Zmago Lenardič - Fireworks (00:10:10)
Production: Zmago Lenardič, 2006
Video documentation of an installation presented in the exhibition Liquid Space II in 2006, shot with a static camera positioned in front of the work. A series of blinking red-light spots that switch on and off one after the other creates a rhythmic correspondence between the light and the music. The light seems challenging the perceptive faculties of the viewer by drawing a visual interpretation of Bach's Kleine Preludien and at the same time evoking the mechanism of a piano key. The spot reflections and t...
DIVA light
40 results in works
Zmago Lenardič - Network (00:12:47)
Production: Zmago Lenardič, 2006
Video documentation of an installation presented at the exhibition Liquid Space II in 2006, where the three-dimensional shape of a human body realized with a thin wire interweave is moving and projecting its shadow on a white surface. The video shows the overlapping of these shapes, creating a new layer where the body seems contested between real dimension and shadow. The movements of the camera around the installation make the newly established relationship between the two entities become more and more con...
Production: Zmago Lenardič, 2006
Video documentation of an installation presented at the exhibition Liquid Space II in 2006, where the three-dimensional shape of a human body realized with a thin wire interweave is moving and projecting its shadow on a white surface. The video shows the overlapping of these shapes, creating a new layer where the body seems contested between real dimension and shadow. The movements of the camera around the installation make the newly established relationship between the two entities become more and more con...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Meja / Border (0:04:32)
Production: Center RTV Maribor, TV Slovenija, 1997
The video focuses on the concept of skin, which is the borderline between the body and its surroundings. The picture consciously rejects all sophisticated visual manipulation and instead uses basic visual effects: the play of light and shadow, and colour changes. The varying rhythm of the editing changes the vibration of skin - the image animates its life.
Production: Center RTV Maribor, TV Slovenija, 1997
The video focuses on the concept of skin, which is the borderline between the body and its surroundings. The picture consciously rejects all sophisticated visual manipulation and instead uses basic visual effects: the play of light and shadow, and colour changes. The varying rhythm of the editing changes the vibration of skin - the image animates its life.
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Vertikalni horizont / Vertical Horizon (0:03:20)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1994
The video film replicates the labyrinth presented in the installation of the same title. Bricks are placed on the floor, and they pass into the labyrinth on the screen. The figures never come from 'behind the walls' of the labyrinth, we can only hear the sound of their fleeting steps.
Production: TV Slovenija, 1994
The video film replicates the labyrinth presented in the installation of the same title. Bricks are placed on the floor, and they pass into the labyrinth on the screen. The figures never come from 'behind the walls' of the labyrinth, we can only hear the sound of their fleeting steps.
Oliver Marčeta - Zelenjavna mavrica (00:03:06)
Polž iz plastelina, ki lovi svoj rep, drsi po površini ekrana, kjer se pojavijo tudi krogljice, ki spominjajo na zvezde. V središču pozornosti je njegova hiška, ki jo osvetljujejo različne barve. Video pogosto funkcionira kot abstraktna slika. Barvni in svetlobni kontrast je zelo močan in ustvarja psihedelično vzdušje.
Polž iz plastelina, ki lovi svoj rep, drsi po površini ekrana, kjer se pojavijo tudi krogljice, ki spominjajo na zvezde. V središču pozornosti je njegova hiška, ki jo osvetljujejo različne barve. Video pogosto funkcionira kot abstraktna slika. Barvni in svetlobni kontrast je zelo močan in ustvarja psihedelično vzdušje.
Oliver Marčeta - Avantgarde film (00:05:18)
Računalniško producirane črte - vertikalne in horizontalne, sinhrono z glasbo prekrivajo površino ekrana. Glasba spominja na odrezavo pihanje vetra, ki je silovito in se stopnjuje, črte pa se z njo redčijo in gostijo - ekspresivno.
Računalniško producirane črte - vertikalne in horizontalne, sinhrono z glasbo prekrivajo površino ekrana. Glasba spominja na odrezavo pihanje vetra, ki je silovito in se stopnjuje, črte pa se z njo redčijo in gostijo - ekspresivno.
Duba Sambolec - Tour de Place (13:00)
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2001
Video is a performance carried out by one of the artists in front of and the other behind the camera. Pernilla Edholm guides Duba Sambolec and consequentially the viewer around an empty space and together they explore it in an ironic manner. Edholm establishes a character of a guide/sales agent, who conceptualizes the space and searches for meanings and contents that aren't there. Artists return once more to an unaltered space and end the video in the street in front of the building. Video is filmed with a...
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2001
Video is a performance carried out by one of the artists in front of and the other behind the camera. Pernilla Edholm guides Duba Sambolec and consequentially the viewer around an empty space and together they explore it in an ironic manner. Edholm establishes a character of a guide/sales agent, who conceptualizes the space and searches for meanings and contents that aren't there. Artists return once more to an unaltered space and end the video in the street in front of the building. Video is filmed with a...
Duba Sambolec - Lights & Pipes (05:24)
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
The authors put on the camera and film lights and pipes with one of them filming and the other holding her. The situation is entertaining for both of them, as we hear them laughing. The first one dictates hot the other should hold her in order for her to move up and film the lights and pipes. Movement of the hand held camera is impulsive, fast and improvised. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljublj...
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
The authors put on the camera and film lights and pipes with one of them filming and the other holding her. The situation is entertaining for both of them, as we hear them laughing. The first one dictates hot the other should hold her in order for her to move up and film the lights and pipes. Movement of the hand held camera is impulsive, fast and improvised. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljublj...
Marko A. Kovačič - Casus belli (video) (00:15:35)
Production: Škuc - Forum, 1983
The video was made on a basis of an eponymous performance from 1983 by Marko Kovačič. in which the author combines elements of sculpture, space, geometry, physicality, action, and music. With specific movement, contructivistically designed sets projected onto a screen, and the present video installation the artist creates unclear boundaries between reality and the construct of space, time and body. The artist applies his body to projections in the background and creates static and moving images. The video...
Production: Škuc - Forum, 1983
The video was made on a basis of an eponymous performance from 1983 by Marko Kovačič. in which the author combines elements of sculpture, space, geometry, physicality, action, and music. With specific movement, contructivistically designed sets projected onto a screen, and the present video installation the artist creates unclear boundaries between reality and the construct of space, time and body. The artist applies his body to projections in the background and creates static and moving images. The video...
Vesna Čadež - Narava / Nature (00:11:07 (skupno))
Subtitle: Sinhronija (narava- Ljubljana) / Sinchrony (Nature- Ljubljana)
Production: 2005
The video captures two different video projections being played simultaneously presenting the contrast between urban and natural environment. They are viewed at separately, but grasped as a whole mimicking the viewer's division between perceiving and moving in the city as well as in the nature. Author takes the two opposing positions of man's living habitats, which complement one another, as her basis. Continuing with the concept of synchrony, she uses concurrence of action, simultaneousness of...
Subtitle: Sinhronija (narava- Ljubljana) / Sinchrony (Nature- Ljubljana)
Production: 2005
The video captures two different video projections being played simultaneously presenting the contrast between urban and natural environment. They are viewed at separately, but grasped as a whole mimicking the viewer's division between perceiving and moving in the city as well as in the nature. Author takes the two opposing positions of man's living habitats, which complement one another, as her basis. Continuing with the concept of synchrony, she uses concurrence of action, simultaneousness of...