Rok Sieberer Kuri - Dobrodošli (00:06:36)
Production: Media Teror, Forum Ljubljana, 1996
Welcome is a short experimental video film which combines computer graphics and video image. The resulting new picture produces a new and different vision and meaning. The product of metamorphosis leaves the viewer with his/her own understanding of the work. (VD)
DIVA noise
16 results in works
Rok Sieberer Kuri - Chroma Quart Mix I (00:34:15)
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, 1997
The video collage has a firm structure defined in the scenario. Several videos with different basic messages, accompanied by wild and loud music, are combined into a peculiar, but unique story (A Bomb at Noon, Welcome, Chroma Qart Mix, Vivisection).
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, 1997
The video collage has a firm structure defined in the scenario. Several videos with different basic messages, accompanied by wild and loud music, are combined into a peculiar, but unique story (A Bomb at Noon, Welcome, Chroma Qart Mix, Vivisection).
OFFTIR - P1p3P3p1 (00:03:14)
Subtitle: Grafična notacija
Production: 2013
Grafična notacija P1p3P3p1 je bila razstavljena v okviru projekta projekta Liminale, ki je potekal od 20. 6. do 22. 7. 2013 v okviru programa Studio 6 (produkcija SCCA-Ljubljana). Video je grafična upodobitev računalniško zmiksanega zvoka bobnov, činele in predmetov s kontaktnimi mikrofoni.
Subtitle: Grafična notacija
Production: 2013
Grafična notacija P1p3P3p1 je bila razstavljena v okviru projekta projekta Liminale, ki je potekal od 20. 6. do 22. 7. 2013 v okviru programa Studio 6 (produkcija SCCA-Ljubljana). Video je grafična upodobitev računalniško zmiksanega zvoka bobnov, činele in predmetov s kontaktnimi mikrofoni.
son:DA, Erinc Seymen - Performance for a Poem 2 (00:08:48)
Subtitle: Maribor
Production: 2006
The two channel video is a performance and site-specific installation realised in Istanbul and Maribor. In the second one it's clear that the stage where the performer acts and the public space are definitely separated. The low resolution image allows a digital manipulation of video and sound made of pixelization, distorsion, colour key glitch, streching of the image. Key role is given to the recitacion of a Turkish poem of the '30, a remarkable example of nationalist rethoric. The sound and the video image...
Subtitle: Maribor
Production: 2006
The two channel video is a performance and site-specific installation realised in Istanbul and Maribor. In the second one it's clear that the stage where the performer acts and the public space are definitely separated. The low resolution image allows a digital manipulation of video and sound made of pixelization, distorsion, colour key glitch, streching of the image. Key role is given to the recitacion of a Turkish poem of the '30, a remarkable example of nationalist rethoric. The sound and the video image...
Zemira Alajbegović - P.O.R. (00:00:29)
Subtitle: Burn out #9
Production: ZANK, 2003
Video is a part of a series of eleven noise track videos by a music group BAST titled Burn Out. The camera is still but not completely static. The music dictates the rhythm of fast-forwarded detail shots of cutting a leek and shredding a carrot. Music and image create a comic contrast.
Subtitle: Burn out #9
Production: ZANK, 2003
Video is a part of a series of eleven noise track videos by a music group BAST titled Burn Out. The camera is still but not completely static. The music dictates the rhythm of fast-forwarded detail shots of cutting a leek and shredding a carrot. Music and image create a comic contrast.
Maja Smrekar - Repeating Coincidence (00:03:42)
Production: Smrekar, Maja, 2009
The main character in the video is a dance performer situated in media environment with splashing saturated colours, like a woman enclosed by the media wall. The speed and braking of the image represents the dancer’s nervous movements in the space that create an emotional tension. The sound composed by Borut Savski intensifies the fragmented and nervous motions and determines visual coordinates. The entire sound and visual imagery is saturated, repetitive and fragmented, composed by numerous cut frames. Th...
Production: Smrekar, Maja, 2009
The main character in the video is a dance performer situated in media environment with splashing saturated colours, like a woman enclosed by the media wall. The speed and braking of the image represents the dancer’s nervous movements in the space that create an emotional tension. The sound composed by Borut Savski intensifies the fragmented and nervous motions and determines visual coordinates. The entire sound and visual imagery is saturated, repetitive and fragmented, composed by numerous cut frames. Th...
son:DA, Erinc Seymen - Performance for a Poem 1 (00:16:28)
Subtitle: Istanbul
The two channel video is a performance and site-specific installation realised in Istanbul and Maribor. In the second one it's clear that the stage where the performer acts and the public space are definitely separated. The low resolution image allows a digital manipulation of video and sound made of pixelization, distorsion, colour key glitch, streching of the image. Key role is given to the recitacion of a Turkish poem of the '30, a remarkable example of nationalist rethoric. The sound and the...
Subtitle: Istanbul
The two channel video is a performance and site-specific installation realised in Istanbul and Maribor. In the second one it's clear that the stage where the performer acts and the public space are definitely separated. The low resolution image allows a digital manipulation of video and sound made of pixelization, distorsion, colour key glitch, streching of the image. Key role is given to the recitacion of a Turkish poem of the '30, a remarkable example of nationalist rethoric. The sound and the...
OFFTIR - B10Kalien (00:51:41)
Production: 2013
Videokument performansa je del projekta Liminale, ki je potekal od 20. 6. do 22. 7. 2013 v okviru programa Studio 6 (produkcija SCCA-Ljubljana). Simon Bergoč je v Projektni sobi SCCA, v lesenem kubusu usvarjal zvočni performans (LFO, sequencer, synth, lo-fi effects, lo-fi speaker). Obiskovalci odprtja Liminala so skozi kukalo lahko sledili akciji performerja.
Production: 2013
Videokument performansa je del projekta Liminale, ki je potekal od 20. 6. do 22. 7. 2013 v okviru programa Studio 6 (produkcija SCCA-Ljubljana). Simon Bergoč je v Projektni sobi SCCA, v lesenem kubusu usvarjal zvočni performans (LFO, sequencer, synth, lo-fi effects, lo-fi speaker). Obiskovalci odprtja Liminala so skozi kukalo lahko sledili akciji performerja.
OFFTIR - TIR stream (01:36:32)
Subtitle: AKS KLET - TIR
Production: 2013
Video performans TIR stream je del projekta Liminale, ki je potekal od 20. 6. do 22. 7. 2013 v okviru programa Studio 6 (produkcija SCCA-Ljubljana). Video performans je bil striman v Projektno sobo SCCA iz TIR-a (prostor na Hrvatskem trgu v Ljubljani).
Subtitle: AKS KLET - TIR
Production: 2013
Video performans TIR stream je del projekta Liminale, ki je potekal od 20. 6. do 22. 7. 2013 v okviru programa Studio 6 (produkcija SCCA-Ljubljana). Video performans je bil striman v Projektno sobo SCCA iz TIR-a (prostor na Hrvatskem trgu v Ljubljani).
Production: 2013
Video performans LRLRLLRRLRRLLR je del projekta Liminale, ki je potekal od 20. 6. do 22. 7. v okviru programa Studio 6 (produkcija SCCA-Ljubljana). Video performans, ki so ga člani Društva OFFTIR izvedli in posneli pred odprtjem razstave Liminale, je bil na razstavi projeciran na ograjo, ki loči stavbo Metelkove 6 od muzejske ploščadi. Vmesni prostor, začasno vzpostavljen kot vrt, je postal metafora za prostor, ki ni ne tu ne tam, metafora za izkušnjo vmesnosti. Ali kot je na odprtju komentiral e...
Production: 2013
Video performans LRLRLLRRLRRLLR je del projekta Liminale, ki je potekal od 20. 6. do 22. 7. v okviru programa Studio 6 (produkcija SCCA-Ljubljana). Video performans, ki so ga člani Društva OFFTIR izvedli in posneli pred odprtjem razstave Liminale, je bil na razstavi projeciran na ograjo, ki loči stavbo Metelkove 6 od muzejske ploščadi. Vmesni prostor, začasno vzpostavljen kot vrt, je postal metafora za prostor, ki ni ne tu ne tam, metafora za izkušnjo vmesnosti. Ali kot je na odprtju komentiral e...