Andrej Lupinc - Odvrženi (00:42:42)
Subtitle: Adaptacija gledališke igre Roberto Zucco
Production: TV Slovenija, 1997
The story of a tourist who gets lost in a South American metropolis. He wanders into a dangerous suburb, where he meets a strange family and Roberto Zucco - the adventurer, poet and murderer.
DIVA crime
8 results in works
Marko A. Kovačič - American Dream (00:06:43)
Production: Brut film, 1986
An ambivalent deconstruction of fantasies about the promised land and faith in art, which is carried out through the stereotypical game of infinite hide-and-seek. It is a dialectic confrontation of the certain heroics of the regime that operated by prohibitions and its own detachment from the people, with the proclamation of a rapprochement with Western systems of liberal capitalism. (Source: DIVA)
Production: Brut film, 1986
An ambivalent deconstruction of fantasies about the promised land and faith in art, which is carried out through the stereotypical game of infinite hide-and-seek. It is a dialectic confrontation of the certain heroics of the regime that operated by prohibitions and its own detachment from the people, with the proclamation of a rapprochement with Western systems of liberal capitalism. (Source: DIVA)
Evelin Stermitz - Concentration Camp of Ljubelj (0:14:33)
Production: 2004
At a cruel place, one woman moves; determined with pain, fears and depression but also with hope for a way out. The dancer is standing for the painful feeling of women in concentration camps, but also for physic and psychic discrimination of women in general. Actually this place is more imaginary and not bound to the real place as it could be any place where women suffer from cruelty and hopelessness, so it could be any woman who suffers from violence. The sense of feeling and moving is transferred into a c...
Production: 2004
At a cruel place, one woman moves; determined with pain, fears and depression but also with hope for a way out. The dancer is standing for the painful feeling of women in concentration camps, but also for physic and psychic discrimination of women in general. Actually this place is more imaginary and not bound to the real place as it could be any place where women suffer from cruelty and hopelessness, so it could be any woman who suffers from violence. The sense of feeling and moving is transferred into a c...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Mother for Dinner (00:12:12)
Production: Koprodukcija: Maribor, 2012
Družinsko srečanje z obedom. Na prvi pogled zgleda kot povsem normalen obisk šestih hčera pri njihovi mami. Vendar pa imajo ženske blasfemičen načrt. Da bi ostale za večno mlade, bodo žrtvovale svojo mamo v mešanici šamanističnega rituala s popularnimi znanstvenimi izsledki na področju raziskovanja in delovanja DNK. Hčerke izvedejo sodobni okultistični ritual. Zgodba temelji na slovenski pripovedi o delovanju čarovnic iz 16. stoletja.
Production: Koprodukcija: Maribor, 2012
Družinsko srečanje z obedom. Na prvi pogled zgleda kot povsem normalen obisk šestih hčera pri njihovi mami. Vendar pa imajo ženske blasfemičen načrt. Da bi ostale za večno mlade, bodo žrtvovale svojo mamo v mešanici šamanističnega rituala s popularnimi znanstvenimi izsledki na področju raziskovanja in delovanja DNK. Hčerke izvedejo sodobni okultistični ritual. Zgodba temelji na slovenski pripovedi o delovanju čarovnic iz 16. stoletja.
Toni Poljanec - Bitter Smile (00:34:10)
Production: Hupa Brajdič produkcija, 2010
Through a parody story and personal confessions video shows life in prison and represents the thoughts of prisoners about time, freedom, crime, punishment and reintegration into society. The story originated from a film workshop with thirteen prisoners in Dob prison. (Source: Toni Poljanec)
Production: Hupa Brajdič produkcija, 2010
Through a parody story and personal confessions video shows life in prison and represents the thoughts of prisoners about time, freedom, crime, punishment and reintegration into society. The story originated from a film workshop with thirteen prisoners in Dob prison. (Source: Toni Poljanec)
Vesna Bukovec - Kaj je nevarnost? (02:00)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
Kako govoriti o nevarnosti v neslavnem letu 2020? Kratek vizualni dnevnik različnih nevarnosti od pandemije koronavirusa do izkoriščanja, nasilja, podnebnih sprememb in lažnih novic.Video je nastal na povabilo FemLink-Art, za mednarodni video kolaž na temo nevarnosti: Danger. (Vir: avtorica)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
Kako govoriti o nevarnosti v neslavnem letu 2020? Kratek vizualni dnevnik različnih nevarnosti od pandemije koronavirusa do izkoriščanja, nasilja, podnebnih sprememb in lažnih novic.Video je nastal na povabilo FemLink-Art, za mednarodni video kolaž na temo nevarnosti: Danger. (Vir: avtorica)
Vesna Bukovec - What is danger? (02:00)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
How to speak about danger in the infamous year 2020 ? A short and intensive visual diary of the many dangers ranging from coronavirus pandemic to exploitation, violence, climate change and fake news.The video was made by invitation to participate in the FemLink-Art‘s international video collage on the topic of Danger. (Source: author)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
How to speak about danger in the infamous year 2020 ? A short and intensive visual diary of the many dangers ranging from coronavirus pandemic to exploitation, violence, climate change and fake news.The video was made by invitation to participate in the FemLink-Art‘s international video collage on the topic of Danger. (Source: author)