Jasna Hribernik - Ballabende (00:21:46)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1995
At first glance the video works as a research of the past. An expressive study set in a nostalgic landscape takes music and dance as its medium. The protagonist is a dancer and the set is an old house full of memories. Scenes of ballet dancing and piano playing are combined with shots of old photographs due to associative montage. Passing of time is emphasized by scenes of water overflowing a well and of running clouds. Spirit of the past is strengthen by editing with shadows and sepia filter. This idyllic...
DIVA cultural heritage
27 results in works
Nika Grabar - DIVA at Škuc Gallery (00:15:57)
Subtitle: Video essay, World of Art, School for curators and critics, year 2008/09
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2009
DIVA at the Škuc Gallery is a video essay produced in the framework of the study exhibition DIVA at Škuc Gallery in 2009. You are a guest of DIVA right now! The author says: "Archiving is really keeping some kind of memory alive. DIVA is trying to find memory for images and enable us to think the space of art. Without it we are caught in the image of a world that is reproducing us in a mechanical way." The video essay was produced within the >video essay< workshop under the menthorship o...
Subtitle: Video essay, World of Art, School for curators and critics, year 2008/09
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2009
DIVA at the Škuc Gallery is a video essay produced in the framework of the study exhibition DIVA at Škuc Gallery in 2009. You are a guest of DIVA right now! The author says: "Archiving is really keeping some kind of memory alive. DIVA is trying to find memory for images and enable us to think the space of art. Without it we are caught in the image of a world that is reproducing us in a mechanical way." The video essay was produced within the >video essay< workshop under the menthorship o...
Miha Vipotnik - Eight (24:52)
Production: 1992
Eight is based on the story from the novel Moment of Silence by Tomislav Longinović (Burning Books: San Francisco, 1990) that addresses the question of disintegration of Yugoslavia, search for identity, personal experience of history and the meaning "lost in translation". The video was made for the Remember Yugoslavia exhibition in New York (1991-92), but Vipotnik withdraw it due to the nationalistic tendencies of Serbian artists. Video was presented as an installation at the Vipotnik's interactive exhibit...
Production: 1992
Eight is based on the story from the novel Moment of Silence by Tomislav Longinović (Burning Books: San Francisco, 1990) that addresses the question of disintegration of Yugoslavia, search for identity, personal experience of history and the meaning "lost in translation". The video was made for the Remember Yugoslavia exhibition in New York (1991-92), but Vipotnik withdraw it due to the nationalistic tendencies of Serbian artists. Video was presented as an installation at the Vipotnik's interactive exhibit...
Neven Korda - The Futurists (CD-ROM)
Subtitle: Video from the underground
Production: ZANK, 2001
Video collage recycles video memories from the 1980' as captured by the eye of FV Video camera and fragments of recordings of performances and projects by the group Borghesia and HC Collective from Ljubljana. The content of the CD-ROM doesn't contain any broader explanation and is based on image and sound. The CD-ROM takes us on a reliving of the alternative scene of the 80', which was one of the most vital and creative scenes in the history of Slovene culture and art.
Subtitle: Video from the underground
Production: ZANK, 2001
Video collage recycles video memories from the 1980' as captured by the eye of FV Video camera and fragments of recordings of performances and projects by the group Borghesia and HC Collective from Ljubljana. The content of the CD-ROM doesn't contain any broader explanation and is based on image and sound. The CD-ROM takes us on a reliving of the alternative scene of the 80', which was one of the most vital and creative scenes in the history of Slovene culture and art.
Sašo Sedlaček - DIVA Studio (0:49:10)
Subtitle: Broadcast within the initiative for the establishment of an autonomuos mediatic zone Infocalypse Now!
Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana; co-production: Kapelica Gallery, 2008
Sašo Sedlaček si je v okviru iniciative za ustanovitev medijske avtonomne cone, Infokalipsa zdaj!, prizadeval za sprostitev dela televizijskih FM valov v nekomercialne, kulturne oziroma umetniške namene. Iniciativo je leta 2008 predstavil v Projektni sobi SCCA (v okviru programa Brez žebljev in podstavkov), v Galeriji Kapelica pa je vzpostavil gverilski studio, v katerem je pripravljal oddaje z gosti. Med njimi je bila tudi Projektna skupina DIVA, ki pri SCCA-Ljubljana vodi fizični in splet...
Subtitle: Broadcast within the initiative for the establishment of an autonomuos mediatic zone Infocalypse Now!
Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana; co-production: Kapelica Gallery, 2008
Sašo Sedlaček si je v okviru iniciative za ustanovitev medijske avtonomne cone, Infokalipsa zdaj!, prizadeval za sprostitev dela televizijskih FM valov v nekomercialne, kulturne oziroma umetniške namene. Iniciativo je leta 2008 predstavil v Projektni sobi SCCA (v okviru programa Brez žebljev in podstavkov), v Galeriji Kapelica pa je vzpostavil gverilski studio, v katerem je pripravljal oddaje z gosti. Med njimi je bila tudi Projektna skupina DIVA, ki pri SCCA-Ljubljana vodi fizični in splet...
Tanja Lažetić - Hotel Kumrovec (00:07:42)
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2007
Z delom Hotel Kumrovec avtorica raziskuje različne taktike, s katerimi želi država kljub zasuku ideologije ohraniti spomenik z velikim simbolnim potencialom: lokalno prebivalstvo, nekdanji delavci hotela, so plačani, da urejajo in vzdržujejo hotel, ki je praktično brez funkcije. Kumrovec je rojstno mesto Josipa Broza Tita, ki je bilo po letu 1991 skorajda opuščeno, nekdaj cvetoči hotel pa je ostal brez namembnosti. Prebivalci vasi kljub nefunkcionalnosti vztrajno skrbijo za hotelski kompleks....
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2007
Z delom Hotel Kumrovec avtorica raziskuje različne taktike, s katerimi želi država kljub zasuku ideologije ohraniti spomenik z velikim simbolnim potencialom: lokalno prebivalstvo, nekdanji delavci hotela, so plačani, da urejajo in vzdržujejo hotel, ki je praktično brez funkcije. Kumrovec je rojstno mesto Josipa Broza Tita, ki je bilo po letu 1991 skorajda opuščeno, nekdaj cvetoči hotel pa je ostal brez namembnosti. Prebivalci vasi kljub nefunkcionalnosti vztrajno skrbijo za hotelski kompleks....
Alenka Pirman - Vojin Kovač-Chubby - I go Crazy, 1967-2006 (00:15:03 zanka)
Subtitle: Najlepše pesmi, Serija šestih nemih predavanj
Production: Društvo za domače raziskave / Domestic Research Society, SCCA-Ljubljana, 2006
The work isn't a video but an infinite repeating of a PowerPoint presentation, which became a way of presenting knowledge in the academic and commercial world. The author rethought or rather hacked this presentation format with a linear narrative structure and textual sequence which is a part of hegemony of institutional knowledge. She cancelled linearity with a demand repeat, which makes the lecture infinite. Ideological content was annulled with usage of basic matrix of the programme. The artist sear...
Subtitle: Najlepše pesmi, Serija šestih nemih predavanj
Production: Društvo za domače raziskave / Domestic Research Society, SCCA-Ljubljana, 2006
The work isn't a video but an infinite repeating of a PowerPoint presentation, which became a way of presenting knowledge in the academic and commercial world. The author rethought or rather hacked this presentation format with a linear narrative structure and textual sequence which is a part of hegemony of institutional knowledge. She cancelled linearity with a demand repeat, which makes the lecture infinite. Ideological content was annulled with usage of basic matrix of the programme. The artist sear...
Amir Muratović - From the Life of Books (00:03:55)
Production: Muratović, Amir, 2010/2011
The video consists of various scenes of browsing through books. The author focuses primarily on the movements of the readers' hands and their interaction with the book. The abstract image of the book pages is due to the delay in the montage. Since the noise of browsing is not in line with the motion, the act of reading gets additional dramaturgical tension.
Production: Muratović, Amir, 2010/2011
The video consists of various scenes of browsing through books. The author focuses primarily on the movements of the readers' hands and their interaction with the book. The abstract image of the book pages is due to the delay in the montage. Since the noise of browsing is not in line with the motion, the act of reading gets additional dramaturgical tension.
Matevž Jerman, Peter Cerovšek - Ljubljana je Berlin (SBO) (03:18)
Production: SBO, 2021
By quoting well-known scenes from music videos, the video Ljubljana je Berlin (Ljubljana is Berlin) pays homage to the rich history of Slovenian music bands and the diverse visual and technological aesthetics of their videos from the beginning of the genre in the 1980s to the present day. Musical pop-cultural references are mixed with particular group scenes quoting scenes from TV reports of the early 1990s (from the time of the creation of the new state) in which certain people who today call themselv...
Production: SBO, 2021
By quoting well-known scenes from music videos, the video Ljubljana je Berlin (Ljubljana is Berlin) pays homage to the rich history of Slovenian music bands and the diverse visual and technological aesthetics of their videos from the beginning of the genre in the 1980s to the present day. Musical pop-cultural references are mixed with particular group scenes quoting scenes from TV reports of the early 1990s (from the time of the creation of the new state) in which certain people who today call themselv...
Tomaž Furlan - Wear VIII (00:04:39)
Subtitle: Video esej / Video Essay
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2010
Video is a part of a series of studio performances Wear compounded of eight works. The artist becomes a cyborg - a man sculpture. He is wearing massive concrete sculptural elements, which make his movements stiff and difficult. With clumsy performance of everyday household chores he humorously deals with the paradox of a life routine with machines, which are supposed to make our life easier and which mentally and ideologically determine the freedom of movement and thinking. Video works were made between 2004...
Subtitle: Video esej / Video Essay
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2010
Video is a part of a series of studio performances Wear compounded of eight works. The artist becomes a cyborg - a man sculpture. He is wearing massive concrete sculptural elements, which make his movements stiff and difficult. With clumsy performance of everyday household chores he humorously deals with the paradox of a life routine with machines, which are supposed to make our life easier and which mentally and ideologically determine the freedom of movement and thinking. Video works were made between 2004...