan Erič - Cigar for a Prince (00:11:09)
Subtitle: Socializing The Bull? - first episode
Production: Emotionfilm, ŠKUC, TV Slovenija, 1995
Cigara za princa je prva epizoda animiranega filma Socializacija bika?, ki je bila uporabljena kot promocijski spot. Skozi prelivanje podob spremljamo nagajivo ljubezensko zgodbo. Karikaturi dveh ljudi (avtorjev?) bežita pred bikom, asociacije odvijanja zgodbe so podobne sanjam, detajli so v ospredju. Socializacija bika? je prva slovenska celovečerna risanka.
Subtitle: Socializing The Bull? - first episode
Production: Emotionfilm, ŠKUC, TV Slovenija, 1995
Cigara za princa je prva epizoda animiranega filma Socializacija bika?, ki je bila uporabljena kot promocijski spot. Skozi prelivanje podob spremljamo nagajivo ljubezensko zgodbo. Karikaturi dveh ljudi (avtorjev?) bežita pred bikom, asociacije odvijanja zgodbe so podobne sanjam, detajli so v ospredju. Socializacija bika? je prva slovenska celovečerna risanka.
Neven Korda, Dario Seraval, Zemira Alajbegović - ZMR (00:03:49)
Subtitle: From a compilation of the Borghesia music video clips So Young
Production: FV Video, ŠKUC Forum, 1985
Video work is a somewhat atypical video for a song by a group borghesia: static, monumental, melancholic. Author recreates an urban space by combining empty recordings of modern and neoclassical architecture. A lonely female figure almost constantly poses statically is placed inside a completely utopic atmosphere. This surrounding totally deadens the only present character, reduces it to a state of sculpture, where the vividness of the skin and minimal movement is barely noticeable. (DIVA) Video is a part...
Subtitle: From a compilation of the Borghesia music video clips So Young
Production: FV Video, ŠKUC Forum, 1985
Video work is a somewhat atypical video for a song by a group borghesia: static, monumental, melancholic. Author recreates an urban space by combining empty recordings of modern and neoclassical architecture. A lonely female figure almost constantly poses statically is placed inside a completely utopic atmosphere. This surrounding totally deadens the only present character, reduces it to a state of sculpture, where the vividness of the skin and minimal movement is barely noticeable. (DIVA) Video is a part...