Andrej Lupinc - V 8. minutah okoli sveta / In 8 Minutes around the World (00:09:38)
Production: TV Slovenija, filmski laboratorij, 1990-2000
The documentary video patchwork with shots from various places in the world that the author visited while working as a cameraman at Slovenian national TV station in the span of ten years. Diversity of aesthetics is visible through a compilation of shots from different continents. A stable rhythm that runs through the whole video unifies all different scenes and brakes the seeming symbolic differences. The video would work as an ideal visualisation of Levi-Strauss's anthropological theory developed in h...
DIVA poverty
10 results in works
Apolonija Šušteršič - Bonnevoie by day & night (0:07:54)
Production: 1998
Video odslikuje podobo predela mesta Bonnevoie. Razgibana kamera raziskuje prostor, snema ključne točke četrti (železniška postaja, mestne ulice, gradbišče, privatne in javne prostore). Raziskovanje delovnega in bivalnega prostora mesta in njegovih prostorov za kulturno dejavnost. Bonnevoie je mestna četrt, ki slovi kot najbolj mešan predel Luksemburga z 80% emigrantske populacije.
Production: 1998
Video odslikuje podobo predela mesta Bonnevoie. Razgibana kamera raziskuje prostor, snema ključne točke četrti (železniška postaja, mestne ulice, gradbišče, privatne in javne prostore). Raziskovanje delovnega in bivalnega prostora mesta in njegovih prostorov za kulturno dejavnost. Bonnevoie je mestna četrt, ki slovi kot najbolj mešan predel Luksemburga z 80% emigrantske populacije.
Apolonija Šušteršič - (Cre)Action Directe (0:13:57)
Subtitle: Intervju z Riek van der Kerchove
Production: 1998
Pogovor z ustvarjalcem in producentom Rickom van der Kerchovom. Kamera ne snema intervjujanca, ampak spremlja dogajanje v skoraj preznem baru v Luxemburgu. Pogovor je bil uporabljen za potrebe festivala Manifesta.
Subtitle: Intervju z Riek van der Kerchove
Production: 1998
Pogovor z ustvarjalcem in producentom Rickom van der Kerchovom. Kamera ne snema intervjujanca, ampak spremlja dogajanje v skoraj preznem baru v Luxemburgu. Pogovor je bil uporabljen za potrebe festivala Manifesta.
Zmago Lenardič, Jasna Hribernik - NewMoscowYork (00:25:20)
Production: White Balance, 2004
The video is a humoristic comparison of two metropolises – New York and Moscow, where the life in the age of globalization is close to identical. Authors juxtapose similar scenes on two different channels. Each channel shows an urban silhouette with skyscrapers, triumphal arches and monuments of one of both cities. Scenes are followed by a lively music and a narration by a voice speaking English with a Russian accent reading highly ironical quotations from Little golden America, a work by humorists Il...
Production: White Balance, 2004
The video is a humoristic comparison of two metropolises – New York and Moscow, where the life in the age of globalization is close to identical. Authors juxtapose similar scenes on two different channels. Each channel shows an urban silhouette with skyscrapers, triumphal arches and monuments of one of both cities. Scenes are followed by a lively music and a narration by a voice speaking English with a Russian accent reading highly ironical quotations from Little golden America, a work by humorists Il...
Sašo Sedlaček - Žicar 1.0 / Beggar 1.0 (0:04:33)
Production: Galerija Kapelica / Kura, 2006
Video documents author's action in which he placed a robot - bagger inside a shopping mall and later inside a gallery. With this action the author points out a growing poverty. The robot attracted a surprising number of visitors and thus the author concluded the project with a result that people prefer to deal with problems of the margin from a safe distance. Scenes captured with hand held camera are exchanged with shots documented by security cameras.
Production: Galerija Kapelica / Kura, 2006
Video documents author's action in which he placed a robot - bagger inside a shopping mall and later inside a gallery. With this action the author points out a growing poverty. The robot attracted a surprising number of visitors and thus the author concluded the project with a result that people prefer to deal with problems of the margin from a safe distance. Scenes captured with hand held camera are exchanged with shots documented by security cameras.
Sašo Sedlaček - Žicar 2.0 / Beggar 0.2 (0:12:43)
Production: IAMAS, 2006
Video documents author's action, in which he placed a robot-bagger in a public space in Tokyo Japan. Although he already reached into public space in Ljubljana with it, the installation of it in a highly technologically developed country, where bagging is almost completely absent got different reactions and results. The author developed the new version of the robot and also offered the plan for it free online for the potential users.
Production: IAMAS, 2006
Video documents author's action, in which he placed a robot-bagger in a public space in Tokyo Japan. Although he already reached into public space in Ljubljana with it, the installation of it in a highly technologically developed country, where bagging is almost completely absent got different reactions and results. The author developed the new version of the robot and also offered the plan for it free online for the potential users.
Sašo Sedlaček - Rent a Žicar / Rent a Beggar (00:19:23)
Production: 2006
Dokumentarni video o problemu "žicanja" denarja. Umetnik ponudi pravemu žicarju robota, ki bo namesto njega opravljal sramotno prakso pridobivanja denarja. Zaradi simbolno-estetske kategorije robota ima le-ta to prednost pred žicarjem, da lahko vstopi v določene javne prostore, ki so žicarjem sicer prepovedani. A video ne kaže samo na probleme skupine ljudi, ki eksistirajo na margini družbe - robot predstavlja tudi strategijo izboljševanja žicarskih pogojev, predstavlja višjo učinkovitost, višjo...
Production: 2006
Dokumentarni video o problemu "žicanja" denarja. Umetnik ponudi pravemu žicarju robota, ki bo namesto njega opravljal sramotno prakso pridobivanja denarja. Zaradi simbolno-estetske kategorije robota ima le-ta to prednost pred žicarjem, da lahko vstopi v določene javne prostore, ki so žicarjem sicer prepovedani. A video ne kaže samo na probleme skupine ljudi, ki eksistirajo na margini družbe - robot predstavlja tudi strategijo izboljševanja žicarskih pogojev, predstavlja višjo učinkovitost, višjo...
Pila Rusjan - Elisa, 5 (00:04:51)
Production: 2010
Elisa, 5 is a video about a girl who ends up on a street on her 5th birthday, is a video about reality of São Paulo, about the problem of homeless and social differences in the world. Video was produced in time of Traffic Jam #1 residency in São Paulo, Brasil. (Source: Pila Rusjan)
Production: 2010
Elisa, 5 is a video about a girl who ends up on a street on her 5th birthday, is a video about reality of São Paulo, about the problem of homeless and social differences in the world. Video was produced in time of Traffic Jam #1 residency in São Paulo, Brasil. (Source: Pila Rusjan)
Miha Mohorič - Khatte (00:55:00)
Subtitle: The Choice of Freedom
Production: Sagar Kolektiv, 2015
This is a documentary film about long-term street children, living in Kathmandu and two protagonists ex street kid Sushil Babu Chetri and Lalit Shasi who run non-government organisation for children in need. Sushil wants to direct street theatre with street children as main protagonists, trying to show alternative ways how to help them and how to face this never ending problem. But his task turns out not to be as easy as it seems, facing more problems than he expected. Lalit Shasi, despite the fact that the...
Subtitle: The Choice of Freedom
Production: Sagar Kolektiv, 2015
This is a documentary film about long-term street children, living in Kathmandu and two protagonists ex street kid Sushil Babu Chetri and Lalit Shasi who run non-government organisation for children in need. Sushil wants to direct street theatre with street children as main protagonists, trying to show alternative ways how to help them and how to face this never ending problem. But his task turns out not to be as easy as it seems, facing more problems than he expected. Lalit Shasi, despite the fact that the...
Nika Jurman - Little Women (15:08)
Production: Nika Jurman, 2022
A young artist who moved to Ljubljana from a village can no longer afford to live in an expensive city.To earn some money, she attends a posh party where the “aristocats” don’t mock only her art idea but also her rural upbringing. Humiliated, she leaves the city to attend an art residency in a village where she will have free food and a place to stay. (Source: Nika Jurman)
Production: Nika Jurman, 2022
A young artist who moved to Ljubljana from a village can no longer afford to live in an expensive city.To earn some money, she attends a posh party where the “aristocats” don’t mock only her art idea but also her rural upbringing. Humiliated, she leaves the city to attend an art residency in a village where she will have free food and a place to stay. (Source: Nika Jurman)