Marjan Gumilar - Pogled (00:06:38)
Production: Marjan Gumilar, 2002
Avtor posname svoj vsakdan na statičen način. Video je posnet v enem samem kadru in prikazuje par v stanovanju, prepravljenem z dnevno svetlobo. Na radiu slišimo jazz glasbo, ki je obenem najbolj dramatičen element videa in omogača tako moški kot ženski osebi, da naselita video brez da bi komunicirala. Moški gleda skozi okno in občuduje razgled, ženska pa bere na postelji. Z odsotnostjo komunikacije - osebe so dejansko ujete v melanholičnost dolgočasnega vsakdana -, postane njuno stanovanje udob...
DIVA freedom
13 results in works
Miha Vipotnik - Video 8 Sketch Tape No. 1 (00:39)
Production: CalArts, 1988
A video sketch of the performer Dee McMillan and her project Log On poetically discusses the undeniable human freedom of creation. An insignificant sound from the background triggers a flow of associations and changes the course of editing. The banality of electricity cable is erased with a metaphor of umbilical cord and at the same time the cable defines the duration of the video. (Source: Videodokument)
Production: CalArts, 1988
A video sketch of the performer Dee McMillan and her project Log On poetically discusses the undeniable human freedom of creation. An insignificant sound from the background triggers a flow of associations and changes the course of editing. The banality of electricity cable is erased with a metaphor of umbilical cord and at the same time the cable defines the duration of the video. (Source: Videodokument)
Milena Kosec - Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas (00:09:10)
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 2009
Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas je umetniška akcija v okviru Državice Ptičjestrašilne. Njena državljanka Marička B. Pomagaj si je v petek, 5. januarja 2001, ob 17. uri s pomočjo asistenta Tomaža Trčka ogledala razstavo Vulgata, U3 – tretji trienale sodobne slovenske umetnosti, ki jo je kuriral Gregor Podnar. Državna inštitucija se v primeru U3 ni korektno obnašala do ustvarjalcev Državice Ptičjestrašilne, kar je izzvalo prepoved uporabe gradiva o Državici....
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 2009
Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas je umetniška akcija v okviru Državice Ptičjestrašilne. Njena državljanka Marička B. Pomagaj si je v petek, 5. januarja 2001, ob 17. uri s pomočjo asistenta Tomaža Trčka ogledala razstavo Vulgata, U3 – tretji trienale sodobne slovenske umetnosti, ki jo je kuriral Gregor Podnar. Državna inštitucija se v primeru U3 ni korektno obnašala do ustvarjalcev Državice Ptičjestrašilne, kar je izzvalo prepoved uporabe gradiva o Državici....
Jasna Hribernik - Koncert za mobilne telefone in orkester (00:45:50)
Subtitle: Aldo Kumar in Slavoj Žižek
Production: 2005
Documentary video follows the work and ponderings of composer Aldo Kumar through a perspective of sounds of a mobile phone. We witness long scenes of the composer taking walks in idyllic landscapes and around the city, where everyone is rushing and talking on mobile phones. The author presents 8-bit low quality sound without directly valuating it. The contentious role of mobile phones is analyzed by Slavoj Žižek. He discusses about how mobile phones seemingly make communicating easy, but actually they e...
Subtitle: Aldo Kumar in Slavoj Žižek
Production: 2005
Documentary video follows the work and ponderings of composer Aldo Kumar through a perspective of sounds of a mobile phone. We witness long scenes of the composer taking walks in idyllic landscapes and around the city, where everyone is rushing and talking on mobile phones. The author presents 8-bit low quality sound without directly valuating it. The contentious role of mobile phones is analyzed by Slavoj Žižek. He discusses about how mobile phones seemingly make communicating easy, but actually they e...
Sašo Sedlaček - Rekviem za umirajoči medij / Requiem for a Dying Medium (00:09:43)
Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, 2007, Galerija Kapelica - Zavod K6/4, 2007
Video je del avtorjeve Iniciative za ustanovitev avtonomne medijske cone Infokalipsa zdaj! Rekviem za umirajoči medij na nek način časti izginotje analognega signala iz množične rabe. Prostor, ki je bil dolga leta polje različnih bojev, je zdaj prazen in neizkoriščen. Polaganje zastave tik ob veliki anteni oddajnika na Nanosu pomeni zasedbo zapuščenega prostora, je navidezna okupacija, pirova zmaga, iz katere se vendarle zna zgoditi nekaj koristnega.
Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, 2007, Galerija Kapelica - Zavod K6/4, 2007
Video je del avtorjeve Iniciative za ustanovitev avtonomne medijske cone Infokalipsa zdaj! Rekviem za umirajoči medij na nek način časti izginotje analognega signala iz množične rabe. Prostor, ki je bil dolga leta polje različnih bojev, je zdaj prazen in neizkoriščen. Polaganje zastave tik ob veliki anteni oddajnika na Nanosu pomeni zasedbo zapuščenega prostora, je navidezna okupacija, pirova zmaga, iz katere se vendarle zna zgoditi nekaj koristnega.
Ana Sluga - Somewhere Else (00:05:00)
Production: 2011
Video sestavljata dve vzporedni naraciji. Na levi strani mlada ženska, najverjetneje umetnica, sedi na strehi in zre v daljavo mesta Ljubljana. Vidimo jo v hrbet. Na desni strani se nizajo posnetki narave: ptič na drevesu, trave v vetru, jata ptičev, sled letala na nebu, drevesa ob potoku, žuboreča voda, cvetoče drevo, dim, oblaki, jesenski gozd ... V ozadju se melanholična klavirska glasba (Jože Baša) prepleta s posnetki živahnih dialogov v različnih jezikih (spominjajo na preklapljanje me...
Production: 2011
Video sestavljata dve vzporedni naraciji. Na levi strani mlada ženska, najverjetneje umetnica, sedi na strehi in zre v daljavo mesta Ljubljana. Vidimo jo v hrbet. Na desni strani se nizajo posnetki narave: ptič na drevesu, trave v vetru, jata ptičev, sled letala na nebu, drevesa ob potoku, žuboreča voda, cvetoče drevo, dim, oblaki, jesenski gozd ... V ozadju se melanholična klavirska glasba (Jože Baša) prepleta s posnetki živahnih dialogov v različnih jezikih (spominjajo na preklapljanje me...
Nika Oblak & Primož Novak - Border Mover (00:02:45)
Production: Co-Production/Koproducent: MMCA Residency Changdong, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seul, Južna Koreja, 2015
'Border Mover' is a kinetic video installation made in co-production with MMCA Residency Changdong, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea, dealing with contemporary individual being trapped by overwhelming technology and routine of our everyday existence, which more and more resembles monotony of operating machines. It is playing with ideas of physical and psychical boundaries as the consequence of capitalistic, neoliberal globalization, where it seems dreams are impos...
Production: Co-Production/Koproducent: MMCA Residency Changdong, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seul, Južna Koreja, 2015
'Border Mover' is a kinetic video installation made in co-production with MMCA Residency Changdong, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea, dealing with contemporary individual being trapped by overwhelming technology and routine of our everyday existence, which more and more resembles monotony of operating machines. It is playing with ideas of physical and psychical boundaries as the consequence of capitalistic, neoliberal globalization, where it seems dreams are impos...
Barbara Borčić - Multimedia Practices and Venues of Production
Subtitle: The Eighties through the Prism of Events, Exhibitions, and Discourses – Part 2
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, MSUM, 2017
Videodokument from "Multimedia Practices and Venues of Production" exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana April 5 - June 11, 2017. The exhibition shows how expanded the field of art was in the 1980s, with practices characterized by multimedia, self-organization, interdisciplinarity, trans-generational work, and collective authorship. The display concept foregrounds the typical venues and events, putting additional emphasis on selected artistic installations. The multimedia th...
Subtitle: The Eighties through the Prism of Events, Exhibitions, and Discourses – Part 2
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, MSUM, 2017
Videodokument from "Multimedia Practices and Venues of Production" exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana April 5 - June 11, 2017. The exhibition shows how expanded the field of art was in the 1980s, with practices characterized by multimedia, self-organization, interdisciplinarity, trans-generational work, and collective authorship. The display concept foregrounds the typical venues and events, putting additional emphasis on selected artistic installations. The multimedia th...
Toni Poljanec - Bitter Smile (00:34:10)
Production: Hupa Brajdič produkcija, 2010
Through a parody story and personal confessions video shows life in prison and represents the thoughts of prisoners about time, freedom, crime, punishment and reintegration into society. The story originated from a film workshop with thirteen prisoners in Dob prison. (Source: Toni Poljanec)
Production: Hupa Brajdič produkcija, 2010
Through a parody story and personal confessions video shows life in prison and represents the thoughts of prisoners about time, freedom, crime, punishment and reintegration into society. The story originated from a film workshop with thirteen prisoners in Dob prison. (Source: Toni Poljanec)
Lenka Djorojević, Matej Stupica - Free Fall (00:21:30)
Production: Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., 2016
The video performance was first introduced as part of the installation entitled Free Fall in the P74 Gallery, Ljubljana in 2016. The solo exhibition was part of the OHO Young Visual Artist Award, which the authors received in 2015. The installation was designed as an empty office space with a video window. The entire room was rotated for 90 degrees. The video shows man and woman alternately (Primož Bezjak and Katarina Stegnar), dressed in a simple gray uniform, we see them frontally. At first glance, they...
Production: Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., 2016
The video performance was first introduced as part of the installation entitled Free Fall in the P74 Gallery, Ljubljana in 2016. The solo exhibition was part of the OHO Young Visual Artist Award, which the authors received in 2015. The installation was designed as an empty office space with a video window. The entire room was rotated for 90 degrees. The video shows man and woman alternately (Primož Bezjak and Katarina Stegnar), dressed in a simple gray uniform, we see them frontally. At first glance, they...