Jasna Hribernik, Zmago Lenardič - Elsa und Lohengrin (0:03:15)
Production: VPK, 1997
A variation on Wagner and his opera Lohengrin. There is no Wagnerian hero, but a ballerina dancing to the opera, which later transforms into a modern song, and the ballerina also turns into a modern dancer. Both dancers, however, resemble a woman covered with roses and lying under transparent plastic - Snow White, or Laura Palmer? (source: Videodokument)
DIVA love
32 results in works
Miha Vipotnik - Lenora (04:50)
Subtitle: From TV show with Matejo Koležnik and her friends
Production: RTV Ljubljana, 1983
A folk song about a girl and her deceased lover, sung by Mateja Koležnik and Jani Kovačič. The dialogue of the two singers is followed by a sublime transition from one face to the other. With a constant turning of positives and negatives of images the faces are placed into spaces, which indirectly follow the text of the song. Dynamics of the image show an unconcerned approach to a problem of a portrait, as the latter sporadically almost blends with the colours of the landscape. Due to complete reduction...
Subtitle: From TV show with Matejo Koležnik and her friends
Production: RTV Ljubljana, 1983
A folk song about a girl and her deceased lover, sung by Mateja Koležnik and Jani Kovačič. The dialogue of the two singers is followed by a sublime transition from one face to the other. With a constant turning of positives and negatives of images the faces are placed into spaces, which indirectly follow the text of the song. Dynamics of the image show an unconcerned approach to a problem of a portrait, as the latter sporadically almost blends with the colours of the landscape. Due to complete reduction...
Zvonko Čoh, Milan Erič - Cigar for a Prince (00:11:09)
Subtitle: Socializing The Bull? - first episode
Production: Emotionfilm, ŠKUC, TV Slovenija, 1995
Cigara za princa je prva epizoda animiranega filma Socializacija bika?, ki je bila uporabljena kot promocijski spot. Skozi prelivanje podob spremljamo nagajivo ljubezensko zgodbo. Karikaturi dveh ljudi (avtorjev?) bežita pred bikom, asociacije odvijanja zgodbe so podobne sanjam, detajli so v ospredju. Socializacija bika? je prva slovenska celovečerna risanka.
Subtitle: Socializing The Bull? - first episode
Production: Emotionfilm, ŠKUC, TV Slovenija, 1995
Cigara za princa je prva epizoda animiranega filma Socializacija bika?, ki je bila uporabljena kot promocijski spot. Skozi prelivanje podob spremljamo nagajivo ljubezensko zgodbo. Karikaturi dveh ljudi (avtorjev?) bežita pred bikom, asociacije odvijanja zgodbe so podobne sanjam, detajli so v ospredju. Socializacija bika? je prva slovenska celovečerna risanka.
Marko A. Kovačič - Golden Section/Indeed (00:29:08)
Production: KUD France Prešeren / Zavod SCCA-Ljubljana, 2004
A film in the genre “the silent musical” was originally screened with live music (VIS Zlati Kastrioti). It creates a Kastrioti story about a mother who leaves her children to their fathers due to a stormy spirit, unspoken love, and the realization of the truth. (Source: Station DIVA)
Production: KUD France Prešeren / Zavod SCCA-Ljubljana, 2004
A film in the genre “the silent musical” was originally screened with live music (VIS Zlati Kastrioti). It creates a Kastrioti story about a mother who leaves her children to their fathers due to a stormy spirit, unspoken love, and the realization of the truth. (Source: Station DIVA)
Ema Kugler - Taiga (00:08:22)
Production: Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1996
Video Taiga is made after eponymous performance carried out at the international festival of contemporary arts City of women in October 1995 in Ljubljana. The viewer enters a dark atmosphere, dictated by dramatic vocal-electronic music, threatening anthropomorphic and wax zoomorphic figures and the movement of the camera. When the author establishes the landscape, she inserts two wrestlers and a drowning woman into it, additionally increasing the suspense. As the dramaturgy reaches its peak, the set scene f...
Production: Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1996
Video Taiga is made after eponymous performance carried out at the international festival of contemporary arts City of women in October 1995 in Ljubljana. The viewer enters a dark atmosphere, dictated by dramatic vocal-electronic music, threatening anthropomorphic and wax zoomorphic figures and the movement of the camera. When the author establishes the landscape, she inserts two wrestlers and a drowning woman into it, additionally increasing the suspense. As the dramaturgy reaches its peak, the set scene f...
Neven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović - Icht (00:24:25)
Production: RTV Slovenija, 1993
The dance performance by a man and a woman presents a story of timeless attraction and rejection. Despite of our desire for closeness, the curse of the greatest love for ourselves is omnipresent; sometimes the dancers come together, and then again they challenge and fight with each other yet they never get together. The theme of the stage choreography is partly transferred onto the street. (Source: Videodokument)
Production: RTV Slovenija, 1993
The dance performance by a man and a woman presents a story of timeless attraction and rejection. Despite of our desire for closeness, the curse of the greatest love for ourselves is omnipresent; sometimes the dancers come together, and then again they challenge and fight with each other yet they never get together. The theme of the stage choreography is partly transferred onto the street. (Source: Videodokument)
Nataša Skušek, Mladen Stropnik - Free Time (00:06:42)
Production: 2007
Video work discusses time management in a modern family life. The authors document their holiday with their children and through personal experience explore the overload and expectations imposed upon an individual about themselves by modern society.
Production: 2007
Video work discusses time management in a modern family life. The authors document their holiday with their children and through personal experience explore the overload and expectations imposed upon an individual about themselves by modern society.
Tanja Lažetić - The Wrong Place (00:00:52)
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2006
Avtorica na svoji poti z vlakom iz Ljubljane v Firence na brezimni železniški postaji zabeleži hipni prizor interakcije mladega para. Njun pogovor, ki ga gledalec ne sliši, nakazuje veliko mero pozitivne energije med osrediščenima protagonistoma. Nato avtorica s hitrim razsrediščenjem v kader zajame širši prostor glasnega in neosebnega javnega prostora, v katerem se prizor odvija.
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2006
Avtorica na svoji poti z vlakom iz Ljubljane v Firence na brezimni železniški postaji zabeleži hipni prizor interakcije mladega para. Njun pogovor, ki ga gledalec ne sliši, nakazuje veliko mero pozitivne energije med osrediščenima protagonistoma. Nato avtorica s hitrim razsrediščenjem v kader zajame širši prostor glasnega in neosebnega javnega prostora, v katerem se prizor odvija.
Ana Nuša Dragan - In Medias Res (00:47:00)
Subtitle: Artistic video portrait of Metka Krašovec, a painter
Production: TV Slovenija, 2000
Metka Krašovec is a painter, an outsider, a loner, a world traveler, a professor and a wife. She is a fighter but as a woman, she has no problems in a man-determined world. On the contrary, it gives her a lot of freedom because she doesn't have to get involved in power games, which means she can work in peace. The driving force in her painting is not the exploration of language but existential experience, inner necessity, love and the search for God. Her life story is first guided by film image, her...
Subtitle: Artistic video portrait of Metka Krašovec, a painter
Production: TV Slovenija, 2000
Metka Krašovec is a painter, an outsider, a loner, a world traveler, a professor and a wife. She is a fighter but as a woman, she has no problems in a man-determined world. On the contrary, it gives her a lot of freedom because she doesn't have to get involved in power games, which means she can work in peace. The driving force in her painting is not the exploration of language but existential experience, inner necessity, love and the search for God. Her life story is first guided by film image, her...
Pila Rusjan - If Only... (0:01:57)
Production: ECVP & KUD PUNce, 2009
Video 'If Only' v črno-beli tehniki prikazuje stiliziran avtoportret avtorice, ki repetitivno in agresivno premika glavo ter nakazuje gesto odkimovanja. Njen obraz je zamegljen in zgolj nakazan v podlagi. Preko podobe, ki je videti kot bi bila postavljena za steklom, roka izpisuje pomenljive stavke, ki se navezuejo na kompleksnost medsebojnih odnosov. Avtorica pripoveduje intimno zgodbo na temo vmesnika med zunanjim in notranjim svetom, med mislijo posameznika in stvarnostjo širše družbe. Vide...
Production: ECVP & KUD PUNce, 2009
Video 'If Only' v črno-beli tehniki prikazuje stiliziran avtoportret avtorice, ki repetitivno in agresivno premika glavo ter nakazuje gesto odkimovanja. Njen obraz je zamegljen in zgolj nakazan v podlagi. Preko podobe, ki je videti kot bi bila postavljena za steklom, roka izpisuje pomenljive stavke, ki se navezuejo na kompleksnost medsebojnih odnosov. Avtorica pripoveduje intimno zgodbo na temo vmesnika med zunanjim in notranjim svetom, med mislijo posameznika in stvarnostjo širše družbe. Vide...