Sašo Podgoršek - Cry Baby (00:03:26, 00:02:55)
Production: Nord Cross Production, 1993
Music video for the song Cry Baby of Slovenian group Demolition Group.
DIVA skin
37 results in works
Mirko Simić - Do you hear the sound of silence (00:03:02)
Production: Bris & V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, 1992
A black and white video which builds on the details of the body under the shower. The images are not disturbed either by sounds or music because - as the title says - only the silence can be heard. That the eye of the video camera is always voyeuristic is best illustrated by the detail of the bath drain, a fetishistic and 'psychotic' object of the greatest voyeur among film directors - Hitchcock. (VD)
Production: Bris & V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, 1992
A black and white video which builds on the details of the body under the shower. The images are not disturbed either by sounds or music because - as the title says - only the silence can be heard. That the eye of the video camera is always voyeuristic is best illustrated by the detail of the bath drain, a fetishistic and 'psychotic' object of the greatest voyeur among film directors - Hitchcock. (VD)
Duba Sambolec - I Do Remember (22:12)
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video performance starts with women descending a wooden staircase into a factory space full of metal constructions. Women are wrapped in long colourful clothes. They walk on top of a metal construction. They all carefully choose their steps, some of them sit down. Close-ups of colourful clothes and separate parts of women's bodies and skin. Camera circles in the space, follows women's movement, occasionally rattling sounds are heard. The set changes to the scene on a factory balcony. Women lean over the fen...
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video performance starts with women descending a wooden staircase into a factory space full of metal constructions. Women are wrapped in long colourful clothes. They walk on top of a metal construction. They all carefully choose their steps, some of them sit down. Close-ups of colourful clothes and separate parts of women's bodies and skin. Camera circles in the space, follows women's movement, occasionally rattling sounds are heard. The set changes to the scene on a factory balcony. Women lean over the fen...
Duba Sambolec - Collectors #3 (30:55)
Subtitle: *Settings*
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2002
Video deals with the dynamics in a personal service sector through a series of scenes displaying body care in a satirical manner. Scenes are set in doubles. The woman offering the service is preparing the cosmetic specimens and in the next scene she uses them to treat her client. Scenes of preparations are accompanied with whistling dictating an optimistic working atmosphere. Video Collectors #3 is a reflection of the author about a personal profile, some sort of auto portrait placing the viewer into Other'...
Subtitle: *Settings*
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2002
Video deals with the dynamics in a personal service sector through a series of scenes displaying body care in a satirical manner. Scenes are set in doubles. The woman offering the service is preparing the cosmetic specimens and in the next scene she uses them to treat her client. Scenes of preparations are accompanied with whistling dictating an optimistic working atmosphere. Video Collectors #3 is a reflection of the author about a personal profile, some sort of auto portrait placing the viewer into Other'...
Ema Kugler - Taiga (00:08:22)
Production: Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1996
Video Taiga is made after eponymous performance carried out at the international festival of contemporary arts City of women in October 1995 in Ljubljana. The viewer enters a dark atmosphere, dictated by dramatic vocal-electronic music, threatening anthropomorphic and wax zoomorphic figures and the movement of the camera. When the author establishes the landscape, she inserts two wrestlers and a drowning woman into it, additionally increasing the suspense. As the dramaturgy reaches its peak, the set scene f...
Production: Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1996
Video Taiga is made after eponymous performance carried out at the international festival of contemporary arts City of women in October 1995 in Ljubljana. The viewer enters a dark atmosphere, dictated by dramatic vocal-electronic music, threatening anthropomorphic and wax zoomorphic figures and the movement of the camera. When the author establishes the landscape, she inserts two wrestlers and a drowning woman into it, additionally increasing the suspense. As the dramaturgy reaches its peak, the set scene f...
Robertina Šebjanič - Bubble I (0:01:00)
Production: 2007
Video work is a display of unknown stylized objects, by which the author establishes a sensual and intimate atmosphere. Unidentified, unusual, soft, moving matter reminds of a living creature, an organ or a completely irrational, inorganic object unable to identify. Video is accompanied by an ambient sound.
Production: 2007
Video work is a display of unknown stylized objects, by which the author establishes a sensual and intimate atmosphere. Unidentified, unusual, soft, moving matter reminds of a living creature, an organ or a completely irrational, inorganic object unable to identify. Video is accompanied by an ambient sound.
Mirjana Batinić - Meduza (00:04:36)
Production: Mirjana Batinić, 2006
Avtorica v videu in skozi video relizira neki novi način lastnega obstoja. Medij vode uspostavlja breztežinsko stanje in omogoča lahkotno gibanje telesa v vseh smereh. Telo avtorice plava na način meduze, gre torej za proces depersonifikacije. Video kombinira tri različne rešitve svetlobe: osvetljeno telo na črnem ozadju, zatemnjeno telo na belem ozadju in nevtralno polje sivih tonov.
Production: Mirjana Batinić, 2006
Avtorica v videu in skozi video relizira neki novi način lastnega obstoja. Medij vode uspostavlja breztežinsko stanje in omogoča lahkotno gibanje telesa v vseh smereh. Telo avtorice plava na način meduze, gre torej za proces depersonifikacije. Video kombinira tri različne rešitve svetlobe: osvetljeno telo na črnem ozadju, zatemnjeno telo na belem ozadju in nevtralno polje sivih tonov.
Nataša Skušek - Heri (04:02)
Production: N.S., 2013
Videoperfomans je bil vključen na samostojno razstavo z naslovom Pravi moški v Galeriji Alkatraz leta 2014. Nataša Skušek v svojih delih obravnava stereotipne družbene, seksualne in družinske vloge, ki jih družba pripisuje ženskam. Dela na razstavi so se na humoren način osredotočala na partnerske odnose in vlogo moškega. Bližnji posnetek obrite moške glave. Iz ušesa mu 'raste' šop razmršenih dolgih rdečih las, ki jih ženske roke skrbno urej...
Production: N.S., 2013
Videoperfomans je bil vključen na samostojno razstavo z naslovom Pravi moški v Galeriji Alkatraz leta 2014. Nataša Skušek v svojih delih obravnava stereotipne družbene, seksualne in družinske vloge, ki jih družba pripisuje ženskam. Dela na razstavi so se na humoren način osredotočala na partnerske odnose in vlogo moškega. Bližnji posnetek obrite moške glave. Iz ušesa mu 'raste' šop razmršenih dolgih rdečih las, ki jih ženske roke skrbno urej...
Nataša Skušek - Huzar (01:05)
Production: N.S., 2011
Video prikazuje moškega v spodnjicah, ki trdno spi na postelji. Ženska roka ga obmetava z obešalniki, vendar ga to ne zbudi. Čez nekaj časa se telo v spanju začne tresti, kot bi skušalo odvreči nakopičene obešalnike. Video v avtoričinem humornem stilu obarvanava napetosti v partnerskem odnosu in se poigrava s sterotipnimi vlogami družbenih spolov.
Production: N.S., 2011
Video prikazuje moškega v spodnjicah, ki trdno spi na postelji. Ženska roka ga obmetava z obešalniki, vendar ga to ne zbudi. Čez nekaj časa se telo v spanju začne tresti, kot bi skušalo odvreči nakopičene obešalnike. Video v avtoričinem humornem stilu obarvanava napetosti v partnerskem odnosu in se poigrava s sterotipnimi vlogami družbenih spolov.
Nataša Skušek - Golica (03:54)
Production: N.S., 2013
Videoperfomans je bil vključen na samostojno razstavo z naslovom Pravi moški v Galeriji Alkatraz leta 2014. Nataša Skušek v svojih delih obravnava stereotipne družbene, seksualne in družinske vloge, ki jih družba pripisuje ženskam. Dela na razstavi so se na humoren način osredotočala na partnerske odnose in vlogo moškega. Video Golica spremlja zvok živižganja istoimenske ponarodele melodije narodnozabavnega ansambla. Žvižganje daje tempo potresavanju ženske zadn...
Production: N.S., 2013
Videoperfomans je bil vključen na samostojno razstavo z naslovom Pravi moški v Galeriji Alkatraz leta 2014. Nataša Skušek v svojih delih obravnava stereotipne družbene, seksualne in družinske vloge, ki jih družba pripisuje ženskam. Dela na razstavi so se na humoren način osredotočala na partnerske odnose in vlogo moškega. Video Golica spremlja zvok živižganja istoimenske ponarodele melodije narodnozabavnega ansambla. Žvižganje daje tempo potresavanju ženske zadn...