Andrej Lupinc - Odvrženi (00:42:42)
Subtitle: Adaptacija gledališke igre Roberto Zucco
Production: TV Slovenija, 1997
The story of a tourist who gets lost in a South American metropolis. He wanders into a dangerous suburb, where he meets a strange family and Roberto Zucco - the adventurer, poet and murderer.
DIVA tourism
10 results in works
Oliver Marčeta - Internacional (00:02:01)
Narisani goli figuri potujeta tako, da se s croma key efektom prestavljata po razglednicah različnih krajev sveta. Figuri sta realizirani na enostaven risarski način, s kombiniranjem nekoliko različnih poz. Video je parodija na glabalizacijo in sodobno manijo, da se turistične destinacije predstavijo kot trofeje.
Narisani goli figuri potujeta tako, da se s croma key efektom prestavljata po razglednicah različnih krajev sveta. Figuri sta realizirani na enostaven risarski način, s kombiniranjem nekoliko različnih poz. Video je parodija na glabalizacijo in sodobno manijo, da se turistične destinacije predstavijo kot trofeje.
Tanja Lažetić - The Wrong Place (00:00:52)
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2006
Avtorica na svoji poti z vlakom iz Ljubljane v Firence na brezimni železniški postaji zabeleži hipni prizor interakcije mladega para. Njun pogovor, ki ga gledalec ne sliši, nakazuje veliko mero pozitivne energije med osrediščenima protagonistoma. Nato avtorica s hitrim razsrediščenjem v kader zajame širši prostor glasnega in neosebnega javnega prostora, v katerem se prizor odvija.
Production: Tanja Lažetić, 2006
Avtorica na svoji poti z vlakom iz Ljubljane v Firence na brezimni železniški postaji zabeleži hipni prizor interakcije mladega para. Njun pogovor, ki ga gledalec ne sliši, nakazuje veliko mero pozitivne energije med osrediščenima protagonistoma. Nato avtorica s hitrim razsrediščenjem v kader zajame širši prostor glasnega in neosebnega javnega prostora, v katerem se prizor odvija.
Ana Čigon, Brina Torkar - Ulikses / Ulysses (0:24:00)
Production: Ana Čigon, Brina Torkar, 2005
Ulysses is a visual documentary, a video film about Dublin, where the authors went for a student exchange. The video paints different sides of this city and Ireland. It is composed from different parts each dealing with different aspects of Dublin following the chapters of Lonely planet tour guides. The whole of this alternative, personal guide consists of shorts scenes, following each other in different intervals and building a visual story.
Production: Ana Čigon, Brina Torkar, 2005
Ulysses is a visual documentary, a video film about Dublin, where the authors went for a student exchange. The video paints different sides of this city and Ireland. It is composed from different parts each dealing with different aspects of Dublin following the chapters of Lonely planet tour guides. The whole of this alternative, personal guide consists of shorts scenes, following each other in different intervals and building a visual story.
Brane Zorman, Irena Pivka - Zone Tourism (00:12:52)
Production: Maska, Cona, 2006
Serija izjav "turističnih" delavcev, ki svojim strankam - ilegalnim pribežnikom pomagajo prečkati meje Trdnjave Evrope. Vsebina dokumentarnega video dela predstavlja drugo plat medijske zgodbe, ki ponavadi portretira delo z ilegalnimi pribežniki kot popolnoma ne etično in kriminalno dejavnost. V množične medije tovrstne zgodbe - kot pravi eden od turističnih delavcev - pridejo samo takrat, ko se zgodi tragedija, ne predstavljajo pa pribežniškega vsakdana, ki ga producira politika šengenske meje. Vi...
Production: Maska, Cona, 2006
Serija izjav "turističnih" delavcev, ki svojim strankam - ilegalnim pribežnikom pomagajo prečkati meje Trdnjave Evrope. Vsebina dokumentarnega video dela predstavlja drugo plat medijske zgodbe, ki ponavadi portretira delo z ilegalnimi pribežniki kot popolnoma ne etično in kriminalno dejavnost. V množične medije tovrstne zgodbe - kot pravi eden od turističnih delavcev - pridejo samo takrat, ko se zgodi tragedija, ne predstavljajo pa pribežniškega vsakdana, ki ga producira politika šengenske meje. Vi...
Dejan Habicht - 12 Boring Poems (01:21:19)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2013
The 12 Boring Poems are visual materials, stacked into shorter narrative structures. They issued successively in electronic form, from January to December 2007. They were available free of charge one by one on the last week of the month on e-mail addresses registered to the P74 Gallery's e-list. At the exhibition Line Stroke the Letter (Vžigalica Gallery, Ljubljana, 5.9.-28.10.2013), the author presented how 'bright' the visual poems are today.
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2013
The 12 Boring Poems are visual materials, stacked into shorter narrative structures. They issued successively in electronic form, from January to December 2007. They were available free of charge one by one on the last week of the month on e-mail addresses registered to the P74 Gallery's e-list. At the exhibition Line Stroke the Letter (Vžigalica Gallery, Ljubljana, 5.9.-28.10.2013), the author presented how 'bright' the visual poems are today.
KOLEKTIVA, Vesna Bukovec, Lada Cerar - Special place in the city – Nottingham (00:20:38)
Production: Kolektiva, 2004
The video is the first in a series of projects that have been produced since 2004 within the framework of the KOLEKTIVA's psycho-geographical platform 'Special Place in the City'. The video was recorded at the artist residency in Nottingham. Local artists and passers-by were asked about their special places, locations and feelings that they bring out in them. The artists follows with the camera individuals on the street to their locations and records their stories. The video contains eight di...
Production: Kolektiva, 2004
The video is the first in a series of projects that have been produced since 2004 within the framework of the KOLEKTIVA's psycho-geographical platform 'Special Place in the City'. The video was recorded at the artist residency in Nottingham. Local artists and passers-by were asked about their special places, locations and feelings that they bring out in them. The artists follows with the camera individuals on the street to their locations and records their stories. The video contains eight di...
KOLEKTIVA, Vesna Bukovec, Lada Cerar, Metka Zupanič - Special place in the city – Graz (00:38:21)
Production: Kolektiva, 2006
The video belongs to a series of projects that have been produced since 2004 in the context of the KOLEKTIVA's psycho-geographical Platform 'Special Place in the City'. The authors recorded the video at an artistic residence in Graz. Local artists and their friends were asked about their special spaces, locations and feelings that they bring out in them. The video contains nine different stories. Each story consists of two parallel frames, one showing the person in his/her special place, the other in the sp...
Production: Kolektiva, 2006
The video belongs to a series of projects that have been produced since 2004 in the context of the KOLEKTIVA's psycho-geographical Platform 'Special Place in the City'. The authors recorded the video at an artistic residence in Graz. Local artists and their friends were asked about their special spaces, locations and feelings that they bring out in them. The video contains nine different stories. Each story consists of two parallel frames, one showing the person in his/her special place, the other in the sp...
KOLEKTIVA, Vesna Bukovec, Lada Cerar, Metka Zupanič - Special place in the city – Ljubljana (00:40:29)
Production: Kolektiva, 2007
The video belongs to a series of projects that have been produced since 2004 in the context of the KOLEKTIVA's psycho-geographical Platform 'Special Place in the City'. The authors recorded the video at their home city Ljubljana. They asked their friends and family about their special spaces and feelings that triggered them. The video contains six different stories and spaces (a videoteque, a bench near Ljubljanica river, AKC Metelkova, Šumi building, used cars trade place, a private plot)....
Production: Kolektiva, 2007
The video belongs to a series of projects that have been produced since 2004 in the context of the KOLEKTIVA's psycho-geographical Platform 'Special Place in the City'. The authors recorded the video at their home city Ljubljana. They asked their friends and family about their special spaces and feelings that triggered them. The video contains six different stories and spaces (a videoteque, a bench near Ljubljanica river, AKC Metelkova, Šumi building, used cars trade place, a private plot)....
Neža Knez - The story of a son who reversed the time when he turned upside down (03:00)
Production: Neža Knez, 2021
I found in front of my building old slides and a sun mirror for looking at the pictures.So, I made the story of a son who reversed the time when he turned upside down. (Source: Neža Knez)
Production: Neža Knez, 2021
I found in front of my building old slides and a sun mirror for looking at the pictures.So, I made the story of a son who reversed the time when he turned upside down. (Source: Neža Knez)