Andrej Lupinc - V 8. minutah okoli sveta / In 8 Minutes around the World (00:09:38)
Production: TV Slovenija, filmski laboratorij, 1990-2000
The documentary video patchwork with shots from various places in the world that the author visited while working as a cameraman at Slovenian national TV station in the span of ten years. Diversity of aesthetics is visible through a compilation of shots from different continents. A stable rhythm that runs through the whole video unifies all different scenes and brakes the seeming symbolic differences. The video would work as an ideal visualisation of Levi-Strauss's anthropological theory developed in h...
DIVA human rights
12 results in works
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Med štirimi stenami (00:32:35)
Production: ZANK, VPK & TV Slovenija (izobraževalni program), 1999
V dokumentarcu Med štirimi stenami svoje zgodbe pripovedujejo ženske, ki so pobegnile pred nasiljem v lastnih družinah in poiskale pomoč v zatočišču. Spregovorijo o letih zlorabe, nasilja, posilstev in osamljenosti. Zgodovinarji in antropologi pa spregovorijo o širših razsežnostih nasilja. Film vsebuje tudi posnetke iz zatočišča za ženske in otroke - žrtve nasilja iz centrov za socialno delo in skupine za nenasilno komunikacijo, v kateri moški spreminjajo...
Production: ZANK, VPK & TV Slovenija (izobraževalni program), 1999
V dokumentarcu Med štirimi stenami svoje zgodbe pripovedujejo ženske, ki so pobegnile pred nasiljem v lastnih družinah in poiskale pomoč v zatočišču. Spregovorijo o letih zlorabe, nasilja, posilstev in osamljenosti. Zgodovinarji in antropologi pa spregovorijo o širših razsežnostih nasilja. Film vsebuje tudi posnetke iz zatočišča za ženske in otroke - žrtve nasilja iz centrov za socialno delo in skupine za nenasilno komunikacijo, v kateri moški spreminjajo...
Brane Zorman, Irena Pivka - Zone Tourism (00:12:52)
Production: Maska, Cona, 2006
Serija izjav "turističnih" delavcev, ki svojim strankam - ilegalnim pribežnikom pomagajo prečkati meje Trdnjave Evrope. Vsebina dokumentarnega video dela predstavlja drugo plat medijske zgodbe, ki ponavadi portretira delo z ilegalnimi pribežniki kot popolnoma ne etično in kriminalno dejavnost. V množične medije tovrstne zgodbe - kot pravi eden od turističnih delavcev - pridejo samo takrat, ko se zgodi tragedija, ne predstavljajo pa pribežniškega vsakdana, ki ga producira politika šengenske meje. Vi...
Production: Maska, Cona, 2006
Serija izjav "turističnih" delavcev, ki svojim strankam - ilegalnim pribežnikom pomagajo prečkati meje Trdnjave Evrope. Vsebina dokumentarnega video dela predstavlja drugo plat medijske zgodbe, ki ponavadi portretira delo z ilegalnimi pribežniki kot popolnoma ne etično in kriminalno dejavnost. V množične medije tovrstne zgodbe - kot pravi eden od turističnih delavcev - pridejo samo takrat, ko se zgodi tragedija, ne predstavljajo pa pribežniškega vsakdana, ki ga producira politika šengenske meje. Vi...
Ana Čigon - Rebellious Essence (00:04:59)
Production: A.Č., 2017
A cat walks into the Office of the Ministry for Cat Affairs and requests for a passport. All goes pretty well until the female and male cat clerks demand to know the cat's sex. (Source: Ana Čigon)
Production: A.Č., 2017
A cat walks into the Office of the Ministry for Cat Affairs and requests for a passport. All goes pretty well until the female and male cat clerks demand to know the cat's sex. (Source: Ana Čigon)
Pila Rusjan - Elisa, 5 (00:04:51)
Production: 2010
Elisa, 5 is a video about a girl who ends up on a street on her 5th birthday, is a video about reality of São Paulo, about the problem of homeless and social differences in the world. Video was produced in time of Traffic Jam #1 residency in São Paulo, Brasil. (Source: Pila Rusjan)
Production: 2010
Elisa, 5 is a video about a girl who ends up on a street on her 5th birthday, is a video about reality of São Paulo, about the problem of homeless and social differences in the world. Video was produced in time of Traffic Jam #1 residency in São Paulo, Brasil. (Source: Pila Rusjan)
Nika Autor - In the land of bears (01:12:33)
Production: Obzorniška fronta, 2012
In 2010 and 2011, the huge Slovenian construction sector, which employed more than 70,000 foreign workers, collapsed, leaving behind it debts, halted construction activities and exploited and unpaid workers. Most employed workers came from the territory of former Yugoslavia, especially Bosnia and Herzegovina. While the government silently watched the exploited, underpaid, unpaid and humiliated workers, the accumulation of wealth on one side led to the accumulation of indignation and resistance on the side o...
Production: Obzorniška fronta, 2012
In 2010 and 2011, the huge Slovenian construction sector, which employed more than 70,000 foreign workers, collapsed, leaving behind it debts, halted construction activities and exploited and unpaid workers. Most employed workers came from the territory of former Yugoslavia, especially Bosnia and Herzegovina. While the government silently watched the exploited, underpaid, unpaid and humiliated workers, the accumulation of wealth on one side led to the accumulation of indignation and resistance on the side o...
Luksuz produkcija - Idomeni Ghetto (09:06)
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2016
In December 2015, the border between Greece and Macedonia closed for everyone except people from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Idomeni became home to many of those stuck and waiting in agony for their next move. (Source: Luksuz produkcija)
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2016
In December 2015, the border between Greece and Macedonia closed for everyone except people from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Idomeni became home to many of those stuck and waiting in agony for their next move. (Source: Luksuz produkcija)
Ema Kugler - Man with Shadow (01:40)
Subtitle: trailer
Production: ZANK & VPK, 2019
The genetic code forces man in reproduction. A newborn has no choice. Without her/his will, it is sorted to this world and as a completely helpless creature in the dressage of civilizational norms, which are determined by those in the position of power ... But what if something else is possible?
Subtitle: trailer
Production: ZANK & VPK, 2019
The genetic code forces man in reproduction. A newborn has no choice. Without her/his will, it is sorted to this world and as a completely helpless creature in the dressage of civilizational norms, which are determined by those in the position of power ... But what if something else is possible?
Vesna Bukovec - Kaj je nevarnost? (02:00)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
Kako govoriti o nevarnosti v neslavnem letu 2020? Kratek vizualni dnevnik različnih nevarnosti od pandemije koronavirusa do izkoriščanja, nasilja, podnebnih sprememb in lažnih novic.Video je nastal na povabilo FemLink-Art, za mednarodni video kolaž na temo nevarnosti: Danger. (Vir: avtorica)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
Kako govoriti o nevarnosti v neslavnem letu 2020? Kratek vizualni dnevnik različnih nevarnosti od pandemije koronavirusa do izkoriščanja, nasilja, podnebnih sprememb in lažnih novic.Video je nastal na povabilo FemLink-Art, za mednarodni video kolaž na temo nevarnosti: Danger. (Vir: avtorica)
Vesna Bukovec - What is danger? (02:00)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
How to speak about danger in the infamous year 2020 ? A short and intensive visual diary of the many dangers ranging from coronavirus pandemic to exploitation, violence, climate change and fake news.The video was made by invitation to participate in the FemLink-Art‘s international video collage on the topic of Danger. (Source: author)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
How to speak about danger in the infamous year 2020 ? A short and intensive visual diary of the many dangers ranging from coronavirus pandemic to exploitation, violence, climate change and fake news.The video was made by invitation to participate in the FemLink-Art‘s international video collage on the topic of Danger. (Source: author)