Amir Muratović - Napeto v kabinetu (00:01:00)
Production: 2007
Video rekonstruira proces nastajanja umetniškega dela Irene Romih za razstavo v Kabinetu, ki je med letoma 2005 in 2008 gostoval v degradiranem dvoriščnem prostoru Galerije Škuc na Starem trgu 21 v Ljubljani. Kabinet je razvilo Društvo za domače raziskave za potrebe svojega delovanja kot premični razstavni prostor, ki je občasno gostil tudi druge umetnike.
Umetnica Irena Romih je portretirana v različnih zankah, njeno telo pa je tako "vpeto" v prostor, ki ga določajo skulpture.
DIVA process
25 results in works
Miha Vipotnik - Video 8 Sketch Tape No. 1 (00:39)
Production: CalArts, 1988
A video sketch of the performer Dee McMillan and her project Log On poetically discusses the undeniable human freedom of creation. An insignificant sound from the background triggers a flow of associations and changes the course of editing. The banality of electricity cable is erased with a metaphor of umbilical cord and at the same time the cable defines the duration of the video. (Source: Videodokument)
Production: CalArts, 1988
A video sketch of the performer Dee McMillan and her project Log On poetically discusses the undeniable human freedom of creation. An insignificant sound from the background triggers a flow of associations and changes the course of editing. The banality of electricity cable is erased with a metaphor of umbilical cord and at the same time the cable defines the duration of the video. (Source: Videodokument)
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Construct (00:12:00)
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2002
Video documents construction of an enormous facility. Recordings are accompanied with the sounds of construction, occasional music soundtrack and narration dealing with the meaning and consequence of human action, also touching the subject of human existence. Camera ranges from totals to close-up of construction workers, machines and details of the building. Video ends with shots of finished object filmed from the air and with subtitles returning to the subjects from the narration by Gertrude Stein. Facil...
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2002
Video documents construction of an enormous facility. Recordings are accompanied with the sounds of construction, occasional music soundtrack and narration dealing with the meaning and consequence of human action, also touching the subject of human existence. Camera ranges from totals to close-up of construction workers, machines and details of the building. Video ends with shots of finished object filmed from the air and with subtitles returning to the subjects from the narration by Gertrude Stein. Facil...
Goran Devide - Sovražnik (0:04:28)
Production: Škuc-Forum, FV video, 1984
Computer animation is a music video for a song by group Borghesia. The author uses formally simple animation, which due to light line on a blue surface, creates an illusion of depth. Strong contrast functions aggressively. Animated anthropomorphic figures move together and one against the other, but there is always tension between them. The animation is author's interpretation of estranged and shallow civilization. ------- Borghesia (1983 - 1939) was a multimedia group (concert performance, video...
Production: Škuc-Forum, FV video, 1984
Computer animation is a music video for a song by group Borghesia. The author uses formally simple animation, which due to light line on a blue surface, creates an illusion of depth. Strong contrast functions aggressively. Animated anthropomorphic figures move together and one against the other, but there is always tension between them. The animation is author's interpretation of estranged and shallow civilization. ------- Borghesia (1983 - 1939) was a multimedia group (concert performance, video...
Borut Savski, Luka Prinčič - Problemloss Orchestra. Before the performance in Berlin (00:04:52)
Production: 2006
Problemloss Orchestra was a project group ( PMS: Luka Prinčič, Matjaž Manček and Borut Savski), which performed in 2005 and 2006. The recording took place in Berlin and was recorded by Neven Korda.
Production: 2006
Problemloss Orchestra was a project group ( PMS: Luka Prinčič, Matjaž Manček and Borut Savski), which performed in 2005 and 2006. The recording took place in Berlin and was recorded by Neven Korda.
Zemira Alajbegović - Marko Peljhan's Invisible Territory (00:49:12)
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2007
Marko Peljhan's Invisible Territory is a documentary on multi media-artist Marko Peljhan and his project Makrolab, a mobile artistic and scientific laboratory that travels around the world. It was based in Scotland, Australia, Slovenia, USA. Now preparations are being made to move it to the Arctic and Antarctic. In Makrolab jointly work artists from all over the world, they analyze signals and the environment, their mission is to create new, critical art.
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2007
Marko Peljhan's Invisible Territory is a documentary on multi media-artist Marko Peljhan and his project Makrolab, a mobile artistic and scientific laboratory that travels around the world. It was based in Scotland, Australia, Slovenia, USA. Now preparations are being made to move it to the Arctic and Antarctic. In Makrolab jointly work artists from all over the world, they analyze signals and the environment, their mission is to create new, critical art.
Amir Muratović - Impresija velemesta (00:13:45)
Production: Amir Muratović
Video je dokumentarna animacija zbranih fotografij Berlina. Avtor fotografira dogajanje v mestu in s tem ustvarja nov ritem velemesta, kar dobro izrazi predsodek o prenatrpanih in rastočih urbanih središčih. Urbani dogodki, ki so v vsakdanjem življenju postali skoraj neopazni, se skozi avtorjev pogled pokažejo v neki povsem novi obogateni estetiki. Še posebej to pride do izraza v pravilnih usmerjenih gibanjih, ki v ponavljajoči se animirani tehniki izpostavljajo red in tehnološkost velemesta.
Production: Amir Muratović
Video je dokumentarna animacija zbranih fotografij Berlina. Avtor fotografira dogajanje v mestu in s tem ustvarja nov ritem velemesta, kar dobro izrazi predsodek o prenatrpanih in rastočih urbanih središčih. Urbani dogodki, ki so v vsakdanjem življenju postali skoraj neopazni, se skozi avtorjev pogled pokažejo v neki povsem novi obogateni estetiki. Še posebej to pride do izraza v pravilnih usmerjenih gibanjih, ki v ponavljajoči se animirani tehniki izpostavljajo red in tehnološkost velemesta.
Borut Savski - Multimedia. Mali (00:03:53)
Production: Borut Savski, 2008
Omnibus of documentary video and photographic recordings of installations and performances between 1999 and 2008.
Production: Borut Savski, 2008
Omnibus of documentary video and photographic recordings of installations and performances between 1999 and 2008.
Luka Dekleva - FeedForward Cinema (00:05:25)
Production: codeep, 2007
Video dokumentacija performansa iz Kinodvor dne 19. oktobra 2007. Delo Feedforward Cinema nastaja z interakcijo dveh video naprav, ki si vzajemno pošiljajo signale in tvorijo zaprt krog informacij. Rezultat spominja na različne vzorce od zelo organskih oblik do strogo geometričnih in točno omejenih polj, ki v določenem trenutku raspadejo in odprejo polje za nove oblike. Vzorci so vedno ne-narativni. Če je na začetku tvorba, ki spominja na molekulano strukturo, proti koncu postaja vse bolj grafična. Vs...
Production: codeep, 2007
Video dokumentacija performansa iz Kinodvor dne 19. oktobra 2007. Delo Feedforward Cinema nastaja z interakcijo dveh video naprav, ki si vzajemno pošiljajo signale in tvorijo zaprt krog informacij. Rezultat spominja na različne vzorce od zelo organskih oblik do strogo geometričnih in točno omejenih polj, ki v določenem trenutku raspadejo in odprejo polje za nove oblike. Vzorci so vedno ne-narativni. Če je na začetku tvorba, ki spominja na molekulano strukturo, proti koncu postaja vse bolj grafična. Vs...
Luka Dekleva - City Off Season (00:05:44)
Production: 2006
City of Season je video za istoemenski glasbeno delo beograjskega umetnika za hrupno glasbo (noise) WoO. Luka Dekleva generira video pokrajino na podlagi počasnega zvočnega ritma, ki je povezan z manipulacijo mozaičnih priključkov v programu PureData. Iz grafičnega vzorca oblikuje trodimenzionalni prostor. Bolj kot slika "razpada", bolj prisotna je tretja dimenzija, vse do trenutka, ko se v preplatanju prostorskih osi, slika spet poenoti v eni ravni površini raspadajočega vzorca.
Production: 2006
City of Season je video za istoemenski glasbeno delo beograjskega umetnika za hrupno glasbo (noise) WoO. Luka Dekleva generira video pokrajino na podlagi počasnega zvočnega ritma, ki je povezan z manipulacijo mozaičnih priključkov v programu PureData. Iz grafičnega vzorca oblikuje trodimenzionalni prostor. Bolj kot slika "razpada", bolj prisotna je tretja dimenzija, vse do trenutka, ko se v preplatanju prostorskih osi, slika spet poenoti v eni ravni površini raspadajočega vzorca.