Tanja Lažetić, Dejan Habicht - No Remembrance, No Comradship (00:05:10)
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2006
No Remembrance No Comradeship je avtorska dokumentacija kontinuirane javne akcije, ki je trajala približno leto dni (2005 / 2006). Avtorja projekta sta organizirala nedeljske kolesarske izlete po ljubljanski sprehajalni Poti spominov in tovarištva, ki sta jih skrbno dokumentirala. Video posnetki sestojijo iz grobo montiranega materiala, kjer se skoraj identičen prizor prihajanja in odhajanja repetitivno ponavlja na različnih odsekih sprehajališča.
DIVA public
11 results in works
Vesna Bukovec - Lecture (Contemporary Art for Parents) (0:07:53)
Production: Vesna Bukovec, 2002
The video is a documentary recording of an action in which the author lectures her parents about the facts of contemporary art history. The author deals with adapting professionally specific contents to a laic listener.
Production: Vesna Bukovec, 2002
The video is a documentary recording of an action in which the author lectures her parents about the facts of contemporary art history. The author deals with adapting professionally specific contents to a laic listener.
Amir Muratović - Impresija velemesta (00:13:45)
Production: Amir Muratović
Video je dokumentarna animacija zbranih fotografij Berlina. Avtor fotografira dogajanje v mestu in s tem ustvarja nov ritem velemesta, kar dobro izrazi predsodek o prenatrpanih in rastočih urbanih središčih. Urbani dogodki, ki so v vsakdanjem življenju postali skoraj neopazni, se skozi avtorjev pogled pokažejo v neki povsem novi obogateni estetiki. Še posebej to pride do izraza v pravilnih usmerjenih gibanjih, ki v ponavljajoči se animirani tehniki izpostavljajo red in tehnološkost velemesta.
Production: Amir Muratović
Video je dokumentarna animacija zbranih fotografij Berlina. Avtor fotografira dogajanje v mestu in s tem ustvarja nov ritem velemesta, kar dobro izrazi predsodek o prenatrpanih in rastočih urbanih središčih. Urbani dogodki, ki so v vsakdanjem življenju postali skoraj neopazni, se skozi avtorjev pogled pokažejo v neki povsem novi obogateni estetiki. Še posebej to pride do izraza v pravilnih usmerjenih gibanjih, ki v ponavljajoči se animirani tehniki izpostavljajo red in tehnološkost velemesta.
PUNce, Pila Rusjan, Tina Krajnc, Nina Bric - Vidiš umetnost? (00:05:46)
Production: KUD PUNce, 2010
Dokumentarni posnetek performativne akcije skupine PUNce (Pila Rusjan, Tina Krajnc, Nina Bric) s posnetkom avtorske izjave, ki jo je za skupino podala Pila Rusjan. V posnetku spremljamo performans treh akterk in reakcije naključnih mimoidočih sprehajalcev. Performans je bila neformalna intervencija v razstavo Viktorja Bernika v Mali galeriji Moderne galerije na Slovenski cesti. Bernik je 20. junija 2010 kot svojo samostojno razstavo izpraznil prostor in na stežaj odprl vrata, da bi zastavil vprašanje gl...
Production: KUD PUNce, 2010
Dokumentarni posnetek performativne akcije skupine PUNce (Pila Rusjan, Tina Krajnc, Nina Bric) s posnetkom avtorske izjave, ki jo je za skupino podala Pila Rusjan. V posnetku spremljamo performans treh akterk in reakcije naključnih mimoidočih sprehajalcev. Performans je bila neformalna intervencija v razstavo Viktorja Bernika v Mali galeriji Moderne galerije na Slovenski cesti. Bernik je 20. junija 2010 kot svojo samostojno razstavo izpraznil prostor in na stežaj odprl vrata, da bi zastavil vprašanje gl...
Zoran Srdić Janežič - Bobby goes to Zlaty Milos (00:01:13)
Production: KID Production, 2009
Video animacija ima značilnosti nadrealističnega hororja. Glavni lik vstopi v čudno gostilno, kjer se liki ustvarjajo s kombinacijo živih in mrtvih elementov. Gostilna je prostor sanj, kjer je vsak detajl povezan z neko nadrealistično vsebino. Prostor pred gostilno je samo napoved čudnih dogajanj v gostilni. Tako pri prehodu iz zunanjega prostora v notranji gledalec z glavnim likom prestopi iz budnega stanja v sanje.
Production: KID Production, 2009
Video animacija ima značilnosti nadrealističnega hororja. Glavni lik vstopi v čudno gostilno, kjer se liki ustvarjajo s kombinacijo živih in mrtvih elementov. Gostilna je prostor sanj, kjer je vsak detajl povezan z neko nadrealistično vsebino. Prostor pred gostilno je samo napoved čudnih dogajanj v gostilni. Tako pri prehodu iz zunanjega prostora v notranji gledalec z glavnim likom prestopi iz budnega stanja v sanje.
Tomaž Furlan - Wear VIII (00:04:39)
Subtitle: Video esej / Video Essay
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2010
Video is a part of a series of studio performances Wear compounded of eight works. The artist becomes a cyborg - a man sculpture. He is wearing massive concrete sculptural elements, which make his movements stiff and difficult. With clumsy performance of everyday household chores he humorously deals with the paradox of a life routine with machines, which are supposed to make our life easier and which mentally and ideologically determine the freedom of movement and thinking. Video works were made between 2004...
Subtitle: Video esej / Video Essay
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2010
Video is a part of a series of studio performances Wear compounded of eight works. The artist becomes a cyborg - a man sculpture. He is wearing massive concrete sculptural elements, which make his movements stiff and difficult. With clumsy performance of everyday household chores he humorously deals with the paradox of a life routine with machines, which are supposed to make our life easier and which mentally and ideologically determine the freedom of movement and thinking. Video works were made between 2004...
Lenka Djorojević, Neža Jurman, Matej Stupica - Boxing Match (00:07:04)
Production: Galerija Kresija, 2012
Videodokument otvoritvenega performansa razstave Boxing Match umetnic Lenke Đorojević, Neže Jurman in umetnika Mateja Stupice, ki je bila v Galeriji Kresija na ogled v avgustu leta 2012. Boxing Match je bil participatorni projekt, s katerim so avtorji razstave pozivali gledalce k aktivni udeležbi in opredelitvi do razstavljenih objektov in do samih avtorjev. Umetniki so razstavni prostor popolnoma transformirali, na stene izpisali manifeste številnih umetnikov ter umetniških skupin, osrednji del in...
Production: Galerija Kresija, 2012
Videodokument otvoritvenega performansa razstave Boxing Match umetnic Lenke Đorojević, Neže Jurman in umetnika Mateja Stupice, ki je bila v Galeriji Kresija na ogled v avgustu leta 2012. Boxing Match je bil participatorni projekt, s katerim so avtorji razstave pozivali gledalce k aktivni udeležbi in opredelitvi do razstavljenih objektov in do samih avtorjev. Umetniki so razstavni prostor popolnoma transformirali, na stene izpisali manifeste številnih umetnikov ter umetniških skupin, osrednji del in...
Ana Čigon - Remembering the Others (00:45:54)
Production: Ana Čigon, Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina - Kosovo, Mestna galerija Ljubljana, 2015
Remembering the Others is a documentary about the meaning and power of public monuments. In the film students, artists, theoreticians and activists from Prishtina, Kosovo talk about the meaning of monuments. Which people have the privilege to be represented in monuments? Why there are almost no monuments dedicated to women in Kosovo? Which other people (marginalized groups) and stories are excluded in such monuments? The film states that if the (hi)stories of marginalized groups are hushed, and the (hi)stor...
Production: Ana Čigon, Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina - Kosovo, Mestna galerija Ljubljana, 2015
Remembering the Others is a documentary about the meaning and power of public monuments. In the film students, artists, theoreticians and activists from Prishtina, Kosovo talk about the meaning of monuments. Which people have the privilege to be represented in monuments? Why there are almost no monuments dedicated to women in Kosovo? Which other people (marginalized groups) and stories are excluded in such monuments? The film states that if the (hi)stories of marginalized groups are hushed, and the (hi)stor...
Valérie Wolf Gang - Artist Sleeping on The Street (trailer) (03:00:00 (00:01:06))
Production: Co-production: Famul VideoLab, 2013
"Artist Sleeping on The Street" is a one channel video installation. LCD screen was put on the street of Belgium city Arlon and left there for couple of hours: the real time of the video in which the artist is sleeping. The goal of the video installation was to test the public for two things: firstly if they can notice a small detail on the street and secondly if they would stop and look at the artist sleeping or if they would turn their back on it. The result of the first test was expected but al...
Production: Co-production: Famul VideoLab, 2013
"Artist Sleeping on The Street" is a one channel video installation. LCD screen was put on the street of Belgium city Arlon and left there for couple of hours: the real time of the video in which the artist is sleeping. The goal of the video installation was to test the public for two things: firstly if they can notice a small detail on the street and secondly if they would stop and look at the artist sleeping or if they would turn their back on it. The result of the first test was expected but al...
Luka Prinčič - My Body Hurts Over (00:03:57)
Subtitle: Transmittance #1.5
Production: Emanat, 2011
My Body Hurts Over is a music video for one of the songs created as a product of an improvised audio-visual telematic performance Transmittance #1.5. The video takes video footage from the telematic performance Transmittance #1 which took place at KC Karlo Rojc, Polis Jadran Europa Festival, Pula, Croatia. The project explores inside the concepts of spectatorship and spectacle and by that tries to overcome the physical space of new media art and performative practices. The video presents an edited sonic d...
Subtitle: Transmittance #1.5
Production: Emanat, 2011
My Body Hurts Over is a music video for one of the songs created as a product of an improvised audio-visual telematic performance Transmittance #1.5. The video takes video footage from the telematic performance Transmittance #1 which took place at KC Karlo Rojc, Polis Jadran Europa Festival, Pula, Croatia. The project explores inside the concepts of spectatorship and spectacle and by that tries to overcome the physical space of new media art and performative practices. The video presents an edited sonic d...