Vuk Ćosić - Deep ASCII (01:00:05)
Production: 1998
The ASCII conversion of the famous porno film Deep Throat.The author reduces volume of the image to a combination of black and green with various symbols. He is interested about durability of data, but also posses a more complex question about the transfer of information. Video Deep ASCII plays with the limit where information disappears.
DIVA computer graphics
39 results in works
Production: Projekt Atol, A Team of Three Production, Aster, 1994
Računalniška video animacija v živo je bila zamišljena kot gledališka igra brez igralcev v kibernetičnem prostoru. S podobno idejo je Vasilij Kandinski leta 1928 na podlagi skladbe Modesta Mussorgskega Slike z rastave (Bilder einer Ausstellung) zasnoval programsko gledališko predstavo, ki je bila docela sestavljena iz mehaniziranih slik in objektov brez igralcev. Video animacija je bila pripravljena, modelirana in rendrirana s pomočjo programa, ki so ga posebej napisali z oro...
Production: Projekt Atol, A Team of Three Production, Aster, 1994
Računalniška video animacija v živo je bila zamišljena kot gledališka igra brez igralcev v kibernetičnem prostoru. S podobno idejo je Vasilij Kandinski leta 1928 na podlagi skladbe Modesta Mussorgskega Slike z rastave (Bilder einer Ausstellung) zasnoval programsko gledališko predstavo, ki je bila docela sestavljena iz mehaniziranih slik in objektov brez igralcev. Video animacija je bila pripravljena, modelirana in rendrirana s pomočjo programa, ki so ga posebej napisali z oro...
Media Teror, Rok Sieberer Kuri - Media Teror Chroma Quart Mix (mix II.) (00:03:39)
Production: Media Teror, 1998
Fast changing images of a city, TV recordings, nature and objects inside nature, which are completed with art forms by different editing techniques. Dynamic hand held camera shots are processed with overlaps and chroma key effect. The content is hidden in the gaps: in the symbolic forms and association leaps in the selection of the shots, atmospheres and surroundings. Synchronous image and sound make the work resemble a music video.
Production: Media Teror, 1998
Fast changing images of a city, TV recordings, nature and objects inside nature, which are completed with art forms by different editing techniques. Dynamic hand held camera shots are processed with overlaps and chroma key effect. The content is hidden in the gaps: in the symbolic forms and association leaps in the selection of the shots, atmospheres and surroundings. Synchronous image and sound make the work resemble a music video.
Media Teror, Rok Sieberer Kuri - Media Teror Croma Quart Mix (mix III.) (00:06:44)
Production: Media Teror, 1998
Hitro menjujoče podobe mesta, televizijskih posnetkov, narave in objektov v naravi, ki jih z različnimi montažnimi tehnikami dopolnjujejo likovne forme. Gre za prekrivanje in croma key, posnetki kamere so večinoma iz roke in so dinamični, izgleda da gre za naključno lovljenje materiala. Vsebina je skrita v vrzelih: simbolnih formah in asociacijskih preskokih izbire posnetkov, ambientov in okolja. Gmote posnetkov prehajajo in se kopičijo - prekrivanje v izbranih kompozicijah, ki so zelo likovne. Na vi...
Production: Media Teror, 1998
Hitro menjujoče podobe mesta, televizijskih posnetkov, narave in objektov v naravi, ki jih z različnimi montažnimi tehnikami dopolnjujejo likovne forme. Gre za prekrivanje in croma key, posnetki kamere so večinoma iz roke in so dinamični, izgleda da gre za naključno lovljenje materiala. Vsebina je skrita v vrzelih: simbolnih formah in asociacijskih preskokih izbire posnetkov, ambientov in okolja. Gmote posnetkov prehajajo in se kopičijo - prekrivanje v izbranih kompozicijah, ki so zelo likovne. Na vi...
Marko Peljhan - RSS Atol - Projection (00:58:03)
Production: Projekt Atol, 1993
The video works for EGORHYTHMS and ATOL were conceived as the integral part of these projects. They were thought of as pictures from the inner screens of actors, rhythmical images, which interplay with alchemical symbols and abstract visualisations of communication lines. For theL Egorhythm III video, the main motive is Slovene poet Srečko Kosovel's poem Kons 5, and the rss ATOL - projection ends with a photo sequence of Serbian policeman executioning a Muslim inhabitant of the town of Brčko during t...
Production: Projekt Atol, 1993
The video works for EGORHYTHMS and ATOL were conceived as the integral part of these projects. They were thought of as pictures from the inner screens of actors, rhythmical images, which interplay with alchemical symbols and abstract visualisations of communication lines. For theL Egorhythm III video, the main motive is Slovene poet Srečko Kosovel's poem Kons 5, and the rss ATOL - projection ends with a photo sequence of Serbian policeman executioning a Muslim inhabitant of the town of Brčko during t...
Marko Peljhan - Egoritem I, II, III / Egorhythm I, II, III (0:30:13)
Production: 1993
Three Egorhythms, rhythm and scene structures were the material for Peljhan's final production of the Project Atol, the first project by which he began to transfer his activities from theater to the expanded sphere of contemporary art. NOTE: On the artist's request, the full video is not published on-line; it is kept and on view only in the DIVA Station Mediatheque at Metelkova 6, Ljubljana.
Production: 1993
Three Egorhythms, rhythm and scene structures were the material for Peljhan's final production of the Project Atol, the first project by which he began to transfer his activities from theater to the expanded sphere of contemporary art. NOTE: On the artist's request, the full video is not published on-line; it is kept and on view only in the DIVA Station Mediatheque at Metelkova 6, Ljubljana.
Rok Sieberer Kuri - Dobrodošli (00:06:36)
Production: Media Teror, Forum Ljubljana, 1996
Welcome is a short experimental video film which combines computer graphics and video image. The resulting new picture produces a new and different vision and meaning. The product of metamorphosis leaves the viewer with his/her own understanding of the work. (VD)
Production: Media Teror, Forum Ljubljana, 1996
Welcome is a short experimental video film which combines computer graphics and video image. The resulting new picture produces a new and different vision and meaning. The product of metamorphosis leaves the viewer with his/her own understanding of the work. (VD)
Rok Sieberer Kuri - Chroma Quart Mix I (00:34:15)
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, 1997
The video collage has a firm structure defined in the scenario. Several videos with different basic messages, accompanied by wild and loud music, are combined into a peculiar, but unique story (A Bomb at Noon, Welcome, Chroma Qart Mix, Vivisection).
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, 1997
The video collage has a firm structure defined in the scenario. Several videos with different basic messages, accompanied by wild and loud music, are combined into a peculiar, but unique story (A Bomb at Noon, Welcome, Chroma Qart Mix, Vivisection).
Rok Sieberer Kuri - Technotime (00:30:11)
Production: Media Teror, 1999
Video is playing with abstract forms of coloured masses dancing on the screen and changing shapes. The artist uses found footages from television news reports that he digitally manipulated, he typically uses fast changes of scenes and fast rhythm of video editing.
Production: Media Teror, 1999
Video is playing with abstract forms of coloured masses dancing on the screen and changing shapes. The artist uses found footages from television news reports that he digitally manipulated, he typically uses fast changes of scenes and fast rhythm of video editing.
Oliver Marčeta - Zelenjavna mavrica (00:03:06)
Polž iz plastelina, ki lovi svoj rep, drsi po površini ekrana, kjer se pojavijo tudi krogljice, ki spominjajo na zvezde. V središču pozornosti je njegova hiška, ki jo osvetljujejo različne barve. Video pogosto funkcionira kot abstraktna slika. Barvni in svetlobni kontrast je zelo močan in ustvarja psihedelično vzdušje.
Polž iz plastelina, ki lovi svoj rep, drsi po površini ekrana, kjer se pojavijo tudi krogljice, ki spominjajo na zvezde. V središču pozornosti je njegova hiška, ki jo osvetljujejo različne barve. Video pogosto funkcionira kot abstraktna slika. Barvni in svetlobni kontrast je zelo močan in ustvarja psihedelično vzdušje.