Sašo Podgoršek - Koza je preživela (00:09:03)
Production: 1992
Posnetki prikazujejo posameznike, ki se zbirajo pred zapornico: oseba v avtomobilu, ki čaka na svoje dekle, oseba na vozu, oseba na motorju in nekdo s kozo v naročju. Kolona pred zapornico čaka na vlak, vname se pretep, koza pa se v zmedi znajde privezana na zapornico, ki se, ko vlak odide, dvigne s kozo vred. Video predstavlja zrežirane komične prizore, ki prikazujejo resničnost sodobne družbe.
DIVA rural
12 results in works
Apolonija Šušteršič - Perspectives emouvantes (0:03:39)
Subtitle: MTV for La Tourette
Production: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam, 1996
This is a compilation of four short video films, made in the La Tourette Dominican monastery near Lyon, which was constructed in the early sixties according to the plans of Le Corbusier and with the participation of mathematician, musician, and composer Iannis Xenakis. Through the clearly visible car window, which eliminates the simulation of the viewer's direct contact with the landscape in motion, we see a series of serene passing scenes of the countryside. The only disturbance in this idyll is t...
Subtitle: MTV for La Tourette
Production: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam, 1996
This is a compilation of four short video films, made in the La Tourette Dominican monastery near Lyon, which was constructed in the early sixties according to the plans of Le Corbusier and with the participation of mathematician, musician, and composer Iannis Xenakis. Through the clearly visible car window, which eliminates the simulation of the viewer's direct contact with the landscape in motion, we see a series of serene passing scenes of the countryside. The only disturbance in this idyll is t...
Nika Oblak & Primož Novak - Dejeuner sur l'Herbe (0:19:22)
Production: 2003
The video shows Nika Oblak & Primož Novak having picnic in a snowy landscape next to a highway. The postcard-like landscape is beautiful to look at, but it also isolates Oblak & Novak from the rest of the world. (Source:
Production: 2003
The video shows Nika Oblak & Primož Novak having picnic in a snowy landscape next to a highway. The postcard-like landscape is beautiful to look at, but it also isolates Oblak & Novak from the rest of the world. (Source:
Polonca Lovšin - Krave iz mesta / City Cows (0:05:12)
Production: KUD Obrat & Moderna galerija Ljubljana, 2008
'Krave iz mesta' je humorna dokumentarna video animacija, v kateri avtorica kombinira različne tehnične in formalne pristope: stop motion animacijo, fotografijo in video. Delo, ki se je odvijalo v sklopu umetniške akcije v kavarni SEM (kjer so obiskovalci poleg video animacije dobili tudi domače mleko iz bližnje kmetije), predstavlja izsledke umetniške raziskave o kmetijah znotraj ožjega področja mesta Ljubljane. Po začetnem filmičnem kadru, ki iz hleva preide na široko sliko me...
Production: KUD Obrat & Moderna galerija Ljubljana, 2008
'Krave iz mesta' je humorna dokumentarna video animacija, v kateri avtorica kombinira različne tehnične in formalne pristope: stop motion animacijo, fotografijo in video. Delo, ki se je odvijalo v sklopu umetniške akcije v kavarni SEM (kjer so obiskovalci poleg video animacije dobili tudi domače mleko iz bližnje kmetije), predstavlja izsledke umetniške raziskave o kmetijah znotraj ožjega področja mesta Ljubljane. Po začetnem filmičnem kadru, ki iz hleva preide na široko sliko me...
Dejan Habicht - das Dorf
Subtitle: 12 dolgočasnih pesmi
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2004
19 color photographs in a long stripe present indescribable boredom and dramatics of a small German village by night, where the artist was on a residency. (10MB)
Subtitle: 12 dolgočasnih pesmi
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2004
19 color photographs in a long stripe present indescribable boredom and dramatics of a small German village by night, where the artist was on a residency. (10MB)
Polonca Lovšin - Nazaj v mesto / Back to the City (00:13:34)
Production: Kud Obrat, 2011
Nazaj v mesto je video animacija, ki jo je avtorica izdelala na podlagi umetniške raziskave o čebelah in tematizira predvsem odnos človeka do okolja, hrane in narave v mestu in na podeželju. Z metodo stop-motion animacije, ki temelji na kolažih, je ustvarila zgodbo o čebelah, opraševanju, hrani in o tem, v kakšen odnosu je s tem človek. Avtorica je predstavila večplastne vzroke in učinke za porušeno in spremenjeno razmerje med podeželskim in mestnim okoljem, kajti urbano...
Production: Kud Obrat, 2011
Nazaj v mesto je video animacija, ki jo je avtorica izdelala na podlagi umetniške raziskave o čebelah in tematizira predvsem odnos človeka do okolja, hrane in narave v mestu in na podeželju. Z metodo stop-motion animacije, ki temelji na kolažih, je ustvarila zgodbo o čebelah, opraševanju, hrani in o tem, v kakšen odnosu je s tem človek. Avtorica je predstavila večplastne vzroke in učinke za porušeno in spremenjeno razmerje med podeželskim in mestnim okoljem, kajti urbano...
Miha Vipotnik - Time of Aliquot Parts (12:00)
Production: Slovenski etnografski muzej, 2013
Video/Film was commissioned for the 90th anniversary of Slovene Ethnographic Museum and it shows the wealth of museum’s collections from different geographical regions. It uses various audiovisual material: film and audio documents/footages are reused and edited to form audiovisual composition that presents through fragments a story of culture and creates material and immaterial fusion of memory. Video Words is a word prologue to the film Time of Aliquot Parts It is a kind of epigraph and articulation,...
Production: Slovenski etnografski muzej, 2013
Video/Film was commissioned for the 90th anniversary of Slovene Ethnographic Museum and it shows the wealth of museum’s collections from different geographical regions. It uses various audiovisual material: film and audio documents/footages are reused and edited to form audiovisual composition that presents through fragments a story of culture and creates material and immaterial fusion of memory. Video Words is a word prologue to the film Time of Aliquot Parts It is a kind of epigraph and articulation,...
Mila Peršin - Auntie Milena (09:06)
Production: AVA - Akademija za vizualne umetnosti, 2019
A documentary portrait of my great-aunt from Sarajevo who moved to a small shed next to her house in the beginning of war in the year 1992, after her husband and two sons died. Pink house, where everything inside is wrapped in cling flim, became her own monument of memories. (Source: Author)
Production: AVA - Akademija za vizualne umetnosti, 2019
A documentary portrait of my great-aunt from Sarajevo who moved to a small shed next to her house in the beginning of war in the year 1992, after her husband and two sons died. Pink house, where everything inside is wrapped in cling flim, became her own monument of memories. (Source: Author)
Jatun Risba - Be-coming Cow (trailer) (20:15 (trailer 03:02))
Production: Jatun Risba & Cultural Centre Záhrada (Banská Bystrica, Slovakia), 2020
The video 'Be-coming Cow' was realized during an art residency of Jatun Risba at the cultural centre Záhrada (“Garden”) in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia in the end of Summer 2020. The field research in form of a 3-days cohabitation period with two cows, Hilda and Linda, was conducted at the farm of Ivan Vikár in Zaježová-Dolinky. By approaching domesticated cattle as ancestors and potential teachers, the artist was expanding human consciousness to a more-than-human domai...
Production: Jatun Risba & Cultural Centre Záhrada (Banská Bystrica, Slovakia), 2020
The video 'Be-coming Cow' was realized during an art residency of Jatun Risba at the cultural centre Záhrada (“Garden”) in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia in the end of Summer 2020. The field research in form of a 3-days cohabitation period with two cows, Hilda and Linda, was conducted at the farm of Ivan Vikár in Zaježová-Dolinky. By approaching domesticated cattle as ancestors and potential teachers, the artist was expanding human consciousness to a more-than-human domai...
Jaka Vatovec - Cerberus (06:36)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2024
The video consists of numerous scanned analog b&w photographs of night and winter nature, close-ups of old agricultural machinery, details of artificial fences and other architectural elements. Purple collages of the mythological three-headed dog Cerberus appear among them. The precise editing closely follows the rhythm of the author's music, which creates an intense impression of entrapment and horror. The video was created for two connected solo exhibitions by the artist Jaka Vatovec False Magic 3 in...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2024
The video consists of numerous scanned analog b&w photographs of night and winter nature, close-ups of old agricultural machinery, details of artificial fences and other architectural elements. Purple collages of the mythological three-headed dog Cerberus appear among them. The precise editing closely follows the rhythm of the author's music, which creates an intense impression of entrapment and horror. The video was created for two connected solo exhibitions by the artist Jaka Vatovec False Magic 3 in...