Jasna Hribernik - Hiša nasprotij / House of Contrasts (00:20:17)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1998
Video documents a day in a house, where both the main Ljubljana food market and Christian seminary are based. Lively, ordinary conversations with the vendors blend with scenes from peaceful clerical life, which goes on undisturbed in the upper storeys of the same building. While the first, engaged with the earth and the material side of being, the second deal with spiritual and soulful aspect of life. Through the narrator the author questions about existence of life beyond matter.
Classical documentary sh...
DIVA public space
92 results in works
Jurij Korenc - Oddaja o Radiu Študent (00:04:45)
Subtitle: oddaja o RŠ
Production: Studio 37, 1988
A short documentary video on Radio Študent in 1988, the time of political and social change in Slovenia. It shows the work of the Radio Študent journalists at the time of the Trial Against the Four (the JBTZ Trial). Editor Peter Barbarič comments on the state of the independent radio and its ambitions.
Subtitle: oddaja o RŠ
Production: Studio 37, 1988
A short documentary video on Radio Študent in 1988, the time of political and social change in Slovenia. It shows the work of the Radio Študent journalists at the time of the Trial Against the Four (the JBTZ Trial). Editor Peter Barbarič comments on the state of the independent radio and its ambitions.
Polonca Lovšin - Opazovalec (00:03:13)
Subtitle: Ulica
Production: 2002
The author is filming child play at a school playground. Her voyeuristic position allows her to observe a group of children having fun. She is filming them playing, but the filmed characters fail to notice their hidden observer.
Subtitle: Ulica
Production: 2002
The author is filming child play at a school playground. Her voyeuristic position allows her to observe a group of children having fun. She is filming them playing, but the filmed characters fail to notice their hidden observer.
Zmago Lenardič - Big Blue Subway (00:12:42)
Production: VPK & White Balance, 2000
Video tematizira odtujenost velikega urbanega središča s posnetki utrujenih, spečih ljudi na newyorški podzemni železnici. Pripisana beseda se nanaša na njihove misli ali sanje, odmik od realnosti odtujenega velemesta. Sprevračana je v temačno odisejado individualiziranega mestnega življenja preko osebnih zgodb malih ljudi, osamljenih meščanov.
Production: VPK & White Balance, 2000
Video tematizira odtujenost velikega urbanega središča s posnetki utrujenih, spečih ljudi na newyorški podzemni železnici. Pripisana beseda se nanaša na njihove misli ali sanje, odmik od realnosti odtujenega velemesta. Sprevračana je v temačno odisejado individualiziranega mestnega življenja preko osebnih zgodb malih ljudi, osamljenih meščanov.
Polonca Lovšin - Water Collector (00:00:23)
Subtitle: Ulica
Production: 2002
A video document of the project Water Collector in which the author is walking through town on a rainy day, collecting water into her umbrella which is turned inside out and held above her.
Subtitle: Ulica
Production: 2002
A video document of the project Water Collector in which the author is walking through town on a rainy day, collecting water into her umbrella which is turned inside out and held above her.
Damijan Kracina - Kocka / Cube (0:03:39)
Production: 1995
A group event staged in public spaces - at a bus stop and in the garden of the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana - took place on 22 March, World Water Day. The event was intended to draw attention to this day not by moralising, but by emphasising the joy of living. The main element in the video is a sponge cube with holes, which hides the artist. The water theme is further emphasised by the prevailing blue colour of the picture. The members of the group water the sponge at both locations – the bus sto...
Production: 1995
A group event staged in public spaces - at a bus stop and in the garden of the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana - took place on 22 March, World Water Day. The event was intended to draw attention to this day not by moralising, but by emphasising the joy of living. The main element in the video is a sponge cube with holes, which hides the artist. The water theme is further emphasised by the prevailing blue colour of the picture. The members of the group water the sponge at both locations – the bus sto...
Damijan Kracina - BasketVideo (00:19:41)
Production: 2001
A group activity – playing basketball in public. All the participants hold the rights to show the video: Borut Korošec, Jaka Mihelič, Damjan Švara, Grega Kregar, Damijan Kracina, Mojca Senegačnik, Katarina K. Toman, and Sara Hughes. Before dawn, the group gathered for a game of basketball on one hoop in the semi-rural suburbs of Ljubjana, where church bells ring in the evening. The work establishes a relationship between body movement, spending free time, and professional careers. A dy...
Production: 2001
A group activity – playing basketball in public. All the participants hold the rights to show the video: Borut Korošec, Jaka Mihelič, Damjan Švara, Grega Kregar, Damijan Kracina, Mojca Senegačnik, Katarina K. Toman, and Sara Hughes. Before dawn, the group gathered for a game of basketball on one hoop in the semi-rural suburbs of Ljubjana, where church bells ring in the evening. The work establishes a relationship between body movement, spending free time, and professional careers. A dy...
Sašo Podgoršek, Igor Zabel - Ceci n'est pas Paris (00:03:55)
Production: S. P., 1991
Plečnik's Ilirski steber (Illyrian Column) in Ljubljana, a historical link between France and Slovenia, condensed into a visual gift intended for former French Culture Minister, Jack Lang.
Production: S. P., 1991
Plečnik's Ilirski steber (Illyrian Column) in Ljubljana, a historical link between France and Slovenia, condensed into a visual gift intended for former French Culture Minister, Jack Lang.
Apolonija Šušteršič - Entrance de Singel (0:05:50)
Production: 1997
Javni plesni performans, izveden na lokaciji Vlaams cultureel centrum de Singel v Antwerpnu, Belgiji. Posnetki vstopanja v zgradbo in dogajanja pri notranjih vhodnih vratih kulturnega centra. Kamera je statična, posnetki so režirani in zmontirani - gre za plesni performans med vrati. Site specific zvočna intervencija.
Production: 1997
Javni plesni performans, izveden na lokaciji Vlaams cultureel centrum de Singel v Antwerpnu, Belgiji. Posnetki vstopanja v zgradbo in dogajanja pri notranjih vhodnih vratih kulturnega centra. Kamera je statična, posnetki so režirani in zmontirani - gre za plesni performans med vrati. Site specific zvočna intervencija.
Apolonija Šušteršič - Bonnevoie by day & night (0:07:54)
Production: 1998
Video odslikuje podobo predela mesta Bonnevoie. Razgibana kamera raziskuje prostor, snema ključne točke četrti (železniška postaja, mestne ulice, gradbišče, privatne in javne prostore). Raziskovanje delovnega in bivalnega prostora mesta in njegovih prostorov za kulturno dejavnost. Bonnevoie je mestna četrt, ki slovi kot najbolj mešan predel Luksemburga z 80% emigrantske populacije.
Production: 1998
Video odslikuje podobo predela mesta Bonnevoie. Razgibana kamera raziskuje prostor, snema ključne točke četrti (železniška postaja, mestne ulice, gradbišče, privatne in javne prostore). Raziskovanje delovnega in bivalnega prostora mesta in njegovih prostorov za kulturno dejavnost. Bonnevoie je mestna četrt, ki slovi kot najbolj mešan predel Luksemburga z 80% emigrantske populacije.