Jasna Hribernik - Carte Postale (06:32)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1997
By layering of pictures the artist succeded in simultaneously presenting the past and the present. Destruction of a house represents the present, and fragments from letters written by people who used to live in the house represent the past. An off-screen voice reads the letters, but the sounds soon become unintelligible - for who gives us the right to rummage through the intimacies of these anonymous people? Anonymous they shall remain. For a moment we even see their faces in photographs, but these photogra...
DIVA photography
16 results in works
Jane Štravs - Jane Štravs (00:05:30)
Production: ATV, 1987
Video montaža Štravsovih fotografij (Borghesia, Laibach, Videosex...) z glasbenimi, tekstovnimi in vizualnimi intervencijami. (vir: Š-F)
Production: ATV, 1987
Video montaža Štravsovih fotografij (Borghesia, Laibach, Videosex...) z glasbenimi, tekstovnimi in vizualnimi intervencijami. (vir: Š-F)
Luka Dekleva, Elena Fajt - The Memory (00:02:01)
Production: E. F., L. D., 2009
The photo animation was designed by Elena Fajt (installation), Luka Dekleva (photo), Luka Prinčič (sound) at the time of the II. Biennial of Sloevene Independent Illustration in 2009. Fajt set up ice cubes in three open-air locations containing the frozen ink that gradually changed the image. Time-based installations and abstract illustration were the result of the author's reflection on developing a specific method for graphic printing. The colour was frozen in an ice cube, under which the textile w...
Production: E. F., L. D., 2009
The photo animation was designed by Elena Fajt (installation), Luka Dekleva (photo), Luka Prinčič (sound) at the time of the II. Biennial of Sloevene Independent Illustration in 2009. Fajt set up ice cubes in three open-air locations containing the frozen ink that gradually changed the image. Time-based installations and abstract illustration were the result of the author's reflection on developing a specific method for graphic printing. The colour was frozen in an ice cube, under which the textile w...
Luka Dekleva - Singing Bridges EDIT (00:04:14)
Production: 2008
The author uses audio and video field material recorded by the artist Jodi Rose. Manipulation of video recordings of a hanging bridge construction is used as a visual background for an experimental electronic music created from sound recordings of the bridge and its surroundings.
Production: 2008
The author uses audio and video field material recorded by the artist Jodi Rose. Manipulation of video recordings of a hanging bridge construction is used as a visual background for an experimental electronic music created from sound recordings of the bridge and its surroundings.
Pila Rusjan - Herethere (0:03:02)
Subtitle: Mapping the Memory
Production: Famul Stuart & ArtEast, 2007
Herethere je skupek digitalnih fotografij in kratkih video sekvenc, povezanih v zaključeno delo hitro odvijaočega se narativa, ki govori zgodbo avtoričinega intimnega življenja. Pila Rusjan skozi serije snapshot fotografij, ki si v začetku sledijo v hitrem zaporedju in dajejo občutek gibljive slike ali stop-motion animacije, pripoveduje svojo osebno zgodbo o navezanosti na kraje, ki jih kot ustvarjalka obiskuje in v njih določen čas tudi biva: poleg fotografij se skozi delo pojavljajo tudi tekstovni...
Subtitle: Mapping the Memory
Production: Famul Stuart & ArtEast, 2007
Herethere je skupek digitalnih fotografij in kratkih video sekvenc, povezanih v zaključeno delo hitro odvijaočega se narativa, ki govori zgodbo avtoričinega intimnega življenja. Pila Rusjan skozi serije snapshot fotografij, ki si v začetku sledijo v hitrem zaporedju in dajejo občutek gibljive slike ali stop-motion animacije, pripoveduje svojo osebno zgodbo o navezanosti na kraje, ki jih kot ustvarjalka obiskuje in v njih določen čas tudi biva: poleg fotografij se skozi delo pojavljajo tudi tekstovni...
Dejan Habicht - Love is in the Air
Subtitle: 12 dolgočasnih pesmi
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Love is in the Air is an electronic book in the size of 523KB. The story for the poem draws upon a strange script for NATO and PFP exercises from 1998: "After the fall of a dictatorial regime in a small country in southeastern Europe, a bloody power struggle between ethnic and religious militias broke out. The civilian population suffered the greatest number of casualties. Acting on the UN directive, NATO troops, aided by Partnership for Peace troops, entered the country, separated the warring sides, d...
Subtitle: 12 dolgočasnih pesmi
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Love is in the Air is an electronic book in the size of 523KB. The story for the poem draws upon a strange script for NATO and PFP exercises from 1998: "After the fall of a dictatorial regime in a small country in southeastern Europe, a bloody power struggle between ethnic and religious militias broke out. The civilian population suffered the greatest number of casualties. Acting on the UN directive, NATO troops, aided by Partnership for Peace troops, entered the country, separated the warring sides, d...
Dejan Habicht - Nevarni vzorci
Subtitle: 12 dolgočasnih pesmi
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2006
Dangerous Patterns is an electronic book, which can be printed at home (557KB). Beautiful patterns on black and white photographs of biopsy specimens found in the discarded archives of the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana.
Subtitle: 12 dolgočasnih pesmi
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2006
Dangerous Patterns is an electronic book, which can be printed at home (557KB). Beautiful patterns on black and white photographs of biopsy specimens found in the discarded archives of the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana.
Dejan Habicht - 12 Boring Poems (01:21:19)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2013
The 12 Boring Poems are visual materials, stacked into shorter narrative structures. They issued successively in electronic form, from January to December 2007. They were available free of charge one by one on the last week of the month on e-mail addresses registered to the P74 Gallery's e-list. At the exhibition Line Stroke the Letter (Vžigalica Gallery, Ljubljana, 5.9.-28.10.2013), the author presented how 'bright' the visual poems are today.
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2013
The 12 Boring Poems are visual materials, stacked into shorter narrative structures. They issued successively in electronic form, from January to December 2007. They were available free of charge one by one on the last week of the month on e-mail addresses registered to the P74 Gallery's e-list. At the exhibition Line Stroke the Letter (Vžigalica Gallery, Ljubljana, 5.9.-28.10.2013), the author presented how 'bright' the visual poems are today.
Kristina Kokalj - Memory Machine (00:04:25)
Production: ALUO, 2018
The video is a collage of black and white images shot on a 35mm analog film. Images are exchanged at a rapid pace and, according to the principle of stop-motion animation, create the illusion of flickering and hectic movement. Images of nature (tree branches) and urban (street lights, graffiti, fences, roads) are intertwined. Open aperture shots produce a branch-like linear light drawing that transitions and flashes alternately with close-ups of bare branches. Stroboscopic flashes of images are accompanied...
Production: ALUO, 2018
The video is a collage of black and white images shot on a 35mm analog film. Images are exchanged at a rapid pace and, according to the principle of stop-motion animation, create the illusion of flickering and hectic movement. Images of nature (tree branches) and urban (street lights, graffiti, fences, roads) are intertwined. Open aperture shots produce a branch-like linear light drawing that transitions and flashes alternately with close-ups of bare branches. Stroboscopic flashes of images are accompanied...
Anja Medved - Album of the City (27:43)
Subtitle: Cross-Border Memory Collection Actions
Production: Kinoatelje, Kinokašča, 2012
In December 2011 the inhabitants of Nova Gorica/Gorizia were invited to donate to the Album of the City copies of photographs they had recently taken in their city and address the motives that made them capture the space in which they live in the lens. This resulted in a collection of reflections and observations that connects very different individuals into a community that cares what the conurbation of our future is to be like. Cross-Border Memory Collection ActionsThe purpose of memory-contributed actio...
Subtitle: Cross-Border Memory Collection Actions
Production: Kinoatelje, Kinokašča, 2012
In December 2011 the inhabitants of Nova Gorica/Gorizia were invited to donate to the Album of the City copies of photographs they had recently taken in their city and address the motives that made them capture the space in which they live in the lens. This resulted in a collection of reflections and observations that connects very different individuals into a community that cares what the conurbation of our future is to be like. Cross-Border Memory Collection ActionsThe purpose of memory-contributed actio...