Amir Muratović - Napeto v kabinetu (00:01:00)
Production: 2007
Video rekonstruira proces nastajanja umetniškega dela Irene Romih za razstavo v Kabinetu, ki je med letoma 2005 in 2008 gostoval v degradiranem dvoriščnem prostoru Galerije Škuc na Starem trgu 21 v Ljubljani. Kabinet je razvilo Društvo za domače raziskave za potrebe svojega delovanja kot premični razstavni prostor, ki je občasno gostil tudi druge umetnike.
Umetnica Irena Romih je portretirana v različnih zankah, njeno telo pa je tako "vpeto" v prostor, ki ga določajo skulpture.
DIVA slow motion
6 results in works
Luka Dekleva, Elena Fajt - The Memory (00:02:01)
Production: E. F., L. D., 2009
The photo animation was designed by Elena Fajt (installation), Luka Dekleva (photo), Luka Prinčič (sound) at the time of the II. Biennial of Sloevene Independent Illustration in 2009. Fajt set up ice cubes in three open-air locations containing the frozen ink that gradually changed the image. Time-based installations and abstract illustration were the result of the author's reflection on developing a specific method for graphic printing. The colour was frozen in an ice cube, under which the textile w...
Production: E. F., L. D., 2009
The photo animation was designed by Elena Fajt (installation), Luka Dekleva (photo), Luka Prinčič (sound) at the time of the II. Biennial of Sloevene Independent Illustration in 2009. Fajt set up ice cubes in three open-air locations containing the frozen ink that gradually changed the image. Time-based installations and abstract illustration were the result of the author's reflection on developing a specific method for graphic printing. The colour was frozen in an ice cube, under which the textile w...
Luka Dekleva - Singing Bridges EDIT (00:04:14)
Production: 2008
The author uses audio and video field material recorded by the artist Jodi Rose. Manipulation of video recordings of a hanging bridge construction is used as a visual background for an experimental electronic music created from sound recordings of the bridge and its surroundings.
Production: 2008
The author uses audio and video field material recorded by the artist Jodi Rose. Manipulation of video recordings of a hanging bridge construction is used as a visual background for an experimental electronic music created from sound recordings of the bridge and its surroundings.
Dejan Habicht - ich komme, ich komme... (00:10:00)
Subtitle: 12 dolgočasnih pesmi
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Zelo upočasnjeni posnetek pristajanja aviona. V podlagi se predvaja pesem zvoka sedmih avionov.
Subtitle: 12 dolgočasnih pesmi
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Zelo upočasnjeni posnetek pristajanja aviona. V podlagi se predvaja pesem zvoka sedmih avionov.
Zoran Srdić Janežič - Take a walk on the wild side (00:07:30)
Production: Zavod za sodobne umetnosti in kulture Gulag, 2010
Video je nastal s snemanjem zapuščenega prostora. Snemalec sprva opazuje okolje in nima interakcije s objekti. Potem pa se v bistvu video pretvori v animacijo, kjer razmetani objekti dobijo neki svoj ritem in novo življenje. Gledalec ima občutek, kot da se stvari same od sebe začenjajo urejati, in iz kaosa zapuščenega prostora nastajajo pravilni in včasih ponavljajoči se vzorci in ritmi.
Production: Zavod za sodobne umetnosti in kulture Gulag, 2010
Video je nastal s snemanjem zapuščenega prostora. Snemalec sprva opazuje okolje in nima interakcije s objekti. Potem pa se v bistvu video pretvori v animacijo, kjer razmetani objekti dobijo neki svoj ritem in novo življenje. Gledalec ima občutek, kot da se stvari same od sebe začenjajo urejati, in iz kaosa zapuščenega prostora nastajajo pravilni in včasih ponavljajoči se vzorci in ritmi.
Katarina Rešek - Among the Lull (Your Gay Thoughts) (00:03:49)
Production: 2015
Music video for the song Among the Lull by Your Gay Thoughts. Recorded in the urban environment of large apartment buildings. Bored young people hang out on the playground and at the club. Stereotypic sexual roles are mixed, empowered girls behave typically masculine, they take on the podium on the playground and on the dance floor. Most of the shots are in slow motion, editing style fits the melancholic feeling of the song. The video ends with an underwater shot of a kiss.
Production: 2015
Music video for the song Among the Lull by Your Gay Thoughts. Recorded in the urban environment of large apartment buildings. Bored young people hang out on the playground and at the club. Stereotypic sexual roles are mixed, empowered girls behave typically masculine, they take on the podium on the playground and on the dance floor. Most of the shots are in slow motion, editing style fits the melancholic feeling of the song. The video ends with an underwater shot of a kiss.