Nataša Skušek - Ecstasy (00:11:28)
Production: 2005
The video consists of ten close-up shots of the author's face while breastfeeding her daughter. The author got inflammation of the tissue in her breast or mastitis and shows the unpleasant, painful part of motherhood, which is usually depicted with idealized scenes of tenderness. Close-ups are mixed with video image disintegration effects (dissolve).
DIVA birth
4 results in works
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Mud (excerpts) (00:09:59 (00:01:59))
Production: 2009
Blato je zgodba o izvoru življenja, v kateri ženska izoblikuje samo sebe iz naravnega materiala – iz tekocega blata, ki je nasičen s čutnostjo, prožnostjo in kreativnim potencialom. Zgodba je tudi pripoved o razmerju med prosto spreminjajoco se naravo in določenostjo s kulturo ter soobstoju obeh elementov v eni osebi. Motiv igranega video dela je avtorski prikaz mita o kreaciji ženske, ki vstane iz živega blata in stopi na pot transformacije oziroma civiliziranja. Video spremljajo terenski posn...
Production: 2009
Blato je zgodba o izvoru življenja, v kateri ženska izoblikuje samo sebe iz naravnega materiala – iz tekocega blata, ki je nasičen s čutnostjo, prožnostjo in kreativnim potencialom. Zgodba je tudi pripoved o razmerju med prosto spreminjajoco se naravo in določenostjo s kulturo ter soobstoju obeh elementov v eni osebi. Motiv igranega video dela je avtorski prikaz mita o kreaciji ženske, ki vstane iz živega blata in stopi na pot transformacije oziroma civiliziranja. Video spremljajo terenski posn...
Luksuz produkcija - The Projectionist (01:40)
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2019
Short story about film travelling and its guide, the film projectionist. (Source: Luksuz produkcija)Author: Yuliya Kogol
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2019
Short story about film travelling and its guide, the film projectionist. (Source: Luksuz produkcija)Author: Yuliya Kogol
Sara Bezovšek - Human Extinction (03:54)
Production: Sara Bezovšek, 2021
A screenrecording of the webpage Human Extinction is one of the subpages of the SND project (Learning about nature and society), an interactive website in which the author addresses various apocalyptic end-of-the-world scenarios. Thematic websites are visually saturated collages consisting of quotes from popular and online culture (short videos, photos, memes, animated gifs, emoticons, short texts...), external links and her own works. (Source: DIVA Station)
Production: Sara Bezovšek, 2021
A screenrecording of the webpage Human Extinction is one of the subpages of the SND project (Learning about nature and society), an interactive website in which the author addresses various apocalyptic end-of-the-world scenarios. Thematic websites are visually saturated collages consisting of quotes from popular and online culture (short videos, photos, memes, animated gifs, emoticons, short texts...), external links and her own works. (Source: DIVA Station)