Borut Savski - Bowlfuls of Sound (00:03:34)
Production: 2008
Two sperical bowls (from the Dancers series) have simple motorics and a bit more complex sensorics. They are susceptible to the sound they hear, but they also coproduce the sound (compressed microphony). This is why the bowls are full of sound. They can see each other (infrared sensor) and then they change direction. This should allow for the bowls to slowly zigzag closer to each other, which doesn’t really interests us anymore, but for the bowls this may be defined as a motive (with humans it could b...
DIVA robotics
5 results in works
Sašo Sedlaček - Rent a Žicar / Rent a Beggar (00:19:23)
Production: 2006
Dokumentarni video o problemu "žicanja" denarja. Umetnik ponudi pravemu žicarju robota, ki bo namesto njega opravljal sramotno prakso pridobivanja denarja. Zaradi simbolno-estetske kategorije robota ima le-ta to prednost pred žicarjem, da lahko vstopi v določene javne prostore, ki so žicarjem sicer prepovedani. A video ne kaže samo na probleme skupine ljudi, ki eksistirajo na margini družbe - robot predstavlja tudi strategijo izboljševanja žicarskih pogojev, predstavlja višjo učinkovitost, višjo...
Production: 2006
Dokumentarni video o problemu "žicanja" denarja. Umetnik ponudi pravemu žicarju robota, ki bo namesto njega opravljal sramotno prakso pridobivanja denarja. Zaradi simbolno-estetske kategorije robota ima le-ta to prednost pred žicarjem, da lahko vstopi v določene javne prostore, ki so žicarjem sicer prepovedani. A video ne kaže samo na probleme skupine ljudi, ki eksistirajo na margini družbe - robot predstavlja tudi strategijo izboljševanja žicarskih pogojev, predstavlja višjo učinkovitost, višjo...
Sašo Sedlaček - Qi Gai (00:16:16)
Robot-Žicar v azijskem gospodarskem središču - mogoče gre za najboljšo adaptacijo Sedlačekova projekta. Namreč, v boljšem okolju si ga ne bi mogli zamisliti. V tehnološko napredni državi je bil projektu z značilno robotično socialno noto uspeh zagotovljen. V stresnem hitrem in individualističnem okolju se funkcija Robota-Žicarja kaže v svoji pravi luči - pritegne pozornost s svojo tehnološko nedolžnostjo in tako opravi svojo funkcijo zbiranja denarja.
Robot-Žicar v azijskem gospodarskem središču - mogoče gre za najboljšo adaptacijo Sedlačekova projekta. Namreč, v boljšem okolju si ga ne bi mogli zamisliti. V tehnološko napredni državi je bil projektu z značilno robotično socialno noto uspeh zagotovljen. V stresnem hitrem in individualističnem okolju se funkcija Robota-Žicarja kaže v svoji pravi luči - pritegne pozornost s svojo tehnološko nedolžnostjo in tako opravi svojo funkcijo zbiranja denarja.
Nika Oblak & Primož Novak - Border Mover (00:02:45)
Production: Co-Production/Koproducent: MMCA Residency Changdong, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seul, Južna Koreja, 2015
'Border Mover' is a kinetic video installation made in co-production with MMCA Residency Changdong, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea, dealing with contemporary individual being trapped by overwhelming technology and routine of our everyday existence, which more and more resembles monotony of operating machines. It is playing with ideas of physical and psychical boundaries as the consequence of capitalistic, neoliberal globalization, where it seems dreams are impos...
Production: Co-Production/Koproducent: MMCA Residency Changdong, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seul, Južna Koreja, 2015
'Border Mover' is a kinetic video installation made in co-production with MMCA Residency Changdong, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea, dealing with contemporary individual being trapped by overwhelming technology and routine of our everyday existence, which more and more resembles monotony of operating machines. It is playing with ideas of physical and psychical boundaries as the consequence of capitalistic, neoliberal globalization, where it seems dreams are impos...
Jatun Risba - Down-going (03:15)
Production: Jatun Risba & Franco G. Livera, 2019
Down-going was taken during a collaborative art intervention at an operating hospital in S Italy in summer 2019. The produced photos and video stage a playful act of medical self-determination and resilience. By taking control over the use of medical spaces and tools, the artists underline and overturn the dynamics of power in contemporary medical contexts. (Source: author) The video has no sound.
Production: Jatun Risba & Franco G. Livera, 2019
Down-going was taken during a collaborative art intervention at an operating hospital in S Italy in summer 2019. The produced photos and video stage a playful act of medical self-determination and resilience. By taking control over the use of medical spaces and tools, the artists underline and overturn the dynamics of power in contemporary medical contexts. (Source: author) The video has no sound.