Jasna Hribernik - Koncert za mobilne telefone in orkester (00:45:50)
Subtitle: Aldo Kumar in Slavoj Žižek
Production: 2005
Documentary video follows the work and ponderings of composer Aldo Kumar through a perspective of sounds of a mobile phone. We witness long scenes of the composer taking walks in idyllic landscapes and around the city, where everyone is rushing and talking on mobile phones. The author presents 8-bit low quality sound without directly valuating it.
The contentious role of mobile phones is analyzed by Slavoj Žižek. He discusses about how mobile phones seemingly make communicating easy, but actually they e...
DIVA telephone
6 results in works
Peter Cerovšek - Trails (07:00)
Production: 2015
Eksperimentalni kratki film je sestavljen iz niza kratkih sekvenc, posnetih s telefonom in kamero. Posnetki pogledov skozi okno ob potovanju z vlakom, avtobusom in gondolo se izmenjujejo z izpisovanjem besedila na temni podlagi – vsebino kratkih telefonskih sporočil. Tresoča in nemirna slika posnetkov narave se prepleta z abstraktnimi vzorci, ki jih tvori svetloba. Menjajo se letni časi in pokrajina. Glasba v podlagi prispeva k ustvarjanju nostalgičnega vzdušja. Film govori krhkosti ljubeze...
Production: 2015
Eksperimentalni kratki film je sestavljen iz niza kratkih sekvenc, posnetih s telefonom in kamero. Posnetki pogledov skozi okno ob potovanju z vlakom, avtobusom in gondolo se izmenjujejo z izpisovanjem besedila na temni podlagi – vsebino kratkih telefonskih sporočil. Tresoča in nemirna slika posnetkov narave se prepleta z abstraktnimi vzorci, ki jih tvori svetloba. Menjajo se letni časi in pokrajina. Glasba v podlagi prispeva k ustvarjanju nostalgičnega vzdušja. Film govori krhkosti ljubeze...
Small but dangers - I see 1 (00:00:25)
Production: SBD, 2015
Video performance is filmed with a mobile phone. Performer (Mateja Rojc) is looking straight into the phone camera. She starts slowly turning her head towards her right. Her gaze does not move along with her head, but remains focused on the camera and thus indirectly to the viewer or viewer. As in some kind of stare contest. With the video performance Small but dangers continue to explore and play with the gaze/view, and the reception and perception of moving images.
Production: SBD, 2015
Video performance is filmed with a mobile phone. Performer (Mateja Rojc) is looking straight into the phone camera. She starts slowly turning her head towards her right. Her gaze does not move along with her head, but remains focused on the camera and thus indirectly to the viewer or viewer. As in some kind of stare contest. With the video performance Small but dangers continue to explore and play with the gaze/view, and the reception and perception of moving images.
Small but dangers - I see 2 (00:01:01)
Production: SBD, 2015
Video performance is filmed with a mobile phone. Performer (Mateja Rojc) is looking straight into the phone camera. She starts slowly turning her head towards her left and right as if shaking it in disagreement. Her gaze does not move along with her head, but remains focused on the camera and thus indirectly to the viewer or viewer. As in some kind of stare contest. With the video performance Small but dangers continue to explore and play with the gaze/view, and the reception and perception of moving images.
Production: SBD, 2015
Video performance is filmed with a mobile phone. Performer (Mateja Rojc) is looking straight into the phone camera. She starts slowly turning her head towards her left and right as if shaking it in disagreement. Her gaze does not move along with her head, but remains focused on the camera and thus indirectly to the viewer or viewer. As in some kind of stare contest. With the video performance Small but dangers continue to explore and play with the gaze/view, and the reception and perception of moving images.
Peter Cerovšek - Fundaments (trailer) (1:41)
Production: EnaBanda, 2018
The director of the film follows the construction of a luxury hotel through his kitchen window. Fragments of the dissolution of his relationship unintentionally sneak into the recorded material and shake the very foundations of the film. (Source: EnaBanda)
Production: EnaBanda, 2018
The director of the film follows the construction of a luxury hotel through his kitchen window. Fragments of the dissolution of his relationship unintentionally sneak into the recorded material and shake the very foundations of the film. (Source: EnaBanda)
Sara Bezovšek - Revenge Porn (04:53)
Subtitle: 1.del trilogije wwwiolenc=3
Production: Aksioma - Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, 2019
Subtitle: 1.del trilogije wwwiolenc=3
Production: Aksioma - Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, 2019