Zmago Lenardič - Fireworks (00:10:10)
Production: Zmago Lenardič, 2006
Video documentation of an installation presented in the exhibition Liquid Space II in 2006, shot with a static camera positioned in front of the work. A series of blinking red-light spots that switch on and off one after the other creates a rhythmic correspondence between the light and the music. The light seems challenging the perceptive faculties of the viewer by drawing a visual interpretation of Bach's Kleine Preludien and at the same time evoking the mechanism of a piano key. The spot reflections and t...
DIVA sound
47 results in works
Sašo Podgoršek - Valentina (00:03:54, 00:04:02)
Production: 1996
Music video for the song Valentina, performed by band Komputer.
Production: 1996
Music video for the song Valentina, performed by band Komputer.
Sašo Podgoršek - Adaggio (00:05:36)
Production: 1997
Mucis video for the song Adaggio by Slovenian group Enzo Fabiani quartet.
Production: 1997
Mucis video for the song Adaggio by Slovenian group Enzo Fabiani quartet.
Oliver Marčeta - Avantgarde film (00:05:18)
Računalniško producirane črte - vertikalne in horizontalne, sinhrono z glasbo prekrivajo površino ekrana. Glasba spominja na odrezavo pihanje vetra, ki je silovito in se stopnjuje, črte pa se z njo redčijo in gostijo - ekspresivno.
Računalniško producirane črte - vertikalne in horizontalne, sinhrono z glasbo prekrivajo površino ekrana. Glasba spominja na odrezavo pihanje vetra, ki je silovito in se stopnjuje, črte pa se z njo redčijo in gostijo - ekspresivno.
Apolonija Šušteršič - Entrance de Singel (0:05:50)
Production: 1997
Javni plesni performans, izveden na lokaciji Vlaams cultureel centrum de Singel v Antwerpnu, Belgiji. Posnetki vstopanja v zgradbo in dogajanja pri notranjih vhodnih vratih kulturnega centra. Kamera je statična, posnetki so režirani in zmontirani - gre za plesni performans med vrati. Site specific zvočna intervencija.
Production: 1997
Javni plesni performans, izveden na lokaciji Vlaams cultureel centrum de Singel v Antwerpnu, Belgiji. Posnetki vstopanja v zgradbo in dogajanja pri notranjih vhodnih vratih kulturnega centra. Kamera je statična, posnetki so režirani in zmontirani - gre za plesni performans med vrati. Site specific zvočna intervencija.
Apolonija Šušteršič - Studio 016 (0:02:11)
Production: 1995
Zvočna intervencija v prostorih Rijksakademie van beeldene kunsten Amsterdam. Video prikazuje posnetke postopnega vstopanja v svetli prostor, snemanje tal ob hoji, snemanje obiskovalcev, ki poslušajo instalacijo na slušalke. Kamera je statična, na trenutke tudi premična. Na koncu videa se prostor postopoma izprazni. Zvočna kulisa, ki opremlja posnetek, je sestavljena iz korakov in hrupa obiskovalcev.
Production: 1995
Zvočna intervencija v prostorih Rijksakademie van beeldene kunsten Amsterdam. Video prikazuje posnetke postopnega vstopanja v svetli prostor, snemanje tal ob hoji, snemanje obiskovalcev, ki poslušajo instalacijo na slušalke. Kamera je statična, na trenutke tudi premična. Na koncu videa se prostor postopoma izprazni. Zvočna kulisa, ki opremlja posnetek, je sestavljena iz korakov in hrupa obiskovalcev.
Miha Vipotnik - Videogram 4 (28:22)
Production: RTV Ljubljana, 1976/79
Video is a final result of performative events conducted at TV studio, which were recorded by the author with five cameras. The study of the limits of video, using painting and performative elements, achieves an effect of an innovative and unique visual and sonic experience by exploring image and sound. (DIVA)
Production: RTV Ljubljana, 1976/79
Video is a final result of performative events conducted at TV studio, which were recorded by the author with five cameras. The study of the limits of video, using painting and performative elements, achieves an effect of an innovative and unique visual and sonic experience by exploring image and sound. (DIVA)
Apolonija Šušteršič - Perspectives emouvantes (0:03:39)
Subtitle: MTV for La Tourette
Production: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam, 1996
This is a compilation of four short video films, made in the La Tourette Dominican monastery near Lyon, which was constructed in the early sixties according to the plans of Le Corbusier and with the participation of mathematician, musician, and composer Iannis Xenakis. Through the clearly visible car window, which eliminates the simulation of the viewer's direct contact with the landscape in motion, we see a series of serene passing scenes of the countryside. The only disturbance in this idyll is t...
Subtitle: MTV for La Tourette
Production: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam, 1996
This is a compilation of four short video films, made in the La Tourette Dominican monastery near Lyon, which was constructed in the early sixties according to the plans of Le Corbusier and with the participation of mathematician, musician, and composer Iannis Xenakis. Through the clearly visible car window, which eliminates the simulation of the viewer's direct contact with the landscape in motion, we see a series of serene passing scenes of the countryside. The only disturbance in this idyll is t...
Duba Sambolec - Tour de Place (13:00)
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2001
Video is a performance carried out by one of the artists in front of and the other behind the camera. Pernilla Edholm guides Duba Sambolec and consequentially the viewer around an empty space and together they explore it in an ironic manner. Edholm establishes a character of a guide/sales agent, who conceptualizes the space and searches for meanings and contents that aren't there. Artists return once more to an unaltered space and end the video in the street in front of the building. Video is filmed with a...
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2001
Video is a performance carried out by one of the artists in front of and the other behind the camera. Pernilla Edholm guides Duba Sambolec and consequentially the viewer around an empty space and together they explore it in an ironic manner. Edholm establishes a character of a guide/sales agent, who conceptualizes the space and searches for meanings and contents that aren't there. Artists return once more to an unaltered space and end the video in the street in front of the building. Video is filmed with a...
Marijan Osole - Max - Morte ai sciavi (0:16:28)
Production: ŠKD Forum, Škuc, 1983
Music video is a montage of Laibach concerts in 1982 and 1983 combined with shots played on TV screen and scenes from a video Documents of Oppression. Video is characterized by a specific dark atmosphere. It was made by Škuc-Forum production.
Production: ŠKD Forum, Škuc, 1983
Music video is a montage of Laibach concerts in 1982 and 1983 combined with shots played on TV screen and scenes from a video Documents of Oppression. Video is characterized by a specific dark atmosphere. It was made by Škuc-Forum production.